英语人>词典>汉英 : 改良者 的英文翻译,例句
改良者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ameliorator  ·  improver

更多网络例句与改良者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Maybe a pragmatic idealist insists of being an ameliorator with great care, and harvests the permanent happiness from it; whereas the radical idealists attempt to knock down the existing world, set up their systematic, lofty and Utopian society with the paying of large-scale bleeding and death.


Yet for all that Mr Edwards is less a redistributionist firebrand than a big-government do-gooder.


Galton was a eugenicist who collected measurements on people around the world to determine how traits were inherited from one generation to the next.

Galton 是收集在人的测量环球确定的提倡人种改良者特征怎么被继承了从一个世代到下。

It was only the enormous practical difference that gradually showed itself between this particular conveyance and all others which caused it to be regarded separately, and even as it was, centuries elapsed before the ameliorators of law cleared away the useless encumbrance of the nominal mancipation, and consented to care for nothing in the Will but the expressed intentions of the Testator.


Clinical outcome measures were mortality and the modified Rankin scale score, dichotomized into favorable (0 to 2) and nonfavorable (3 to 6), at 3 months.


If a man is thought-free, fancy-free, imagination-free, that which is not never for a long time appearing to be to him, unwise rulers or reformers cannot fatally interrupt him....


If a man is thought-free, fancy-free, imagination-free, that which is not never for a long time appearing to be to him, unwise rulers or reformers cannot fatally interrupt him....


If a man is thought-free, fancy-free, imagination-free, that which is not never for a long time appearing to be to him, unwise rulers or reformers cannot fatally interrupt him...


The goods is not intended at any stage to be diverted for any use in food, feed material, organic fertilizers or soil improvers.


To this section belong economists, philanthropists, humanitarians, improvers of the condition of the workingclass, organisers of charity, members of societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals, temperance fanatics,hole-and-corner reformers of every imaginable kind.


更多网络解释与改良者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ability to pay:支付能力

社会改良者,尽管一般来说都不承认他们具有任何欲求改变收入分配制度的企图,但却一开始就论辩说,全部的税收负担--曾经被认为应由其他因素来决定--应当依"支付能力"(ability to pay)来分配,以求获致"平等的牺牲"然而,


ameliorative 改善的 | ameliorator 改良者 | amen 阿门

ameliorator:改良者, 改良物

ameliorative | 改善的 | ameliorator | 改良者, 改良物 | ameloblast | (牙齿)成釉细胞


ameliorator | 改良者, 改良物 | ameloblast | (牙齿)成釉细胞 | AMEME | Association of Mining Electrical and Mechanical Engineers 矿业、电气与机械工程师协会

eugenicist:优生学家; 主张改良人种者 (名)

eugenically 优生学上 (副) | eugenicist 优生学家; 主张改良人种者 (名) | eugenics 优生学 (名)



John Logie Baird:電視的發明者

James Watt 機械學家,工程學家,蒸汽機的改良者 | John Logie Baird 電視的發明者 | John Grierson 電影製作人,記錄片的創始人

Lower Class:下层阶级

在这个研究中,我经常用"下层阶级"(lower class)或"普通人"(ordinary people)这样的词语,是指那些生活在中下层的无名的、被遗忘的人们. 本研究中的"精英"和"社会(精英)改良者"与我在>一书中的定义相同. 见Wang,


progressist进步分子,改良主义者 | narcissist自我陶醉者,自恋者 | defeatist 失败主义者


bassist 低音歌手,低音提琴手 | progressist进步分子,改良主义者 | narcissist自我陶醉者,自恋者