英语人>词典>汉英 : 教育地 的英文翻译,例句
教育地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与教育地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Part i tries to track to the history of education trend of thought of anarchism in china . it includes 4 phases : introduction ( the end of 19 century - 1902 ), development ( 1902 ~ 1911 ), bloom ( 1912 ~ 1921 ), eclipse ( 1921 - 1927 ). part n analyses education ideas of the faction of china anarchism . lt includes tian yi faction , new century faction , min sheng faction , the faction of anarchical communism . part hi puts forward my evalution form there different angles . generally speaking , it had special significance in special time . even though it had many flaws , it is important for us to value education trend of thought of china anarchism

主要包括四个方面:无政府主义的产生与传入( 19世纪下半叶1902年);无政府主义教育思潮的形成( 1902年1911年);无政府主义教育思潮的全盛( 1912年1921年);无政府主义教育思j兑回在a硕士字位论父wmaster ' sthesis潮的衰落92年1927年l通过对其历史的回眸,可以清晰地了解无政府主义教育思潮在中国各个时期的特点及发生变化的原因,揭示它的流变轨迹及其对中国教育思想影响的深度和广度,从而使国人充分地认识和了解无政府主义教育思潮在特定的历史时期所发挥的特殊的历史作用。

Education was open to the society and the public;the education mode included training classes for the young,mass education schools and Japanese language schools,etc.;and the educational content included the education of pro-Japanese and anticommunism ideology,military training and the Japanese language.


These can offer students so advantage opportunities that is good for selecting job, powerful major feelings and excellent professional dedication. Finally, we need emphasize several main points. The main point is to hold profession ethics affects differences between school and enterprise, including guiding principle"s difference, varies between content and thought, varies between evaluation and standard. According to student'majors, collectedly leading related the corporate culture to increase schools'professional ethics educations effects. On the base of analyzing school"s education, to find a kind of educational means of school, to persist obverse education and obverse guiding, to strengthen students'faith education. According to the students thoughts fact, we should avoid faith educations dogmatism and emptiness and improve our clear aim and effect for serving people.


The teacher's information literacy is badly needed ,with which he can search and select the information fast, discriminate and manage the information correctly and creatively to satisfy the needs of the information instruction's organization with the development of the multimedia instruction、the network education and distant education.


Its content involves: Elaborating the social history and cultural background of the foundation and development of Russian language teaching, so as to displaying the characteristic of Chinese Russian language teaching and its influence on the society and foreign languages teaching; Studying and summarizing the teaching and research of some figures who once made contribution to Russian language teaching in different historical periods; objectively assessing their contribution to Russian language teaching and status in its history, so as to make a sketch of the development of Russian language teaching in China.


This new platform, considering the relationship among teaching, learning and managing, solving the conflict of resources share and intelligence prosperity, adopting latest theory on learning and mature technology, has more advantages than the existing platform. Firstly, it integrates the advantages of Internet and Satellite communication system and achieves the seamless connection. Secondly, it adopts the coding technology of streaming media with MEPG-4, which makes it possible that the on-line instruction, the schedular broadcast instruction and the distributed course ware on demand can be broadcast on the two networks. Thirdly, it considers the problems of security, user certification and the protection of intelligence property. Fourthly, it is possible to link education resources from all united university, and is able to share resources for lifelong learning individuals or group.

此次清华大学远程教育播出平台的改造,本着现有平台与未来需求相结合;最新的学习理论与成熟的信息技术相结合;资源传输与对学生的学习支持相结合;教育资源开放与知识产权保护相结合的设计理念,综合考虑了远程教育环境中教、学、管三方面的需求和关系,因而具有多方面的优势:新平台整合了互联网和卫星网各自的优势,在技术上实现了天网与地网的无缝连接;新平台对传输的教育节目采用 MPEG-4编码方式进行流媒体播出,在传输上实现了基于两种网络的实时课堂直播、录播和基于互联网的分布式课件点播的多种需求;新平台集资源加密、用户认证和授权等功能于一体,可有效地保护远程教育中的知识产权;新平台将各联盟学校的教育资源进行整合后重新提供给学习的个体或团体,较好地实现了资源共享。

On the extensive background of the development of normal education system of the world, this thesis makes an objective and all-sided analysis of the present situation of normal education of our country and furthermore profoundly approaches the future of the development of the normal education of our country, and confirmatively claims that the normal education of our country will surely blaze a new trail and form our own features in the process of reformation in combination with the practical situation of our country and in accordance with the universal developmental principles of normal education of all countries.


