英语人>词典>汉英 : 敌手的 的英文翻译,例句
敌手的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
adversarial  ·  adversary  ·  adversaries

更多网络例句与敌手的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In many projects, this traditional approach results in costly and adversarial negotiations about how to price changes and additional work.


Cloning of the agouti gene57 identified a protein that functions as an antagonist of cutaneous MC1 receptors and normally is expressed by hair follicles.

刺鼠基因 57 的复制识别了作为一个皮肤 MC1 受容器的敌手的蛋白质而且通常被头发小囊表达。

For evaluating the security of cryptographic device in the risk environment full of electromagnetic analysis adversaries,by enhancing the adversary's ability in the classical cryptographic black box model, two novel adversaries,the key recover adversary and the indistinguishability determined adversary who takes the advantage of electromagnetic emissions,were defined within the framework of physical observable cryptography model.


This lukewarmness arises partly from fear of adversaries who have the laws on their side and partly from the incredulity of men, who do not truly believe in new things unless they come to have a firm experience of them.

这 种暧昧态度的产生,部分是因为对敌手的恐惧,这在于敌手有法律的支持,还有一部分原因则是人的猜疑之心,因为人们除非对新的事物具有实实在在的体验,否则是不会真正相信新事物的。

The envoys whom he sent to the Caesars sometimes commended him to them as a suppliant and sometimes spoke as though they represented an equal.


His companionship was uproarious; his determination to outwit the bad guys inspirational.


Shannon's model can be modified to make practical provably secure cryptosystems possible.


He gloated over his rival's failure....


My Master informs you of his desire to take control of his enemy's lands,prepare yourself.


His rich experience was the key reason why he outreached his rivals.


更多网络解释与敌手的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


adversaria | 记事, 杂录 | adversarial | 敌手的,对手的,对抗(性)的 | adversary | 敌手, 对手


撒但(Satan)一词包含有"敌手"(adversary)的意思. 撒但与上帝的大争战从天上转移到了地球上. 这场大争战一直进行着,直到它的最后一幕,那就是在末时生活在地球上的所有人类,要各自决定是跟随上帝而顺从他的诫命,还是反对而不顺从,

embattled:心烦意乱的 四面楚歌的

chain reaction 连锁反应 | embattled 心烦意乱的 四面楚歌的 | a dangerous adversary 危险的敌手


采用删除、更改、增添、重放、伪造等手段向系统注入假消息,以达到损人利己的目的,这类攻击称作主动攻击(active attack). 19. Kerckholf假设:通常假定密码分析者或敌手(opponent)知道所使用的密码系统,这个假设称作Kerckholf假设.

PINPOINT PASS:精确的传球能力,包括长传和短传等

9.Goal Poacher:带球冲破敌手的后卫线. | 10.Pinpoint Pass:精确的传球能力,包括长传和短传等. | 11.Box To Box:禁区到禁区,角逐不断,奔跑不息的工兵型球员,好比马斯切拉诺等人.

GOAL POACHER:带球冲破敌手的后卫线

8.Cut Back Pass:精确切入禁区的能力,好比亨利等人. | 9.Goal Poacher:带球冲破敌手的后卫线. | 10.Pinpoint Pass:精确的传球能力,包括长传和短传等.

stimulatory:刺激的 激发的

737.anion 阴离子 | 738.stimulatory 刺激的 激发的 | 739.antagonist 敌手 对手


3. glassy 无光采的,不神气的 | 4. misbehaving 行为不端的 | 5. rival 敌手,对手

Strafing Arrow:散射之箭 发散式攻击,命中不同的敌人

Guided Arrow 导向之箭 准确的命中敌手 | Strafing Arrow 散射之箭 发散式攻击,命中不同的敌人 | Immolating Arrow 祭祀之箭 灼热的火焰随箭束射人敌人的身体,久久不肯熄灭,如同那祭坛上熊熊的烈火

Man Trouble:情逢敌手

继鲍勃.拉菲尔逊(Bob Rafelson)执导的<<情逢敌手>> (Man Trouble)和<<最后巨人>> (Hoffa)二部平淡之作以后,1992年杰克在<<好人寥寥>>(A Few Good Men)中,又一次以精湛的演技征服了影坛,第10次荣获了奥斯卡奖的提名.