英语人>词典>汉英 : 放射 的英文翻译,例句
放射 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
emanate  ·  emit  ·  irradiate  ·  irradiation  ·  radiate  ·  radiating  ·  radiation  ·  ray  ·  shed  ·  radialization  ·  emanated  ·  emanates  ·  emanating  ·  emits  ·  emitted  ·  irradiates  ·  irradiating  ·  radiates  ·  sheds

emanate from · radio-
更多网络例句与放射相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective To investigate the feasibility of individual radiotherapy for patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma of high radiation-sensitivity via caparison of long-term effect, toxicities between individual and conventional radiotherapy.

目的 比较放射敏感性鼻咽癌个体化放射治疗与常规放射治疗的长期疗效和毒副作用,以评估降低照射剂量和同期加量照射治疗放射敏感性NPC的可行性。

The radiotherapy operators average dose is high than radiodiagnosis operators about 68.1%, the technicians and maintainers' average dose is high than doctors and nurses' in radiotherapy about 93.3%.


Based on a quantitative analysis of radiolarian in 80 surface-sediment samples from the northern area of Okinawa Trough, this paper reported the species composition and faunal assemblages characteristic of radiolarian, expounded the distribution pattern of radiolarian abundance and diversity in surface sediments from this area. In this paper, a preliminary study on the relation of the distribution and abundance of radiolarian to environmental factors, such as chemical and physical properties of the overlying masses (sea-surface temperature, salinity, nutrients and primary productivity) and the type and composition of sea-bed sediments was made. The radiolarian data was evaluated using a Q-mode factor analysis to identify different faunal assemblages and their geographic distributions, then the relationship between radiolarian assemblages and distribution of water masses, hydrographic boundaries such as frontal systems was analyzed. A new radiolarian-based transfer function to estimate mean-annual sea surface temperature and seasonal range were examined to test its success in the study area.


The levels of SOD and CAT significantly increased and MDA decreased in bifidobacterium group compared to radition damage group.Electronic microgragh of spine neurocyte and neurogliocyte showed that cytoplasm,cytoblast and plastiosome were significantly engorged ,and neurogliocyte apoptosised in earlier period. TLR2mRNA increased in C group compared to B group by RT-PCR. Cytochrome C in kidney increased in C group compared to B group, but bcl-2,NF-Кb decreased. Conclusions : Enteroclysm is better compared to intragastric administration.

双歧杆菌处理组肝组织中SOD和CAT水平明显高于放射损伤组(P.01),同时MDA明显低于放射损伤组(P.01);电镜结果显示:放射损伤组与双歧处理组的细胞浆、细胞核和线粒体均明显肿胀,双歧处理组同时具有早期凋亡现象;RT-PCR结果显示:双歧处理组TLR2mRNA的表达明显高于放射损伤组;免疫组化结果显示,双歧处理组Cytochrome C的表达明显优于放射损伤组,而NF-кBp65和bcl-2则相反。

The unit of radioreaction in ethmoidal sinus was ethmoidal cell. Several ethmoidal sinus cells were fused to patch in severe cases. The radioreactions in ethmoidal sinus, maxillary sinus and sphenoidal sinus were seen within three months, after three months and after one year respectively. And nasal sinus radioreactions of most cases were not absorbed spontaneously after one year. When the two kinds of radiotherapies were equal in dosing level, there was no obvious difference between them in respect to the radioreaction of accessory sinus, but when the dosing level was above 3182GBq, the radioreaction of accessory sinus was remarkably increased, compared with those caused by lower-dose radiotherapies.

筛窦放射反应以筛窦小房为单位,重者也可以多个小房融合成片状;筛窦的放射反应在放疗后3个月内即可出现,上颌窦常在3个月以后出现放射反应,而蝶窦一般在放疗后1年以后才出现;大多数病例副鼻窦放射反应在1年以后难以自动吸收、消退;两种方法放疗剂量相同时所致副鼻窦放射反应无明显差别,但放疗剂量在3182 GBq以上时所致副鼻窦放射反应较其它放疗剂量时明显增高。

The specimen was preliminary coated with carbon of 10-20 nm in thickness, then sputtered with gold of various thickness according to its shape and surface texture: a gold film of 60-80 nm in thickness for bell-jar or tower-type radiolarites, 80-140 nm for globiferous radiolarites with spines and 140-200 nm for globiferous radiolarites.

