英语人>词典>汉英 : 教学楼 的英文翻译,例句
教学楼 的英文翻译、例句


teaching building
更多网络例句与教学楼相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of Tech.through the survey and measurement for ambient noise.


The first occurred at West Ambler Johnson Hall, early on the morning of the sixteenth of April.

第一次是在4月16日一大清早,发生在Ambler Johnston教学楼西侧。

We have five layers, the building in the attic in my classroom.


Our school now boasts teaching buildings with advanced equipments, administration buildings, complex, stadium, students boardinghouse , plastic playground and green ecological garden.


The newly built teaching building⑧has 4 storeys and it is the most beautiful building in the village.


It is named as "Moet Hennessy Building". Children in that school will study in the new building soon.


Arrive from mouth of school front door between 48 education building on the road surface that is less than 1 kilometer sticking ten marked red arrowhead, writing above " E road is connected " cup the model of written characters of contest of application of innovation of business affairs of network of undergraduate of the 2nd whole nation; In education building, everywhere is seen or be business suit change is walked on, or it is to wear those who unite advertisement unlined upper garment " stranger ", ground of their in threes and fours gets together in the corridor in classroom out and stair well, discussing livelily.


Because of this, the older school buildings are suffer from inadequate protection while the new buildings have been shoddily constructed.


By the canteens,there are two buildings,they're very tall.


Arrive from mouth of school front door between 48 education building on the road surface that is less than 1 kilometer sticking ten marked red arrowhead, writing above " E road is connected " cup the model of written characters of contest of application of innovation of business affairs of network of undergraduate of the 2nd whole nation; In education building, everywhere is seen or be business suit change is walked on, or it is to wear those who unite advertisement unlined upper garment " stranger ", ground of their in threes and fours gets together in the corridor in classroom out and stair well, discussing livelily.


更多网络解释与教学楼相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


会后,我们要带他们参观教学楼、实验楼、图书馆和游泳池. 最后,要在大礼堂 (auditorium)举行聚会,聚会上有唱歌、跳舞、音乐、游戏和交换礼物等活动. 请大家积极参与. 谢谢.

Classroom building:教学楼

1.在仁和(Renhe)中学学习,两幢教学楼(classroom building),两个大操场,教室很大;2.班上有二十一个男生和二十个女生;3.所学科目;4.最喜欢的课程及原因;5.喜欢参加的体育活动及个人爱好.

pessimistic classroom building, darkcorridor:灰色的教学楼,黑暗的走廊

泥泞的水泥地上多了几声践踏 muddy ground many several have trampled | 灰色的教学楼,黑暗的走廊. pessimistic classroom building, darkcorridor. | 你说怕黑, You said fears black,

pessimistic classroom building, dark corridor:灰色的教学楼,黑暗的走廊

泥泞的水泥地上多了几声践踏 muddy ground many several have trampled | 灰色的教学楼,黑暗的走廊. pessimistic classroom building, dark corridor. | 你说怕黑, You said you fears darkness,

A General Cleaning:大扫除

3.为了迎接元旦的到来,星期五下午进行全校大扫除(a general cleaning).下午两点开始,五点半结束,要求全体学生参加.具体任务安排 如下: 教学楼由初一,初二学生打扫;办公楼由初三学生打扫;图书馆由高一学生打扫;理科实验室由高二学生打扫;


操纵骨人偶(Golem)的正是Servant中的Caster.虽然我把潜伏在教学楼里的Caster打倒了,但那只不过是影子吧. "

meeting room:会议室

校园(Play ground) 为了使弱智孩子锻炼体能和运动技能,防止摔伤,学校铺设了质地比较柔软的北教学楼(Main building) 、行政办公楼(Service building) 、东教学楼 (East Building) 等,会议室(Meeting room)在这里,老师们接待外宾、讨论校

to stand in the school house door:站在教学楼门口

316发出他的象征性威胁 had carried out his symbolic threat | 317站在教学楼门口 to stand in the school house door. | 318我对于那个声明... I take it from that statement...

that angry little man at the school house door:教学楼门口那位坏脾气的小个子

352几年之后 A few years later, | 353教学楼门口那位坏脾气的小个子 that angry little man at the school house door | 354觉得去竞选总统是个好主意 thought it'd be a good idea and ran for president.

school building:教学楼

school gate校门 | school building 教学楼 | playground 操场