英语人>词典>汉英 : 支气管淋巴结炎 的英文翻译,例句
支气管淋巴结炎 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与支气管淋巴结炎相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results showed that a large amount of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae with gram negative infections could be seen in the secretion of bronchus; There were congestion in liver, necrosis, hemorrhage, fibrosis with neutrophils and macrophage infiltrating in lung tissue, necrotic splenitis in spleen, and hemorrhagic lymphadenitis in lymph node.


Resujts:① The distribution of lesions are mostly symmetrical, extensive, predominant in the middle and lower lung fields, and posterior areas in peripheral;② There are so many HRCT findings of lung, ILD is predominant: intralobular interstitial thickening 46 cases (100%), ground-glass opacity 41 cases (89.13%), peribronchovascular or centrilobular interstitial thickening 40 cases (86.96%), interlobular septal thickening 38 cases (82.61%), irregular linear opacity 37 cases (80.43%), small nodular opacity 34 cases (73.91%), subpleural line 27 cases (58.70%), bmnchiectasis or bronchiolectasis 19 cases (41.30%), patch opacity 18 cases (39.13%), expiratory mosaic sign 15 cases (32.61%), interface sign 14 cases (30.43%), honeycombing 12 cases (26.09%), emphysema or bulla 3 cases, cystic airspace suspected 1 case, and atelectasis suspected 1 case;③ Mediastinum and pleura: multiple small lymphonodi in mediastinum 41 cases (89.13%), pleural thickening or rough 38 cases (82.61%), esophagoectasis 11 cases (23.91%), unilateral little pleural fluid 1 case, and mediastinal emphysema 1 case.


更多网络解释与支气管淋巴结炎相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bronchial arteriography:支气管动脉造影术

bronchadenitis 支气管淋巴结炎 | bronchial arteriography 支气管动脉造影术 | bronchial asthma 支气管哮喘


bromomenorrhea 臭经 | bromopnea 口臭 | bronchadenitis 支气管淋巴结炎

bromyrite:溴银矿 溴银矿

bromusinermis 无芒草 无芒雀麦草 | bromyrite 溴银矿 溴银矿 | bronchadenitis 支气管淋巴结炎


bromyrite 溴银矿 溴银矿 | bronchadenitis 支气管淋巴结炎 | bronchfiberscope 纤维支气管镜

caseous pneumonia:干酪性肺炎

(2)干酪性肺炎:干酪性肺炎(caseous pneumonia)见于机体抵抗力极差,对结核杆菌高度过敏的患者. 分大叶性及小叶性两种. 大叶性干酪性肺炎为大片渗出性结核性炎变发生干酪样坏死而形成,范围较大,小叶性干酪性肺炎系由干酪空洞或干酪样化的淋巴结破溃经支气管播散而形成.