英语人>词典>汉英 : 数字资料 的英文翻译,例句
数字资料 的英文翻译、例句


numeric data
更多网络例句与数字资料相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The literatures of BIP's application that goes public is very limited because of the patent right. And the most classic application is water level. Based on the team's research of water level, the paper applys this technology to long distance visual micrometer.


A fundamental problem in the introduction of such digital archiving technology is the lack of widespread ability to review studies electronically (most facilities are equipped only with cine film projectors). In 1995, a joint ACC/NEMA committee established the DICOM 3.0 standard for the transport of digitally archived angiographic studies.


Based on VHZ data recorded by 7 stations of China digital seismograph network for Nov. 14, 2001, earthquake in the west of the Kunlun mountain pass, we extracted spherical mode of 0S4-0S76 of the earth free oscillation using power spectral density estimation. Because the frequency response of seismograph in China digital seismograph network suppress information of solid tide, we do not need to remove the solid tide in our procession.


In regard to the requirement of the Mobile Digital Library, this article implements a content management system based on the mobile technology - The Mobile Digital Library Content Management System.


In regard to the requirement of the Mobile Digital Library, this article implements a content management system based on the mobile technology - The Mobile Digital Library Content Management System.The main research content and the characteristics of system are as follows:The paper studies the concepts, development and applications of Content Management.


But how interrelated between the simulant materials and digital materials.


This test is the contrast and research on A and magnitude with simulant and digital materials of QiongZhong seismal Monitoring station and materials that State Bureau′s digital networks feedbacks.


The invention discloses a digital good transaction system and the method. It mainly carries on coding process to at least one digital good in a content downloading center into a coded digital good, and the coded digital good will be transmitted to at least one content downloading station with real memory transmission path, when the consumer selects a digital good, the user can uses a content downloading card into a content downloading station, uses a reality transmission path to store the digital good to be purchased, and uses a network transmission wire to connect the content downloading center, the center incriminates the card number in order to generate a card number decoding data, and download the decoding data into a content downloading card, when the consumer want toe buy a digital good, the content can be downloaded into a content card reader, and the reader incriminate the card number to reduces the decoded data and the digital good, in order to generate the digital good which can be read and used.


This graduation project main research numeral electron compass azimuth computational method, as well as produces from this the digital demonstration question, subsequently realizes the entire digital electron compass system.


The paper indroduces the experience of sorting out geological data at present in the field of management of code bank,the sorting of paper carrier geological data and the use of digital data bank etc.


更多网络解释与数字资料相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

data digital audio tape:数据数字声频带;DAT磁带

资料欺骗 data diddling | 数据数字声频带;DAT磁带 data digital audio tape | 数据数字处置 data digital handling

digital data:数字资料;数字数据

digital data transmission 数字数据传输 | digital data 数字资料;数字数据 | digital densitometer 数字式密度计

electronic data interchange:电子资料交换

以前多将电子签章称为数字签章(digital signa2⑩ 电子资料交换(electronic data interchange)是指从事交易的各相关主体之间以电脑与电脑之间的直接连线或透

fact sheet:资料(数字或其他材料)

Executive President 执行总裁 | Fact Sheet资料(数字或其他材料) | FAQ 常见问题问答

digital globe:数字地球

h)和"数字地球"(Digital Globe)这样的商业卫星图片公司不仅为研究者提供了先进的技术条件,而且为研究者印证和鉴别所获得的资料和数据提供的参考,所以,下文中有关美国核力量部署的位置和数据是经过专业人士严格而且客观的研究而得出的非常精确的统计结果,

Digital Image Processing:数字图象处理

有这种想法的另一个原因是:数字图象处理(Digital Image Processing)技术是一门非常实用的技术. PhotoShop的核心就是图象处理技术. 而目前有关这方面的资料太少了,已有的书不是内容太陈旧(还停留在DOS下的CGA,EGA甚至汇编编程阶段),就是理论性太强,

numerical data base:数字数据库

numerical data 数字资料 | numerical data base 数字数据库 | numerical data processing 数据处理


经反射(reflection)和后向散射(backscatter)返回的电磁波被雷达接收.接收后的信号经过数字化处理变成数字资料(digital data),这些数字资料包含着被探测点的斜率(slope)和粗糙度(roughness)信息.每个探测点的数据代表一个像素(pixel=picture element),

digitalize:[将资料] 数位化

digitalism /洋地黄中毒/毛地黄中毒/ | digitalize /[将资料] 数位化/ | digitalizer /数字变换器/数字化装置/数字器/

I was reviewing your data. You've been postdating your Friday numbers:我刚看过你的资料 你一直填迟你周五数字的日期

-Come on in. -You wanted to s... | I was reviewing your data. You've been postdating your Friday numbers.|我刚看过你的资料 你一直填迟你周五数字的日期 | -Which is bad, because...? -lt throws my WENUS ou...