英语人>词典>汉英 : 敢于冒险 的英文翻译,例句
敢于冒险 的英文翻译、例句


bell the cat
更多网络例句与敢于冒险相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In 1889 Chicago had the peculiar qualification of growth which made such adventuresome pilgrimage s even on the part of young girls plausible.


Old crossover arrogate to oneself changes to also dare to take a risk, grow in high speed and in the network game market with intense competition, he always is being driven ceaselessly reach those who heading royal firm to change.


Armed with a tranquilizer gun, dynamite and various strategic abilities, battle enemies while re-establishing contact and gathering survivors in daring adventures spanning five countries.


A New Hope, the newly minted heroes of the Rebellion–fledgling Jedi Luke Skywalker, smuggler turned reluctant freedom-fighter Han Solo, and Princess Leia Organa, a bold leader with a world to avenge–must face the harsh realities of the cataclysmic conflict into which they have so bravely plunged.

一个新希望,敢于反抗的新时代英雄——年轻的Jedi Luke Skywalker,和为自由而反抗的走私犯Han Solo,以及公主Leia Organa——一个怀揣复仇之心,敢于冒险、自由奔放的领导者——必须面对暴乱斗争这个残酷的现实,而他们已准备好为此奋勇向前。

It follows the adventures of a gang of friends brought together by their passion for mountain biking.


If you are a risk-taker, entrepreneurship is left.


There was now no loophole of escape for straggling and daring individuals.


"One part of my recovery was an important realisation that I could be all the things I was - an extravert, a pursuer of new ideas and a risk-taker - without recourse to artificial substances," he says.


One part of my recovery was an important realisation that I could be all the things I was - an extravert, a pursuer of new ideas and a risk-taker - without recourse to artificial substances,he says.


Because of a lack of information, few reflectors users dare to align their optics.


更多网络解释与敢于冒险相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


培养通晓英汉两种语言的、平衡的、可持续发展的世界小公民,使每个孩子都成为:勇于探索的人(inquirer)、善于思考的人(thinker)、善于交流的人(communicator)、敢于冒险的人(risk-takers)、善于反思的人(reflective)、知识渊博的人(knowledgeable )、有原则性的人(p

rise above:取得成功;出类拔萃

841rigorn. 严格,酷烈,严密 | 842rise above取得成功;出类拔萃 | 843risk-takern.敢于冒险的人

She's an activist, a risk-taker:积极分子 敢于冒险的人

What is she like?|她是个怎样的人? | She's an activist, a risk-taker.|积极分子 敢于冒险的人 | She's a really good mom.|她还是个很好的母亲

Winners take chances:成功者敢于冒险

Winners are people like you. 成功者就是像你这样的一群人. | Winners take chances. 成功者敢于冒险. | Like everyone else, they fear failing 跟别人一样,他们也害怕失败,

to take risks:敢于冒险

9, only the first; 只有第一; | 10, to take risks; 敢于冒险; | 11, the general spirit of the fire; 火一般的精神;

Dare to Take Risks:敢于冒险

Student Super-SaveTM超值优惠 | Dare to Take Risks!敢于冒险 | Emma iS Ducks雪中奇观

daringwilling to take or seek out risks; bold and venturesome:勇敢的,大胆的敢于接受危险或寻求冒险的;大胆的和好冒险的

foolish; stupid.愚蠢的;迟钝的 | daringwilling to take or seek out risks; bold and venturesome.勇敢的,大胆的敢于接受危险或寻求冒险的;大胆的和好冒险的 | day release 职工脱产学习时间

venturous:冒险 一 敢于冒险赢商机 机遇来之不易,稍纵即失

01.CROSS.OVER(跨越界限) | VENTUROUS 冒险 一 敢于冒险赢商机 机遇来之不易,稍纵即失 | INNOVATION 革新 一 创造力,标新立异,新颖,有孛传统

to bell the cat:敢于冒险,为救他人而做危险的事,舍己救人

(1)A cat has nine lives. 富有生命力的人. | (2)To bell the cat. 敢于冒险,为救他人而做危险的事,舍己救人. | (3)A cat may look at the king. 小人物也该有权利.


Hunter有捕猎精神 | Risking敢于冒险 | Show interest有兴趣直说