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教学负担 的英文翻译、例句


teaching load
更多网络例句与教学负担相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But in realistic reason, the absurdity of the personnel system becomes the parent and teachers toward what student bring pressure emollient to borrow;, The family becomes the student to increase the negative important place, it is student the lessons burden aggravate of motive source and direct source, and became student's mental state to increase negative important source;High test conductor's baton BE also result in this phenomenon of important reason, an acceptance score line stopped the teacher's throat, also taking out to beat the student;The slippery 坡 of the occupation morals of teacher make it the mental acceptance ability of the regardless of student and the healthy body of the student, pass to increase student's lessons to make up the shortage on oneself's teaching, this makes some teachers unilateral to emphasize the result but threw to lose the teacher's original intention then;Lack the emollient direct mechanism, foster the teacher and don't go to the character of raise the oneself, don't go to the science skill of raise the teaching, but measures this to breach the method of science in brief to raise the deceitful examination score of student with the enlargement homework, is not science ground passes to raise student's character, raise the teaching result, but use and should try the educational way leading the student copes with the examination with the speculation prosperity method.


Tins article will tell us the functions of CAI in English classroom teaching:1. the functions in English classroom teaching1. 1 enrich the teaching contents and change the monotonous design of traditional teaching1. 2 arouse the students interest and stimulate the studyintention1.3 make initiative study change into passive study1.4 lighten the students schoolwork2. the functions in modern education2. 1 remedy the differences between different schoolsand areas 2. 2 improve the process of teaching management2.3 enrich the reading matter of the outside class2.4 develop the long-distance education by using the multimedia and internet technologyBecause there are so many advantages about multimedia. many schools construct campus net and multimedia classrooms. Then designing and making CAI software became an important problem for these schools, so these article can tell us how to design and make it. In order to make CAI software better, the articled also tell you how to pay attention to something .That is the content of my article , I hope I ran consult it with you .Thank you.

充分运用现代教学技术武装我们的教学,对原有的教学生产方式来一场革命,这是教育实践的呼唤,也是时代的呼唤,本论文从多媒体在英语课堂教学中的作用出发,来说明运用多媒体进行计算机辅助教学的作用: 1 在英语课堂教学中的作用 1.1 丰富教学内容改变传统教学的单调模式 1.2 激发学习兴趣促进学习动机 1.3 变被动学习为主动学习有效体现教学的个体化和因材施教 1.4 为教师提供形象的表达工具有效地减轻学生的课业负担 2 现代教育中的作用 2.1 弥补不同学校、地区之问教学质量的差异 2.2 改善教学管理过程改进教学效果 2.3 丰富的课外读物 2.4 多媒体技术与网络技术的结合可有效地开展远距离教育正因为多媒体具有这么多的优点,所以许多学校多投资兴建了校园网和多媒体教室,如何设计和制作高质量的多媒体课件是许多学校迫切需要解决的问题,所以本文接下来谈论的是如何设计和制作多媒体课件以及在设计和制作过程中如何应用心理学上的注意规律等,仅供各位同行参考。

With the "High School Temporary Curriculum Guidelines" that come along with the policy of educational reform, in each community-based school, the school's curriculum and resources require the interscholastic administration and cross-school support so as to release each school's heavy financial burden and to share and extend its curriculum.


I had a light teaching load and could concentrate mainly on research.


I have a fairy light teaching load this term.


I have a fairly light teaching load this term.


CAI is of great help to reform some of the traditional didactical abuses, to enrich the format and content of teaching, ease the burden of the teachers to make the students learn more conveniently, and to improve the teaching quality.


The content of Chapter Four is equal to a conclusion of the whole dissertation. The transcending over previous "Alleviating-burden Movement" is embodied in: liberating students by reforming view of knowledge and curriculum, alleviating and sharing students\' burden along with the improvement of teachers\' professional level, the pursuit to the true, the good and the beautiful in pedagogic process value, a learning burden view with a harmonious unity of knowledge, emotion and will towards "eudemonia education", and the construction of eudemonia educational principles in the end.


The embarrassing predicament in the teaching of ancient fictions ascribes to utilitarian ideology, disoriented teaching practice, outdated teaching research, and lumbersome academic burden.


But by relevant investigation in the near past, the author finds that some unreasonable education ideas of parents have already become main causes of overweighed homework assignments of student nowadays.


更多网络解释与教学负担相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

teaching load:教学负担教学工作量教学时数

teaching ladder 教学步骤 | teaching load 教学负担教学工作量教学时数 | teaching period plan 课时计划教案


描述的是每一个模块的具体内容,并以其所要培养的知识、能力和素质满足中观和宏观模块所要致力达到的总体综合能力. 每一模块都包含模块描述、模块化的基本原则、模块内容、学分和学生学习负担(workload)以及模块中教学活动的安排、模块负责人等.