英语人>词典>汉英 : 数字字符 的英文翻译,例句
数字字符 的英文翻译、例句


numeric character
更多网络例句与数字字符相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Finds each numeric character and then each alphabetic character.


The system frame and workflow of our LPR System are introduced. Some problems and two of our proposed character recognition methods, i.e. method based on PCA-LSM for limited Chinese character recognition and method based on structural feature analysis for alphabetic and digital character recognition, are addressed in full details.


This is a lexicographic range, so you are not restricted to using just alphanumeric characters.


The passwords contain between 4 and 100 characters made up from any combination of alphanumeric characters and non-alphanumeric symbols.


A number-only Edit Control can have non-numeric characters in it.


According to analyzing the features of annotation of spot elevation,this paper gives a method of identifying elevation annotation of a scanned topographic map and discusses the principle of the method,including separating character series on the basis of morphologic translating and cutting apart single character on the basis of vertical projecting .


Through carries on the Hough transformation after the license plate outline, with one kind of new K average value algorithm fits the edge straight line, obtains the straight line angle of tilt then to carry on the adjustment to the image; Uses one kind of fast pattern plate match union vertical and the horizontal axis projection carries on the division to name board various characters, raised the character division speed and the precision; Finally separately carries on the recognition to the alphanumeric character and the Chinese character character, the alphanumeric character uses the BP neural network algorithm, but the Chinese character character uses based on the most close neighbor sorter template matching algorithm.


On the license location,the projection was used to locate the license plate; On the characters segmentation, the liminal rule was used to divide the characters; In order to solve the problem of the digital characters recognition in the plate, BP nerve network was used to recognize the digital characters.


On the license location,the projection was used to locate the license plate; On the characters segmentation, the liminal rule was used to divide the characters; In order to solve the problem of the digital characters recognition in the plate, BP nerve network was used to recognize the digital characters.


On the license location,theprojection was used to locate the license plate; On the characterssegmentation, the liminal rule was used to divide the characters;In order to solve the problem of the digital characters recognitionin the plate, BP nerve network was used to recognize the digitalcharacters.


更多网络解释与数字字符相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

alphanumeric character:字母数字字元/文数字元 字母数字字符

视窗 窗口 windows | 字母数字字元/文数字元 字母数字字符 alphanumeric character | 扩充卡/结合器 转接器 适配器 adapter

alphanumeric printer:中文:字母-数字印刷机

中文:字母数字字符alphanumeric character | 中文:字母-数字印刷机alphanumeric printer | 中文:字母数字显示设备alphanumeric display device

Binary Digit Characters:二进制数字字符

Binary Counter 二进计数器 | Binary Digit Characters 二进制数字字符 | Binary Digit, bit 二进制数位

alphanumeric character set:中文:字母数字字符集

中文:字母数字字符子集alphanumeric character subset | 中文:字母数字字符集alphanumeric character set | 中文:字母数字字符alphanumeric character

Numeric SPace character:数字间隔字符

数值排序,数位分类 numeric sorting | 数字间隔字符 numeric space character | 数字字符串 numeric string

least significant digit or character:最低有效数字或字符

最低有效差别 least significant difference,LSD | 最低有效数字或字符 least significant digit or character | 最低有效数字 least significant digit,LSD

non-numeric character:非数字字符

non-null class 非空类 | non-numeric character 非数字字符 | non-numeric literal 非数字文字

non-numeric literal:非数字文字

non-numeric character 非数字字符 | non-numeric literal 非数字文字 | non-numeric operation 非数字操作


例如如下的规则就描述了C语言中的赋值语句的语法:其意义是:数字(NUM)的第一字符是'1'到'9'中的一个字符,后面是0个或多个'0'到'9'之间的字符. 构建(build)由ANTLR生成的C 程序需要一个运行库的支持. 该运行库的源代码也是完全开放的,

shunned character number:避开的字符数字

shunned character 避开的字符 | shunned character number 避开的字符数字 | shut down 停机