英语人>词典>汉英 : 数字串 的英文翻译,例句
数字串 的英文翻译、例句


numeric string
更多网络例句与数字串相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is a string of alarming figures.


4Write a regular expression that will return the decimal part of a numeric string.


In this paper, the jitter performance of high-speed digital serial communication based on electronic signal is investigated.


At the same time, to counter the problem that traditional coding method of genetic algorithm is difficult to design for this model, conventional genetic algorithm is modified by extending encoding method form digital string to matrix and defining corresponding genetic operator operation, this make encoding clear and understanding easy.


They include two steps which switch the numeral pronounce to strokes and stroke to characters for strokes input method, and include a numerical keyboard to alphabet and number.


Under this assumption, all aspect of jitter, from phenomena to inbeing, have been discussed in this paper.


The =/.../g syntax decomposes the string of digits into a list of strings, each three digits long.


MAX1999EEI Pinout: 8- to 32-bit and 16- to 32-bit word packing options Programmable wait state options: 2 to 31 CCLK Digital audio interface includes six serial ports, two pre- cision clock generators, an input data port, three programmable timers and a signal routing unit Serial ports provide: Six dual data line serial ports that operate at up to 50 Mbits/s for a 200 MHz core on each data line each has a clock, frame sync, and two data lines that can be configured as either a receiver or transmitter pair Left-justified sample pair and I2S support, programmable direction for up to 24 simultaneous receive or transmit channels using two I2S compatible stereo devices per serial port TDM support for telecommunications interfaces including 128 TDM channel support for telephony interfaces such as H.100/H.110 Up to 12 TDM stream support, each with 128 channels per frame Companding selection on a per channel basis in TDM mode Input data port provides an additional input path to the DSP core configurable as either eight channels of I2S or serial data or as seven channels plus a single 20-bit wide syn- chronous parallel data acquisition port Supports receive audio channel data in I2S, left-justified sample pair, or right-justified mode Signal routing unit provides configurable and flexible connections between all DAI components, six serial ports, an input data port, two precision clock generators, three timers, 10 interrupts, six flag inputs, six flag outputs, and 20 SRU I/O pins Serial peripheral interface Master or slave serial boot through SPI Full-duplex operation Master-slave mode multimaster support Open drain outputs Programmable baud rates, clock polarities, and phases 3 Muxed Flag/IRQ lines 1 Muxed Flag/Timer expired line ROM based security features: JTAG access to memory permitted with a 64-bit key Protected memory regions that can be assigned to limit access under program control to sensitive code PLL has a wide variety of software and hardware multi- plier/divider ratios JTAG background telemetry for enhanced emulation features IEEE 1149.1 JTAG standard test access port and on-chip emulation Dual voltage: 3.3 V I/O, 1.2 V core Available in 136-ball BGA and 144-lead LQFP packages Lead free packages are also available

MAX1999EEI引脚说明: 8 - 32位和16 - 32位字包装选择可编程等待状态的选择:2至31个CCLK数字音频接口包括6个串行端口,两个前643时钟发生器,输入数据端口, 3可编程定时器和一个信号路由单元串行端口提供:六双串口数据线,在高达50 Mbps的操作/为200兆赫的每个数据行每个人都有一个时钟,帧同步的核心秒,和两个数据可以作为任何一个接收器或发射器对左对齐和I2S配对样本的支持下,最多可同时接收或传送24个频道,每使用两个系列的I2S兼容立体声设备配置可编程方向线;港口的TDM通信接口,包括支持128个电话接口的TDM的渠道,如H.100/H.110支持多达12个的TDM流的支持下,每帧128个频道每个压缩扩展每通道的基础上选择在TDM模式输入数据端口提供了一个额外的输入路径的DSP核心配置为I2S或串行数据或7加一个20位宽的SYN -异步的并行数据采集接口通道或8通道;支持接收通道I2S音频数据,左对齐样本对,或右对齐模式信号路由单元组件之间提供所有戴配置和灵活的连接,6个串行端口,一个输入数据端口,两个精密时钟发生器,3个定时器,10个中断,六旗投入,产出6个旗,20曼谷南南区域股的I / O管脚串行外设接口的硕士或奴隶通过SPI串行启动全双工运作主从模式多主机支持开漏输出可编程波特率,时钟极性和第三期合并调制旗/ IRQ线路1合并调制旗/定时器过期线光盘的防伪特征:JTAG的访问与64位受保护的关键允许内存内存可分配给程序访问控制的限制下对敏感地区有一个代码锁相环/遥测分比率为背景的JTAG仿真功能增强的IEEE 1149.1 JTAG标准测试访问端口的软件和硬件多钳各种各样和片上仿真双电压:3.3六/输出,可在1.2 V核心136球BGA封装和144引脚LQFP封装无铅封装,也可

