英语人>词典>汉英 : 收拾桌子 的英文翻译,例句
收拾桌子 的英文翻译、例句


clear the table · to clear the table
更多网络例句与收拾桌子相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Yes, mother, I'm going to clear the table now.


May I clear the table for you?


Shall I clear the table for you?


A:I'll clear the table.


A : Would you like to clear the table?


I want you to clear the table,wash the dishes and put them away.


Let us clear the table for you.


I'll clear the table.


As I was a black , my job was to wait on tables and wash dishes .


The waiter is clearing the table, which serving as a reminder that it is time to leave


更多网络解释与收拾桌子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

to wait at table:侍候用餐

to lay the table, to set the table 摆桌子 | to wait at table 侍候用餐 | to clear the table 收拾桌子,撤桌子

Itrsquo;s bad for you:(这对你不好. )

Help us clear off the table.(帮我们收拾桌子. ) | Itrsquo;s bad for you!(这对你不好. ) | I have told you many times not to do that.(我已经告诉你好几遍了不要那样做. )

Help us clear off thetable:(帮我们收拾桌子. )

Help Mommy to set the table.(帮助妈妈放桌子. ) | Help us clear off thetable.(帮我们收拾桌子. ) | It's bad for you!(这对你不好. )

clear the table:收拾桌子

clear the land 离岸出海 | clear the table 收拾桌子 | clear the track 扫清道路

to clear the table:收拾桌子,撤桌子

to wait at table 侍候用餐 | to clear the table 收拾桌子,撤桌子 | tablecloth 桌布

Clear the table, please:(请您收拾一下桌子吧. )

[00:57.64]May I clear the table? (我可以收走了吗? ) | [01:04.82]Clear the table, please. (请您收拾一下桌子吧. ) | [01:12.37]Can I have some water?(您能给我杯水吗? )

Would you clear the table:能帮我收拾桌子吗

15.I ate three dumplings. 我吃了三个饺子. | 16.Would you clear the table? 能帮我收拾桌子吗? | 17. Do you want to help me wash those dishes? 你要不要帮我洗碗?

b. pick sth up:收拾整理

eg. I picked up a magzine that was lying on the table.我捡起一本放在桌子上的杂志... | b. pick sth up 收拾整理 | eg.please pick up all your toys when you're finished playing.你们玩完之后请把所有的玩具收拾...


quitar la mesa(收拾桌子、撒桌子) | manter(桌布) | servilleta(餐巾)

I can./ No:你会收拾桌子吗? 会不会

What can you do? I can sweep the floor.你会干什么? 我会扫地. | Can you set the table ? Yes ,I can.\\No, I can't.你会收拾桌子吗? 会\\不会. | In my room I have a trash bin. 在房间里,我有一个垃圾箱.