英语人>词典>汉英 : 救济品 的英文翻译,例句
救济品 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
alms  ·  handout  ·  handouts  ·  alm

更多网络例句与救济品相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Was taking place on a level which made the English attempts at trading look like a church charity sale.


It is the government's duty to delivery handout to poor people at hard time.


After the flood, some UNRRA supplies had come into the area.


Socotri cows, a breed recorded in Egyptian reliefs dating to 1,400bc, could be Friesians or Jerseys, except that they are barely waist-high.


One who solicits alms for a living .


The government gave out the relief supples to the refugees.


An organization that until very recently had its data in haversacks and had its office in Kinkos around the corner.


Government has delivered reliefs to suffered people.


更多网络解释与救济品相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

almost additive functional:殆加性泛函

almonry | 施赈所(救济品发放所) | almost additive functional | 殆加性泛函 | almost bounded function | 殆有界函数


almondwood | 扁桃木 | almoner | 施赈人员(教堂救济品分发人员) | almonry | 施赈所(救济品发放所)


almoner | 施赈人员(教堂救济品分发人员) | almonry | 施赈所(救济品发放所) | almost additive functional | 殆加性泛函

almsgiving:赈济 施舍

alms 捐款 救济品 | almsgiving 赈济 施舍 | alms house 救济院

bread mold:面包霉, 黑根霉

bread line | 待分配救济品队伍 | bread mold | 面包霉, 黑根霉 | bread pudding | 面包布丁

Okay, Brutal:算了 布鲁托

Try it. You'll be on the bread lines before the week is out.|来吧 敢动我 就让你去领救济品 | Okay, Brutal.|算了 布鲁托 | We all know who your connections are.|我们都知道你的裙带关系


hand-outs:施舍物、救济品 | deadbeat:赖帐者 | pinch pennies:精打细算

bread grain:做面包的粮谷

bread crumb || 面包瓤, 面包心 面包碎屑 | bread grain || 做面包的粮谷 | bread line || 待分配救济品队伍

bread line:待分配救济品队伍

bread grain || 做面包的粮谷 | bread line || 待分配救济品队伍 | bread mold || 面包霉, 黑根霉

Ambulances rushed the injured to hospital:救护车把受伤的人火速送到医院

* People rushed to buy the shares. 人们抢着购买股票. | * Ambulances rushed the injured to hospital. 救护车把受伤的人火速送到医院. | * Relief supplies were rushed in. 救济品已急速送到.