英语人>词典>汉英 : 攻势 的英文翻译,例句
攻势 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
offensive  ·  offenses  ·  offensives

更多网络例句与攻势相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Whirlwind has just introduced several such games with an extensive advertising campaign directed at people 10 to 25 years old, the age-group most likely to play video games.


Whirlwind has just introduced seve ral such games with an extensive advertising campaign directed at people 10 to 25 years old, the age-group most likely to play video games.

而 Whirlwind 公司最近刚发行了几个这样类型的游戏,并且有着面对10到25岁这样最多人玩游戏的人群的强大的广告攻势

At the time of the August offensive it consisted of 4 scout planes attached to air force headquarters, 15 scout planes serving with the ground troops, and two combat wings with 125 aircraft


After a successful mission to drop supplies to troops on an offensive in Burma, Cliff and his crew learn that their airbase is being bombed by the Japanese.


The communists launched another major offensive in 1972, but were turned back by massive US airpower.


In addition, she holds the great strategic points of northern Europe,--- Alsace-Lorraine, the door to France; the Kiel Canal, giving her access to the Baltic without exposing herself to the necessity of utilizing the Sund; her allies hold the Swiss passes and the vital points affording passage into Russia and the Balkans.


Since then they actually launched a charm offensive to the outside, a peace offensive, I think they felt some pain coming from the implementation of the U.N.


The finest clarets and best burgundies will not escape the latest drive to counter the booze culture, which continues on Monday with a hard-hitting advertising campaign aimed at young drinkers.


The finest clarets and best burgundies will not escape the latest drive to counter the booze culture, which continues on Monday with a hard-hitting advertising campaign aimed at young drinkers.


The prepare order is especially useful if you are thinking about offensives.


更多网络解释与攻势相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aggressively:侵略地, 攻势地

aggregate 合计, 总计, 集合体 | aggressively 侵略地, 攻势地 | air inlet 通风口


攻势militaryoffensiveaggressiveness | 攻势地aggressively | 攻占razzia

and more aggressively:向她发动更大的攻势

Yes. Perhaps if we had pursued it sooner...|对,我们本应该更早点采取行动 | and more aggressively...|向她发动更大的攻势 | You dare to blame Master Roshi?|你胆敢怪罪帮主罗侍郎?

offensive minefield:攻势雷场

offensive information operations 进攻性信息战;进攻性信息行动 | offensive minefield 攻势雷场 | officer in tactical command 战术指挥官

I'm not going for anything:我不要展开什么攻势

You better go for it.|你最好赶快展开攻势 | I'm not going for anything.|我不要展开什么攻势 | Well, if you don't, I will.|你不要的话,我要

peace offensive:和平攻势

patriotism n. 爱国主义☆☆ | peace offensive 和平攻势 | peaceful coexistence 和平共处

pincer movement:钳形攻势

这样,对华沙以西维斯瓦河弯的波军发动的钳形攻势(Pincer movement)外面,又摧枯拉朽地展开了一个更大的钳形攻势. 在这一阶段的入侵中,德国方面的计划作了重大变动. 当时波兰方面异常混乱,看来各纵队在向许多不同方向前进,卷起的尘土模糊了空中的视野,

power play:集中攻势

power plant 发电厂 | power play 集中攻势 | power politics 强权政治

Why a power play now:为什么现在用高压攻势

Why now?|为什么现在? | Why a power play now?|为什么现在用高压攻势? | I smelled weakness.|我嗅到了软弱的气味

Is this some sortof power play:某种高压攻势么

Why are we in here?|我们为什么在这里? | Is this some sortof power play?|某种高压攻势么? | Yeah.|是