英语人>词典>汉英 : 救世军的 的英文翻译,例句
救世军的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与救世军的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I joined in the Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong Cat Salvation Army today.


His children William Bramwell (1856-1929); Ballington (1857-1940), who with his wife, Maud Ballington Booth (1865-1948), founded the Volunteers of America (1896); and Evangeline Cory (1865-1950) were active in the Salvation Army.

他的孩子们威廉姆布朗威尔(1856-1929 年),巴林顿(1857-1940 年)他和他妻子,默德,巴林顿布思(1865-1948 年)创建了美国义勇军,(1896 年)而爱文杰林,科利(1865-1950 年)是救世军的积极活动者 824。

So I took the card off the tree and bought the doll and hairbrush for her and took it to the Salvation Army booth.


To get rid of me he wrote out a note to the Salvation Army people.


I was convinced the Salvation Army woman had made miracles happen for me that day, and I wanted to thank her.


For example, Salvation Army bell ringers are a familiar sight to most Christmas shoppers.


For example, Salvation Army bell ringers are a familiar sight to most Christmas shopper s


The salvation of the elect has its decretive origin before time, is realized through means in history, and culminates in eternal glorification.


To get rid of me he wrote out a note to the Salvation Army people.


For example, Salvation Army bell ringers are a familiar sight to most Christmas shoppers.


更多网络解释与救世军的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

recantation:取消前言, 改变论调

annual rainfall 年降雨量 | recantation 取消前言, 改变论调 | salvationist 救世军军人, 传道者 救世军的

Salvation Army:救世军

比较著名的有"食物银行"(Food Bank)、"救世军"(Salvation Army)等. 其中,"食物银行"是加拿大民间的志愿性救助组织. 在加拿大城市的许多食品商店、教会,都可看到标有"食物银行"字样的食品捐献处,许多人将自己所购食品的一部分放到"食物银行"收集箱中,

Salvation Army:(基督教)救世军

这只藏有约澳币10万元(约人民币63万元)的旧行李箱,是由老太太捐给当地由慈善团体"基督教救世军"(Salvation Army)管理的救世军二手商店. 前阵子老夫妇为了清空家中的一个房间,将堆放房内的杂物整理出来,捐给二手商店.

The Salvation Army:救世军

写上救世,成为"救世军"(The Salvation Army). 然后卜维廉站起来,大声宣读"基督徒布道团是一支救世军". 这是一个多么奇妙的发现;这是一项历史上伟大的创举. 第七章 正式命名为救世军 一八七八年八月七日,在基督徒布道团的年会上,

From Salvation Army counters:那是来自救世军的捐物

She is wearing rags and feathers 她穿着破衣戴着羽毛 | From Salvation Army counters 那是来自救世军的捐物 | And the sun pours down like honey 暖阳像蜂蜜一般泻照

From Salvation Army counters:那是救世军的装束

she is wearing rags and feathers 她披着布片和羽毛 | from Salvation Army counters 那是救世军的装束 | And the sun pours down like honey 当阳光像蜜一样


salvation 救世 | salvationism 救世军的主义 | salvationist 救世军军人

salvationist:救世军军人, 传道者 救世军的

annual rainfall 年降雨量 | recantation 取消前言, 改变论调 | salvationist 救世军军人, 传道者 救世军的


salvationist 救世军军人, 传道者 救世军的 | unreturnable 不能返回(或回收)的,无法归还(或偿还)的 | display apparatus 显示器

Crying at the doorsteps:站在领取救济金的行列

While they're standing in the welfare lines 当人们 | Crying at the doorsteps, 站在领取救济金的行列 | Of those armies of salvation, 在救世军的阶前哭泣