A new verification scheme, which contains two verifiers to deal with the problems of over-segmentation and under-segmentation, is presented.


Logical variables are not limited to single-letter identifier, which can be arbitrarily long alphanumeric string.


更多网络解释与数字串相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

hash algorithm:哈希算法

数字签名引入了哈希算法(Hash Algorithm)或MD5(Message Digest,MD). 哈希算法对原始报文进行运算,得到一个固定长度的数字串,称为报文摘要(Message Digest),不同的报文所得到的报文摘要各异,但对相同的报文的报文摘要却是唯一的,

Show dialer:显示为DDR(数字数据接受器)设置的串行接口的一般诊断信息

Show cdp neighbors 显示CDP查找进程的结果 | Show dialer 显示为DDR(数字数据接受器)设置的串行接口的一般诊断信息 | Show flash 显示闪存的布局和内容信息

Show dialer:显示为DDR(数字数据接收器)设置的串行接口的一般诊断信息

Show access-lists 显示当前所有的ACL的内容 6 | Show dialer 显示为DDR(数字数据接收器)设置的串行接口的一般诊断信息 12 | Show frame-relay lmi 显示关于本地管理接口(LMI)的统计信息 13

Show dialer:显示为DDR(数字数据接受器)配置 的串行接口的一般诊断信息

Show cdp neighbors 显示CDP查找进程的结果 | Show dialer 显示为DDR(数字数据接受器)配置 的串行接口的一般诊断信息 | Show flash 显示闪存的布局和内容信息


d 来表示 '数字(DIGITS)', ?D 就表示 '非数字(NON-DIGITS)' 依此类推. 上面所叙述的只令是跟 Crack v4.1 相同的, 下面的则是 John 中所新增的 (作者说明这些指令也许不是很有用处, 且大部分的东西在 Crack v4.1 也可以作得出来): { 字串左移: "jsmith" ->


请注意参数字串必须被双引号 (quotes) 夹住. 另外也请注意,为了能让参数字串起作用, kernel 内必须有符合这个磁碟类型的驱动程式. 如果没有,那麽就没有东西会去接受 (listen for) 这个参数字串,所以你将必须重新建造一个包含指定驱动程式的 kernel .

serial port:串行端口

网络接口 串行端口(Serial Port) 3通道UART(包含IRDA通讯接口) CANBus接口 一个现场局域总线(CANBus)接口(选配) RIC实时时钟 具备后备锂电池 TFT24bit LCD控制器接口 最大支持800×600 640×480 320×240 TFTLCD A/D转换接口 10路10位 触摸屏接口 四线式 其它接口 IIC总线接口 JTAG调试接口 SPI总线接口 数字音频输入/输出接

unit interval:单位时间间隔

(9)单位时间间隔(Unit Interval)缩写为UI,数字串行信号数据信号跳变沿之间的时间间隔. 对应于时钟信号的一个时钟周期. (1)利用可以得到的基准时钟来触发示波器的测量方法,用于定时抖动(Timing)的测量. 基准时钟可以是高稳定度的串行数字信号,

counted string:已计数字串

"盘点数量","counted quantity" | "已计数字串","counted string" | "计数器","counter"

interdigitated electrode array:指间电极串

7.interactive digital electronic appliance 交互式数字电子设备,交互式数字电子家用电器 | 8.interdigitated electrode array 指间电极串 | 9.interface and display electronics assembly 接口与显示电子设备