英语人>词典>汉英 : 散 的英文翻译,例句
散 的英文翻译、例句

come loose · medicine in powder form · medicinal powder
更多网络例句与散相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Binhai West Road, 9 kilometers (Zhenhai Yuehai Village to South Railway Station and the road back lots): The Guangdong, Hainan station near the coast, weather, soil water retention, poor performance of insurance manure, street trees to oil palm mainly due Caryota planting short,散尾葵, Areca triandra, red palm, coconut, such as bottles.


Light condition to the attention of oral hygiene, local Tu冰硼散or aureomycin glycerol; if red formidable, and even oral mucosa have ulcers, should be good oral care, more than cleaning the mouth, and timely infection control.


Moreover,using Ito differential formul a to the constructed Lyapunov function along solutions of lto stochastic differential systems,Lyapunov method is adopted to set up the fundamental theory of dissipativity in the module corresponding to the theory on the dissipativity of deterministic ordinary dif- fere.

提出了有关Ito型随机微分系统耗性理论的新概念:按模耗、按模等度耗和按模一致耗,并利用Lyapunov方法,借助于Ito 微分公式沿着Ito型随机微分系统的解对所构造的Lyapunov函数求导数,给出了Ito型随机微分系统有关按模耗理论的一些代数判据,获得了与确定性常微分系统耗性理论相对应的结论,最后的算例证明了该方法的有效性和可行性。

17 To 12 * 12 * 11 The result is, most great to see a doctor to eat Pills Queensland, on BC-month follicle is a very good round, but did not succeed failed to grasp the opportunity this month to eat do not know the drugs are of no use, there is no chance of immature follicles, the largest non-up may be due to washing foot massage, doctors said he would let the弄散follicle, it is no wonder there are many follicles but not dominant follicle, what I eat now Pills follicle-kun will you grow up, week 2 to BC, I hope it will be great together.


And the perfect Q-vector was applied to diagnose a heary rain process for August 3~5, 1996. The results showed that there were more advantageous using the perfect Q-vector, and suggested that the perfect Q-vector could clearly reveal the system development of the heary rain; the divergence center or line, the divergence field and the frontogenesis function field of the perfect Q-vector could be used to locate the heary rain area; the center magnitudes of the perfect Q-vector divergence field and the frontogenesis function field could be signified the intensity of the heary rain.


In general, it is impossible that every key map to a different hash value, for the space of keys can be greater than the number of permissible hash codes: what makes for a good hasher is that the probability of a collision (two different keys with the same hash value) is as close to zero as possible.


The eyes are brought into fixation alignment by a complex serise of vergence movements ;tonic vergence due to tonus of extraocular muscles ,accommodative vergence due to changes in accommodation ,fusional vergence due to the action of normal fusion reflexes ;proximal vergence due to awareness of nearness of the target.

3聚运动的多重复杂因素参与对注视眼位的控制,包括 a。眼外肌的张力引起的张力性聚; b。调节机能诱发相应的调节性聚; c。正常的融像反射诱发的融像性聚; d。近目标诱发的近感知性聚

Some new conceptions are presented about the dissipativity theory of Ito stochastic differential systems as follows:dissipativity in module,equi-dissipativity in module and uniform dissipativity in module.


You also will not take the散仙array, which is散仙array Huanglao the inaction doctrine evolved posture, when unable to approach local time散仙array is the most effective but the most direct and most迎敌secure way of their own five, but did not leave Honjin step, if rashly embattle restraint and just by the enemy, then it is really worth the.


Yuanyang upstairs to see that screen bloodshed, Wu NTS edge even after a pool of blood, the table comfortably riding flat silver wine, hides away into the arms; and even the role of careless and reckless to the extreme, such as Li Kui, Yishu Ling Li Kui on leave after the kill, so we can not forget the search into the room to see,"gathered more散碎and a few pieces of silver hairpin loop", have received - Li Kui Although extreme boredom and woman, but also know that these are covered with hairpin loop powder gas can exchange for liquor, according to Helena is not misused.


更多网络解释与散相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a la carte:散餐

大部份的餐厅都会提供套餐(Fixed Menu)或餐 (a la carte)供顾客选择. 套餐通常包括前菜、主菜及甜品,餐则可让顾客按自己喜好,选择食物种类,而餐的价钱亦较套餐昂贵. 巴黎是国际时尚大都市之一,名牌设计师的专卖店集中在商业街区,

hash algorithm:散列算法

hash / 列 | hash algorithm / 列算法 | Hash-based Message Authentication Code, HMAC / 基于列的消息验证代码


anastigmat 消象透镜 | anastigmatic 去象的 | anastigmatic lens 消象透镜


Anastigmat 消像透镜 | anastigmatic 去像的 | anastigmatic lens 去像镜头

diffusion coefficient:拡散率,拡散係数

diffusion capacitance 拡容量 | diffusion coefficient 拡率,拡係数 | diffusion constant 拡定数

disseminule form:传播体类型 播散體類型

disseminule 传播体 播體 Y | disseminule form 传播体类型 播體類型 Y | dissipative theory 耗结构理论 耗結構理論 Y

fag end:散边散端到头了

fading 衰落;褪色;消失 | fag end 边;端;到头了 | fag end 端到头了

Hosanna Hosanna:和散那 和散那

The people sing 全地歌唱 | Hosanna Hosanna 和那 和那 | Hosanna in the highest 和那 至高真神

mydriatic:散瞳剂 散瞳药 扩瞳药

mydriasis 瞳孔开大 瞳孔扩大 | mydriatic 瞳剂 瞳药 扩瞳药 | mydriaticalkaloids 瞳生物碱


astigmatism 象性;象现象 | astigmatizer 像器 | astigmatizer 象