英语人>词典>汉英 : 攻击性的 的英文翻译,例句
攻击性的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
invasive  ·  offensive

更多网络例句与攻击性的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, there are fewer researches about aggressiveness in our country, especially lack of instruments to measure adolescent aggressiveness.


In this part,several theories about aggression and the new achievements of implicit research were discussed.


It's against the law to carry knives-they are classed as offensive weapons.


Gansu zokor is a solitary, territorial and aggressive subterranean rodent.


Too often I have made the mistake of sending an irritable response, which will have festered and angered the other end much more than a difficult telephone exchange.


The Chinese are also becoming willing to use more aggressive tactics , including hostile offers .


More aggressive children are more likely to be spanked.


They are merely children, holding toy-like weapons, so they can not be the aggressors.


An aggressive species of West African mantis in defensive stance, with eyespotson forelimbs that suggest she is much bigger than she is.


One of the two offensive linemen on either side of the center.


更多网络解释与攻击性的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aggressive behavior:攻击性行为

攻击性行为(aggressive behavior)是指以直接或间接的方式有意通过攻击、威胁、辱骂等行为伤害他人的心理、肌体,引起他人痛苦、厌恶等反应的任何行为. 青少年攻击行为的表现是多方面的、复杂的,常见的有以下几种类型:

Aggressive Inline:攻击性的线内

567 - Hamepane Tokyo Myumyu Hamepane 东京 Myumyu | 569 - Aggressive Inline 攻击性的线内 | 570 - Pinky And The Brain - The Master Plan 带淡红色的和脑 - 综合计划


在做证人盘问(cross examination)时,讲师点评我审问太具攻击性,这点我没料到,自认为语气平和,速度不慢,其实不然. 审问的目地是要让对方暴露弱点,但攻击性的盘问只会导致陪审团对证人产生同情,因此欠佳. 自己觉得用平常的语气便可,

Don't glare at wild animals' eyes.It will be taken as an offensive gesture:别盯着野生动物的眼睛 看,那会被视作攻击性的 姿态

offensive a.冒犯的,无礼的,使人... | Don't glare at wild animals' eyes.It will be taken as an offensive gesture. ;别盯着野生动物的眼睛 看,那会被视作攻击性的 姿态. | The company has launched a strong mark...

Don't glare at wild animals' eyes.That will be taken as a offensive gesture:别盯着野生动物的眼睛看 那会被子视作攻击性的 姿态

offensive a.冒犯的,无力... | Don't glare at wild animals' eyes.That will be taken as a offensive gesture. ;别盯着野生动物的眼睛看 那会被子视作攻击性的 姿态. | The company has launched a strong marketin...

offensive Don't glare at wild animals' eyes.It will be taken as an offensive gesture:别盯着野生动物的眼睛 看,那会被视作攻击性的 姿态

in order to get a good... | offensive Don't glare at wild animals' eyes.It will be taken as an offensive gesture. ;别盯着野生动物的眼睛 看,那会被视作攻击性的 姿态. | The company has launched a strong m...


11. paranoid: 神经兮兮的,多疑的,患妄想症的. | 12. lasciviously: 淫荡的,好色的 | 13. lunge:猛冲,通常是带攻击性的.


Dopamine:多巴胺 | Tirade:长篇攻击性演讲 | Eulogy:赞颂的文章,赞颂的诗篇


攻击性的aggressive | 有仇必报的vengeful | 冷酷的ruthless

and wrestles with neighbors' garbage cans:被邻居的垃圾桶弄到的

Okay, he is missing a tooth. But he just gets out|没错,它是少了一颗牙 是... | and wrestles with neighbors' garbage cans.|被邻居的垃圾桶弄到的 | -He's not a violent dog. -That may be.|-它不是那种攻击性的...