英语人>词典>汉英 : 效果图 的英文翻译,例句
效果图 的英文翻译、例句


impression drawing
更多网络例句与效果图相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

All content materials for the Expo Shanghai Online are provided by Expo Participants, including CAD, effect pictures, audio, video, pictures, texts, etc., for the production of which, the Organizer might make necessary adjustments and abridgement in light of relevant regulations of the 'Guide for Development and Construction of Expo Shanghai Online'.


The system can receive and pretreat the discrete data of TXT format, realize different pattern three-dimensional visualization of line, different color and texture, etc. and has the functions of real time dynamical browse, three-dimensional coordinates query, grid data and three-dimensional figure export etc.It has too the functions of three-dimensiona contrastive figure drawing and contrastive data export of alterant riverbed terrain.


In the respect of data interpretation proceeding, the paper carried out the inversion calculation of experiment data with the resistivity CT method, gave some study on the image effect when the iron bodies were placed flatly close to water level under semi-space condition and were placed flatly, vertically or aslope to the water level under whole-space condition.


Finally, in detailed design's foundation, this article realized to the auxiliary gathering module service function has made the further introduction, and has given the partial function effect chart.


In this article,according to analysis of clan map that is one of most important map in cadastre management,based on platform of ArcGIS8 and ArcObjects as COM,expatiating arithmetic flow of automatic drawing clan map and enumerating some code of realize function and effect map.


This article unifies the chromatics composition study aspect theory and the building effect chart, uses for to display the construction the sense of reality and the environment feeling.


Most of the existent fabric CAD systems have designed and simulated fabric in 2D environment, and use color blocks to represent the contexture points. These systems can not show the 3D effect of fabric"s appearance, the simulation results can not replace the real fabric"s appearance.


Companies to provide free store, the shop counter the image of the decoration design, according to the franchise area, to provide working drawings and plans for store renovation effects of central planning.


The application of virt ual reality in architecture is a very hot topi c. In a walkthrough system, a user can observe the architecture in different vie w interactively. This paper discusses the characteristics and requirements of a real time walkthrough system.


The main task of the designing is to use CAD to work out a two-dimensional figure on the base of a thorough comprehension of the three softwares, and to use 3Ds max to transfer the plane picture and form a three-dimensional model, completing the drawing of a tridimensional model involving quality and light. Then use Photoshop to do some modify for the picture.

设计的主要任务是在熟悉三种软件的基础上,利用利用CAD绘制居室及家具的二维平面图;使用3DS max导入平面图进行三维建模,完成立体效果图的绘制,包括材质、灯光渲染的制作;最后用Photoshop对效果图进行修饰加工。

更多网络解释与效果图相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


工程人员在建造"心宿二"(ANTARES)中微子望远镜 "心宿二"(ANTARES)中微子望远镜模拟图 "心宿二"(ANTARES)中微子望远镜俯视效果图 北京时间7月16日消2007年初,美国联邦调查局(FBI)向中国公安部通报:"深圳存在一个从事生产、销售大量高品质盗版软件的集团.

Color wheel and names of color:色轮及色彩名称

Chapter 4 Color and Fashion IIIustration 第 4 章 色彩与服装效果图 | 4.1 Color wheel and names of color /色轮及色彩名称 | 4.2 Color mix /常用色彩调和

design sketch:效果图

小绉边褶 frill | 效果图 design sketch | 斜袋 slant pocket


此次浩辰全新开发的三维渲染引擎已经能够成功完成效果图制作 输出三大主要功能--消隐(hide)、着色(shade)、渲染(render)中的前两项,即消隐与着色,并且其输出效果足以与国际一流产品相媲美,

Affairs o f Life Insurance Actuarial Mathematics:寿险精算实务

手绘效果图 Effect Displaying of Hand-Drawing | 寿险精算实务 Affairs o f Life Insurance Actuarial Mathematics | 书法 Calligraphy


非常有趣的是,如果把灯光的"倍增器"(MULTIPLIER)的值设置成负数,还可以产生吸光或负光的效果,可以产生某种颜色的补色效果(对与白色来说则是黑色). 在室内建筑效果图内通常来模拟光线分布不均匀的现象,或人为地把亮度大的物体表面"照黑". 如


尼桑(NISSAN)奇骏安装SCHRADER无线胎压监测系统TPMS效果图展示图(1) 尼桑(NISSAN)奇骏安装无线胎压监测系统(schrader tpms)丰田(TOYOTA)普拉多安装SCHRADER无线胎压监测系统TPMS效果图展示图(1) 丰田(TOYOTA)普拉多安装无线胎


1、 根据彩色效果图 (Rendering) 作 Line Drawing,并研究其可行性,如机械结构是否能实现,能否达到 Rendering 的效果和所要求的功能,并考虑 3D 外形出模是否容易,外形尺寸须圆整,过渡平滑.


.1.4 [锥化](Taper)命令 95 4.1.5 [斜切轮廓](Bevel Profile)命令 97 4.1.6 [编辑网格](Edit Mesh)命令 98 4.1.7 [噪波](Noise)命令 99 4.1.8 [旋转](Lathe)命令 101 4.2 门厅效果图的设计说明与制作流程 102 4.2.1 门厅效果图的设计说明 102 4.2.2 门厅效果图的制作流程 103 4.3 门厅全局框架的制作 104 4.4 门厅效果图局部

Photorealistic product renderings:真实产品效果图

Advanced product visualization高级产品形象化 | ?Photorealistic product renderings 真实产品效果图 | ?Use and care manual graphics 产品使用和保养手册