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教研组 的英文翻译、例句


teaching and research section · teaching and research group
更多网络例句与教研组相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Competition culture is one kind of teaching and research group culture. It is a double-edged sword.


Reinforcing the construction of teaching group is fundamental in ensuring the success of curriculum reform which is being carried out through schools.


School covers an area of 20066.6 square meters, 15,000 square meters of construction area, Sam Tung buildings, two dormitory, a laboratory building, two multi-purpose teaching the Office, two large computer room, Health Physics and Chemistry Laboratory equipment The two rooms, all equipped with the Office of Teaching and Research Group and a microcomputer to realize the broadband Internet access to a network of teachers to prepare lessons, curriculum resources, information technology, modern teaching methods.


Shandong College of Health Science faculty with Toad ischium – peroneal nerv e were measured in vitro nerve compound action potential.


These irrationalities incorporates on the following : the unbalance of sex and age in the technical post, the unbalance of sex and technical post in educational level, the unbalance of sex and teach age in teaching and research group ,the unbalance of zone in school and teaching and research group.


Among the team of Wuhan, a eldest one political teaching and research group leader's lao Ma, Wuchang of 9 district, 46 years old, keen-witted and capable and precise and thin.


Shandong College of Health Science faculty after poisoning in rabbits EMG de termination after poisoning rabbits found in the resting state. both spontaneous dener ated potential (fibrillation potentials and positive sharp wave) and the beam vibratevp otential; maximal contraction and mixed-interference type discharge, there is increas ed potential multiphase, low voltage and the peak potential way to extend. HeFengsh -eng, etc. right poisoning rabbits leads to fibrillation potential, EMG evidence of pois -oning animals in the performance of patients with clinical line.


Through observation and study by participating in the interactiveness of teaching research, the paper finds that in the activities, there are great differences in teachers' participation, their own judgment and following the majority, agreement and criticism; and concludes that different forms of the teaching research interactiveness have different effects upon teachers' professional knowledge and skills in different aspects, such as sitting in on a class and appraising a class play the most important role in teachers' profession improvement; preparing lessons together lays particular emphasis on the general methods and skills of class teaching; communicating freely lays particular emphasis on the knowledge of teaching practice and skills; the study together of a teaching research group lays particular emphasis on the discussion of the teaching theory.


更多网络解释与教研组相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

artificial liver:人工肝

期间成立了传染病及流行病教研组,直属二医领导,为一级教研组,杨宜教授担任教研组主任. 科研工作以血吸虫病为主. 人工肝(artificial liver)是指借助体外机械、化学或生物性装置,暂时替代或部分替代肝脏功能,从而协助治疗肝