英语人>词典>汉英 : 教育学院和教育学校 的英文翻译,例句
教育学院和教育学校 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与教育学院和教育学校相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools as well as many disciplinary accrediting organizations, CUA enjoys a distinguished history and has filled an important niche: doctoral programs in philosophy and social work that are among the nation's oldest; the only university library science and music schools in Washington, D.C.; the largest architecture school in the area; a law school that is a pioneer in clinical education; and a drama department that has been the educational incubator for acclaimed playwrights, directors and actors.


Around 400 years of history DULWICH COLLEGE elite schools, Concordia International School, peaceful bilingual school, the China Europe International Business School, a sound reputation in Shanghai European-style education system.

周边拥有400年历史的 DULWICH COLLEGE 贵族学校、协和国际学校、平和双语学校、中欧国际工商学院,完善的欧式教育体系享誉沪上。

In November 2006, The Duchess became Patron of the Langford Trust for Animal Health and Welfare which is a charity that supports the University of Bristol Veterinary School to promote the practice, advancement and teaching of veterinary science.


This was the spot where I was receiving my education; and this was the sort of education; and I am perfectly satisfied that if I had not received such an education, or something very much like it -- that, if I had been brought up a milksop,3 with a nursery-maid ever- lastingly at my heels,4 I should have been at this day as great a fool, as inefficient a mortal,5 as any of those frivolous idiots that are turned out from Winchester and Westminster School, or from any of those dens of dunces called Colleges and Universities.


A non-profit public benefit corporation FORMed to enhance the work of state aviation and space education councils and related organizations by improving communications among them and by developing mutual support programs, NASEA works to support: utilizing exposure to aviation and space topics to stimulate enthusiasm for learning among students, encouraging the use of aviation and space oriented curricula in schools and other educational institutions; fostering and improving the public awareness of aviation and aerospace; and enhancing communications and cooperation among governmental agencies, educational institutions, industry and other organizations in support of aviation and space education.


Students from Shanxi Minxian Senior High School toured many scenery spots in New Zealand during the seven-week length study tour period. And also, they attended the English class which was designed according to their requirements and English level in Unique New Zealand,(the particular course in Unique New Zealand was required by our company). Moreover, accompanied by the tour guide and interprer from our company, they had visited Selwyn College and Taylors College, and talked to the International Director of these two colleges.

山西民贤中学学生在新西兰进行7周的游学期间游览了新西兰的各个著名景点,并在Unique New Zealand进行了学习,所学课程由我公司负责人要求学校,尔后学校根据学生的需要和自身的基础而设置的课程;并且,这些学生在我公司的带领下还对新西兰著名的塞尔文高级中学(Selwyn College和泰勒预科学院(Taylors College进行了参观并跟这两所学校的国际部负责人进行了谈话,通过这些,他们对新西兰的高等教育体制有了一些了解,如何进入新西兰的高中或预科学校读书,这些学校对国际留学生年龄的要求,英文能力的要求都已有所了解;并且知道了西方教育同中国教育的区别,他们打算回国后就开始进行日后到新西兰进行长期留学的准备。

Since the investment in education became possible under the permission of the government, various non-governmental sectors initiate schools in succession, which makes it quite necessary to analyze recent investment climate of education and to give useful instructions in investment direction for domestic investment and foreign capital.


Born in Calcutta , India , Tawney was educated at Rugby School and Balliol College, Oxford where he studied modern history.


Within K-1 2 classrooms, as well as higher echelons of learning, and even in Education schools where teachers are taught how to teach, media, computer, and technological literacies are rarely discussed.


A few American colleges provide a free education, including the military and Merchant Marine academies.


更多网络解释与教育学院和教育学校相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Blair Academy:布莱尔学院

1848年,美国布莱尔学院(Blair Academy)成立于美国新泽西州的布莱尔镇,距离纽约 66 英里,费城 90 英里. 学校四周交通便利,设施齐全. 占地435英亩,现有学生445名,学校学生生源广泛,不分种族,文化背景,经济背景,和教育背景,其中国际学生比例9%,

Chapman University:地方非常好,电影,电视的专业都很出名

cloumbia college chicago 学校有个性,学费一般,录取容易,在chicago有地位 | chapman university 地方非常好,电影,电视的专业都很出名 | f art MN的教育在美国出了名,该学院偏重大理论和基础教育


对学校外部学生来说,充裕的图书馆资源和互联网都是必备的. 尽管课程作业单元在校外模式下可以进行,但是完成教育学硕士(MEd) 论文需要经过教育学院、文学部和研究生中心的批准.


19世纪20年代,单独的法"学院"(school)开始出现. 如:1817年在哈佛;1824年在耶鲁. 其中被认为最好的是康涅狄格(Connecticut)的利奇菲尔德(Litchfield). 这时,这些学校的法律教育仍然是依靠实际指导和学徒式的培训,不过,

Tresham Institute of Further & Higher Education:特里萨姆延续教育和高等教育学院

泰乃特学院Thanet College | 特里萨姆延续教育和高等教育学院Tresham Institute of Further & Higher Education | 三一学校Trinity School

Hogeschool zeeland:荷兰泽兰德大学

经教育部2006年批准,上海海事大学与荷兰泽兰德大学(Hogeschool Zeeland)合作举办机械电子工程专业和电气工程与智能控制专业两个本科教育项目. 学校拟成立中荷机电工程学院,承办这两个中荷合作本科专业项目.


学校(schools)、学院(colleges)、企业(corporate)培训中心和和其它的教育机构为促进(facilitating)学习这一中心任务提供了许多种类的设施. 他们可以提供便利于学习的庇护所(shelter)和环境......并且,可能的话甚至还提供便利的交通,


他早年就读于拉姆斯盖特(Ramsgate)的查塔姆楼文法学校,随后于1935年入读牛津大学的贝利奥尔学院,修读哲学、政治及经济学. 入大学前,他曾两次申请奖学金,但都遭到拒绝,因此他的学费主要由父母和肯特郡教育委员会的贷款提供.


哈尔姆斯塔德大学(Halmstad University)坐落于瑞典南部,是瑞典的知名学府,以高水平的教育和研究而闻名. 其不断开发的新型课程、学位教育、自主研究以及优美的校园环境吸引着众多的瑞典和其他国家的学子. 学校现有五个学院:信息科学、计算机与电子工程学院,