英语人>词典>汉英 : 教养院 的英文翻译,例句
教养院 的英文翻译、例句


a house of correction · group home · work-house
更多网络例句与教养院相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She was sent away to a detention home for girls.


A few scandalous whores have been sent to the House of Correction.


The juvenile delinquent was sent to the reformatory.


When I was 15, my cousin told me about a job that only lasts a few hours and, uh, I got three months in juvie.


Rather than going to juvie.


Do you think he ought to be taken out of his school and sent to the penitentiary ?


Now and then I took advantage of the acquaintances I had formed among social workers and psychotherapists to visit in their company various institutions, such as orphanages and reform schools, where pale pubescent girls with matted eyelashes could be stared at in perfect impunity remindful of that granted one in dreams.


Home is the girl''s prison and the woman''s workhouse.


Home is the girls prison and the womans workhouse.


October 3 center, only three policemen were sent to the victims Benxi city centre hospital for an examination and diagnosis: fracture of the skull base, nine rib fractures, lung contusion, bilateral closed hemopneumothorax.


更多网络解释与教养院相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

approved school:少年罪犯教养院

approval 认可 | approved school 少年罪犯教养院 | approximant 近似值

approved school:少年犯教养院

少年棒球联合会/Little League | 少年犯教养院/approved school | 少年犯教育中心/attendance centre

Correctional institution:教养院

Material processing center 原料加工中心 | Correctional institution 教养院 | Transportation interface 交通分界面

Correctional institution:教养院;感化院;监狱

correctional field;感化工作方面;; | correctional institution;教养院;感化院;监狱;; | correctional offense;应受惩治的犯法行为;;

Detention home:少年教养院=> ==> 青少年教养院

detention basin 滞洪区 | detention home 少年教养院=> 青少年教养院 | detention of ship 扣留

a house of correction:教养院

a house of cards 不牢靠的计划 | a house of correction 教养院 | a house of detention 拘留所

institutionalized children:教养院儿童

institutionalization 制度化 | institutionalized children 教养院儿童 | instruction 教学


juverimicin 幼霉素 | juvie 少年教养院 | juvoxin 磺胺对甲氧嘧啶


Worker Opinion Survey 工人意见调查 | workhouse 教养院 | working alliance 作业同盟

Borstal Institution:英国青少年犯教养院

borne 心胸狭窄的 | Borstal Institution 英国青少年犯教养院 | bosom friend 知心朋友