放射虫化石表面先蒸镀一层10-20 nm厚的碳膜,然后根据放射虫化石的形态和表面结构的不同,溅射厚度不同的金膜;钟罩形、塔形放射虫化石的金膜厚度在60-80 nm,带刺的球形放射虫化石的金膜厚度在80-140 nm,球形放射虫化石的金膜厚度在140-200 nm。

For the effect of surface oxidation on emissivity:(1) most oxidized samples have higher emissivity than unoxidized samples, except AL 2024 and AL 7005. The exception is due to roughened surface caused by the onset of melt and the change of surface color at high heating temperature.

铝合金有氧化与无氧化对放射率的影响:(1)大部份铝合金有氧化的放射率皆大於无氧化的放射率,除了AL 2024与AL 7005,因为熔化造成表面粗糙度增加及高温加热时表面色泽的改变导致无氧化的放射率大於有氧化的放射率。

Overall, emissivity of both oxidized and unoxidized samples increases with increasing temperature;(2) emissivity of unoxidized sample doesn t change with time. However, emissivity of oxidized sample increases due to the growing oxide layer with time;(3) a stronger effect of alloy composition is evident for oxidized samples.


Medical radiobiology is a very important basic disciplines of medicine, radiobiology and clinical radiation injury, including the basic elements of their studies to molecular biology, pathology, Medical genetics, biochemistry, radiation health studies.


The journal publishes research in radiation oncology and the related specialties of radiobiology, cancer biology, and medical physics, focusing on investigational aspects of clinical and basic research related to radiotherapy; reports on translational research, i.e. laboratory observations with significant implications for clinical radiotherapy and clinical studies that indicate new approaches for basic research; as well as molecular radiobiology and clinical trials.


更多网络解释与放射相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


actinomorphous 放射状的 | actinomycete 放射菌类 | actinomycin 放射菌素

actinomycete:放射菌类 放射菌

actinometer 光能测定计 日射計 Y | actinomycete 放射菌类 放射菌 Y | action spectrum 作用光谱 作用光譜 Y


actinomycete 放射菌类 | actinomycin 放射菌素 | actinomycosis 放射菌病

autoradiography:放射自顯影 放射自显影

又称聚变弹、 热核弹、热核武放射自显影 放射自显影(autoradiography) 放射自显影的原理是利用放射性同位素所发射出来的带电离子(α或β粒子)作用于感光材料的卤化银晶体,从而产生潜影,这种潜影可用显影液显示,

radiation oncology:放射肿瘤学

在西元1951年瑞典神经放射肿瘤学总论安徽省肿瘤医院 肿瘤放疗中心讲授:沈学明 主任医师2003年 09月一,放射肿瘤学定义放射肿瘤学(Radiation Oncology)应用各种人工或天然放射源作为工具,来治疗各种人类癌肿的一门专门学科.她是一门和高科技密切相关的新兴学科,

radioactive decay series:放射衰变系列

放射衰变;放射蜕变 radioactive decay | 放射衰变系列 radioactive decay series | 放射蜕变 radioactive disintegration


核医放射药物(radiopharmaceutical)包含二部份:化合物(compound)及其标记的放射核种(radionuclide). 一般来说,这个化合物及放射核种的化学量(chemical quantities)都非常小. 因此,放射药物不会干扰它所要侦测的正常生化反应,它的功能就像是一个示踪...

secondary emission rate:二次放射率,次级放射率

"secondary emission photocell ","二次放射光电管" | "secondary emission rate ","二次放射率,次级放射率" | "secondary energy ","二次电能"

radioscopic:放射镜的; 放射观察法的 (形)

radioscope 放射镜; 验电器; X线透视屏 (名) | radioscopic 放射镜的; 放射观察法的 (形) | radioscopy 放射线透视, X光透视 (名)

ISRRT; International Society of Radiographers and Radiological;Technicians:国际放射照相员和放射技术员学会(放射照相员和放射技术员学会)

*ISRIC; International Soil Reference... | *ISRRT; International Society of Radiographers and Radiological;Technicians; 国际放射照相员和放射技术员学会(放射照相员和放射技术员学会) | *ISS; Information Sys...