英语人>词典>汉英 : 收款人 的英文翻译,例句
收款人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
chamberlain  ·  payee  ·  chamberlains  ·  payees

更多网络例句与收款人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A the recipient is present in the other contracting state for a period or periods not exceeding 183 days continuously or accumulatively in any calendar year


A the recipient is present in the other contracting state for a period or periods not exceeding 183 days continuously or accumulatively in any 12-month period


The recipient is present in the other side for not more than 183 days consecutively or aggregately within any 12 months after the beginning or end of the taxable year concerned, and


A bill payable to bearer is negotiated by delivery.


But a bearer bill is negotiated merely by delivery, it does not need to be endorsed.


The payee:受款人 The person who is to receive the money, he may be, and often is, the same person as the drawer and he is usually the exporter himself or his appointed banker in business or he may be the bearer of the bill.


We'll draw a sight bill in favour of the Export Bank Singapore.


We'll draw a sight bill in faour of the export bank singapore.


B. Notary or documentation from Notary Office or Public Security Office certifying the relationship between remitter and receiver is direct relative.

b。 收款人与汇款人不在同一户口簿的,需出示公证部门或派出所等有权机构出具的证明收款人与汇款人确为直系亲属的公证或证明文书

If not, you should present document to certify "Receiver is the direct relative of Remitter"."Direct Relative" include "spouse, father son", as follows


更多网络解释与收款人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


不管收款银行是哪一家,摩根大通、花旗、汇丰还是某个您不晓得的小银行,这些都很不主要,要害要看收款人(Beneficiary)准确的全称是什么. 而后再到这个买卖商注册地的政府监管机构的网站去调查他的全体登记注册材料、注册资金状态、投诉记载等资讯.

blank cheque:开支票人已签字,由收款人自填款数的支票

blank a.没有写字的;空白的;失色的 n.空白 | blank cheque开支票人已签字,由收款人自填款数的支票 | blast n.一阵;爆炸气浪;管弦乐器的声音 vt.炸

We'll draw a sight bill in favour of the Export Bank Singapore:我们要开立一张以新加坡出口银行为收款人的即期汇票

We'll draw on you by our documentary draft at sig... | We'll draw a sight bill in favour of the Export Bank Singapore. 我们要开立一张以新加坡出口银行为收款人的即期汇票. | We've already remitted the am...


在画线支票中,又可从画线的方式分为普通画线支票(general crossing cheque)和特别画线支汇人行(receiving bank)又称解付行(paying bank)是接受汇出行的委托解付款项的银行,汇人行通常是汇出行在收款人所在地的代理行; 收款人(payee),通常是出口人、买

account payee:收款人帐户

④ 在平行线中加列" 请收收款人帐户"(ACCOUNT PAYEE)字样. ⑤ 在平行线中加列 "不可流通,请收收款人帐户 "(NOT NEGOTIABLE ACCOUNT PAYEE)字样. 以上两种划线支票,只能由支票收款人委托其往来银行收款入帐. 一般划线支票的付款银行,

account payee:请入收款人的户号

请发给信用证 to take out a credit | 请入收款人的户号 account payee | 请支付票款 advice to pay cheques

account payee:存入收款人帐户

account payable 应付帐款 | account payee 存入收款人帐户 | account payee only 只付给受款人本人

specific payee:指定收款人

special journal 特种日记帐 | specific payee 指定收款人 | specific identification 具体辨认

alternative payee:代理收款人

alternative path 备选路径 | alternative payee 代理收款人 | alternative payee 替代收款人

alternative payee:替代收款人

alternative payee 代理收款人 | alternative payee 替代收款人 | alternative payer 代理付款方