英语人>词典>汉英 : 救助费用 的英文翻译,例句
救助费用 的英文翻译、例句


salvage charges
更多网络例句与救助费用相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Salvage charges" means the charges recoverable under maritime law by a salvor independently of contract.


Salvage charges' means the charges recoverable under mariti me law by a salvor independently of contract.


Expenses incurred by or on behalf of the assured for the safety or preservation of the subject matter insured, other than general average and salvage charges, are called particular charges.


Expenses incurred by or on behalf of the assured for the safety or preservation of the subject-matter insured, other than general average and salvage charges, are called particular charges, Particular charges are not included in particular average.


Salvage charges:救助费用 When the insured cargo suffers a natural calamity or a fortuitous accident within the scope of insurance cover, the third party who has no contracted relations with the insured and the insurer salvages the cargo successfully.


Subject to the provisions below and to Clause 10 the Underwriters will contribute to charges properly and reasonably incurred by the Assured their servants or agents for such measures General average, salvage charges (except as provided for in Clause 95), special pensation and expenses as referred to in Clause 85 and collision defence or attack costs are not recoverable under this Clause 9

若发生任何灭失或灾难,被保险人及其雇员和代理人有义务采取合理措施,以便避免或减轻根据本保险可获赔偿的损失。92 依照以下条款和第10条各项规定,保险人将补偿由被保险人、其雇员或代理人因此种措施而适当、合理地产生的费用。共同海损、救助费用(除第95款规定者外)、第85款提及的特别补偿和费用、碰撞抗辩和诉讼费用,均不能根据本第9条获得赔偿。

Subject to the provisions below and to Clause 12 the Underwriters will contribute to charges properly and reasonably incurred by the Assured their servants or agents for such measured General average, salvage charges (except as provided for in Clause 105) collision defence or attack costs and costs incurred by the Assured in avoiding minimising or contesting liability covered by Clause 20 are not recoverable under this Clause 10

若发生任何灭失或灾难,被保险人及其雇员和代理人有义务采取合理措施,以便避免或减轻根据本保险可获赔偿的损失。102 依照以下条款和第12条各项规定,保险人将补偿由被保险人,其雇员或代理人因此种措施而适当、合理地产生的费用。共同海损、救助费用(除第105款规定者外)碰撞抗辩或诉讼费用以及被保险人为避免、减轻或抗辩第20条承保的责任而发生的费用,均不能根据本第10条获得赔偿。

Subject to the provisions below and to Clause 12 the Underwriters will contribute to charges properly and reasonably incurred by the Assured their servants for such measures General average, salvage charges (except as provided for in Clause 135) collision defense or attack costs and costs incurred by the Assured in avoiding, minimising or contesting liability covered by Clause 9 are not recoverable under this Clause 13

若发生任何灭失或灾难,被保险人及其雇员和代理人有义务采取合理措施,以便避免或减轻根据本保险可获赔偿的损失。132 依据以下条款和第12条各项规定,保险人将补偿由被保险人,其雇员或代理人因此种措施而适当、合理地产生的费用。共同海损,救助费用(除第135款规定者外)碰撞抗辩或诉讼费用,及被保险人为避免、减轻或抗辩第9条承保的责任而发生的费用,均不能根据本第13条获得赔偿。

B Salvage payments referred to in paragraph above shall include any salvage remuneration in which the skill and efforts of the salvors in preventing or minimizing damage to the environment such as is referred to in Art.


This article includes a brief introduction of the case and probes into some relevant problems of interest like whether the port fire brigade is entitled to claim remunerations for their fire-fighting services, and whether the hull underwriters are entitled to declare themselves ship's total loss and to limit their liabilities for sue and labour charges while the fire is still spreading on board.


更多网络解释与救助费用相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(5)"情况"(circumstance)一词,包括向受保人作出传达的任何讯息,或由受保人收取的任何资料. (2)"救助费用"(salvagecharges)指救助人无须引用合约而可根据海商法予以追讨的费用. 该等费用,

salvage charges:救助费用

(2)"救助费用"(salvage charges) 指救助人无须引用合约而可根据海商法予以追讨的费用. 该等费用,不包括受保人或其代理人或任何被此等受保人或代理人付酬雇用的人为避开承保的危险而提供的属救助性质的服务的开支. 该等开支,如属恰当招致者,

salvage charges:救助费用;海上打捞费

salvage at sea;海难救助;; | salvage charges;救助费用;海上打捞费;; | Salvage Convention;救助公约;;

SC Salvage charges:救助费用

SBT Segregated ballast tank 分隔压舱水柜 | SC Salvage charges 救助费用 | SCC Safety construction certificate 结构安全证书

SC Salvage charges:救助费用援救费

SB Supplementary Benefit 补助金 | SC Salvage Charges 救助费用援救费 | SC Service Charge 劳务费



Term of No Salvage Charges:无救助费用条款

term of contract 契约期限契约履行期限 | Term of No Salvage Charges 无救助费用条款 | term of payment 付款条件

Sue and Labour Expenses and Salvage Charges:施救费用和救助费用

4.2.2 Total Loss and Partial Loss 全损和部分损失 | 4.2.3 Sue and Labour Expenses and Salvage Charges 施救费用和救助费用 | 4.3 Risks Covered under the China Insurance Clauses 中国保险条款下承保的险别


salvor 救助船 | salvor 救助人 救助船 | salvor'sexpense 救助人的费用

natural calamity C:推定全损

2. extraneous risks B 救助费用 | 3. natural calamity C 推定全损 | 4. fortuitous accidents D 海上风险