What we called the motif education is that according to the requirement of development of society and modern education,the pedagogue,through enlighening and channeling out the interior requirement for education to the educatee make harmonious ,loose and democratic enviroment of education,purposfuly,planfully organizing and making out various of educating movement ,so that cultivating them to be the main body of society through independently,motilely and creatively realizing and practicing activities.


E. legality and actuality——in the educational legislative system in modern China in order to present its establishment and actual operative process stereoscopically and completely. And through some typical case analyses of the educational legislation in the central and local authorities at different stages, the dissertation offers a more thorough understanding on the operating mechanism of the whole educational legislative system.


The poeticized moral education introduces a esthetics to morality and makes it aestheticized to a certain degree.Its essence is to input and promote aesthetics into morality.The proposal of poeticized morality is of great importance.It inherits the morality tradition and helps to change rationality to nestle people in morality poetically;In contrast to rationality,in moral education,the poeticized education is characterized with great humanism,and with unobstrusively influence.In this article,I explore how to implement poeticized morality.It specifically includes how to foster students' viewpoint of poetry,the way to change from "monologue"to "dialogue",propose artistic outlook on life,combine spoken education with non-spoken education,and so on.


更多网络解释与教育地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be full up:全满Hvx新思路教育

solid?全部地Hvx新思路教育 | be?full?up?全满Hvx新思路教育 | include?包括,包含Hvx新思路教育


instructive 有益的 | instructively 教育地 | instructor 教师

instructively:教育地; 有益地 (副)

instructive 有益的; 教育性的 (形) | instructively 教育地; 有益地 (副) | instructor 教师, 指导书, 讲师 (名)

liberal education:通才教育

"通才教育"(Liberal Education)是一个被广泛误解了的概念,很多人把"通才教育"与"专才教育"对立起来,预设了"非此即彼"的选择怪圈. 事实上,"通才教育"是"专才教育"的基础,两者并不天然地矛盾,正如晚清著名学者杨守敬曾言:"天下有博而不精者,

once in a while b:时而;有时 Zcd新思路教育

once and for all 最后一次;无疑地;彻底地;永远地 Zcd新思路教育 | once in a while b时而;有时 Zcd新思路教育 | one...after another/after the other 一个接一个;接连;挨次 Zcd新思路教育

:Quality Education:质量教育

生产者应当建立健全内部产品质量管理制度...质量教育培训质量教育(Quality Education)质量教育是质量管理重要的一项基础工作. 通过质量教育不断增强职工的质量意识,并使之掌握和运用质量管理的方法和技术;使职工牢固地树立质量第一的观念,明确提高质量...

on trail:受审;在试验中;试行;试用 Zcd新思路教育

on the whole 总体上;从整体来看;基本上 Zcd新思路教育 | on trail 受审;在试验中;试行;试用 Zcd新思路教育 | once and for all 最后一次;无疑地;彻底地;永远地 Zcd新思路教育


educationalist 教育家 | educationally 教育地 | educationist 教育家

educationally:教育地; 有关教育地; 教育上地 (副)

educational system 教育制度 | educationally 教育地; 有关教育地; 教育上地 (副) | educator 教师; 教育学家 (名)

Himachal Pradesh:喜马偕尔邦

比如,喜马偕尔邦(Himachal Pradesh)经历了快速的人口转型,特别是基于教育在这些年的显著发展(尤其是女性教育),以及相对有效和平等的卫生医疗服务). 相对于强制,印度国内的区域对比强有力地支持了合作(特别是基于妇女积极而且有教育地参与).