英语人>词典>汉英 : 教育小说 的英文翻译,例句
教育小说 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Hence, the series is not only a memoir, but a Bildungsroman.


This thesis holds that Paul's life route all through Sons and Lovers, like that of many other Bildungsroman protagonists, has been away from pressure to conform and toward the accomplishment of his own ideal.


Like the Bildungsroman, the Gothic genre originated in Germany. It became popular in England in the late eighteenth century.


It is possible to name the works of Jane Austen Bildungsroman, because the Austen's heroines have the same experience that they get mature after correcting their errors.


Long educational novel "Magic Mountain"(1924) to a nursing home pre-World War I as the background, describing the life of the bourgeois vanity of pathological expression of the author for the age of suspicion and criticism.


As the firstvernacular and educational saga novel in China's ancient times, it isalso the greatest masterpiece that treats the prodigal's return as itssubject matter.


This group includes the high school dropout and professional car racer Han Han, 25, who derides China's inefficient educational system in his novels and regularly insults older, more established artists on his blog, and Zhang Yueran, 26, whose novel "Daffodils Took Carp and Went Away" features a bulimic girl who falls in love with her stepfather, is mistreated by her mother and is sent off to boarding school.


They are buying in high numbers a 17th-century novel called The Princess of Cleves because it is the President's bête noire.He joked recently that only a "sadist or an idiot" could have inserted questions on the book into an entrance examination for civil servants. The book has now sold out.


The modern reader seems this novel as an instructive novel, because one central theme of the work is the favorable strength of humanity.


About the Author/作者介绍: Robert Ward is the author of seven previous novels,including the NEA Grant Award-winning Shedding Skin,and Red Baker,which won the Pen West Award for Best Novel of 1985.That book led producers Drvid Milch and Jeff Lewis to bring him to Hollywood to write and produce the award-winning show Hill Street Blues.Mr Ward also served as co-executive producerof Miami vice,with Michael Mann,and New York Undercover,with Dick Wolf.Mr Ward now spends his full time writing fiction.He is the father of four boys and lives with his wife ,Celeste Wesson,and son Robbie in Los Angeles.

罗伯特 沃德曾经写过七部小说,其中包含了获得美国教育协会奖的作品《隐蔽的皮肤》以及获得1985年西部执笔最佳小说奖的《穿红衣的面包师》,正是由于《穿红衣的面包师》使制片人戴尔维麦旭夫和杰夫路易斯的注意并将他介绍进了获奖影片《小山街道贵族》的剧组从事写作和制片工作,与此同时,他和米歇尔麦那共同制作了影片《迈阿密阴谋》,与迪克沃尔夫共同制作了影片《纽约风暴》,现在的罗勃特沃德专心致志的从事小说写作,他和他的妻子以及四个孩子现在居住在洛杉矶。

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他自己反复思考这个问题. 他在私人信件中写下了他的困惑. 把它们放在一起,创造了一种不同寻常的、当然是未经计划的文学作品,可以算得上"教育小说"(Bildungsroman)中迷人章节. 1934年8月他写道:


他的长其小说>出版于1760年;>(Emile)和>(The Social Contract)都是在1762年问世的. >是一本根据"自然"原则论教育的著作;假使里面不包含>(The Conession of ?

Hard Times:艰难时代

我们社会越来越多的行业如农民、工人、医生、教授被敦促加快工作速度以便生产更多的鸡蛋、更多的汽车、或者治疗更多的病人、教育更多 的学生. 狄更斯(Charles Dickens)在小说>(Hard Times)中表达了在这政权下生活的理想. 卓别林(Charlie Chaplin)在感动了困难时期的...

Sarah Josepha Hale:萨拉.约瑟法.黑尔

身为一名享有较高威望的杂志主编,萨拉.约瑟法.黑尔(Sarah Josepha Hale)的小说重在强调改善妇女教育于家庭和国家的重要性,而非也是质疑女性的资质. 通过成功构建一名天主教的背叛者在世俗的感化下找回自我,重燃生活激情的故事文本,

The Magic Mountain:魔山

威廉站在山顶远眺时,提及另一部教育小说--托马斯.曼托马斯.曼(Thomas Mann)的>>(The Magic Mountain). 他沉思: 我为何逃走?为何伫立此处,而没有和别人在一起?我为何威胁那老人,而没有让他告诉我更多的事?我似乎错过了什么,


便跟当时的无调性音乐、意识流小说、印象派绘画甚至好莱坞电影,都被统统掃出门外. 其实人类的教育理念,原意都是希望把知识一代传一代,而且下一代应该比上一代更好,学生能够青出于蓝而胜于蓝,社会才有进步. 希腊最伟大的哲学家帕拉图(Plato)于两


杰里米.芒迪(JeremyMUnday),翻译学博士,联合国教育科学及文化组织(UNESCO)的翻译员. 现任教于英国利兹大学(University0fLeeds)现代语言及文化学院,并翻译现代西班牙及拉丁美洲的小说.

gifted and talented children education:天才儿童教育

成才障碍:Obstacles of Gifted Girls Faced in Self-actualization | 天才儿童教育:gifted and talented children education | 才子佳人小说:the romances about gifted male and beauty

Freud, Sigmund:(佛洛伊德

巴赫金(Bakhtin)著,钱中文主编:<<小说理论(巴赫金全集第三卷)>>(石家庄:河北教育出版社,1998年6月,初版)佛洛伊德(Freud Sigmund)著,汪凤炎、郭本禹译:<<精神分析新论>>(台北:米娜贝尔出版社,2000年8月,初版)海登E怀特(Hayden White)著,

the social contract:社会契约论

他的长其小说<<新爱洛绮思>>出版于1760年;<<爱弥儿>>(Emile)和<<社会契约论>>(The Social Contract)都是在1762年问世的. <<爱弥儿>>是一本根据"自然"原则论教育的著作;假使里面不包含<<一个萨瓦牧师的信仰自白>&