英语人>词典>汉英 : 擅离 的英文翻译,例句
擅离 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
desert  ·  deserting  ·  deserts

更多网络例句与擅离相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Absence without official leave or leaving one's position without proper reason and approval from departmental director at working hour for 60mins to 120mins or cause the economic loss of 10000 RMB to 20000 RMB


We are not saying the soldiers are AWOL.


He went AWOL, and then came back at the end of the month to get his pay check.


We know why you went AWOL.


General: That slippery little rat. If he's awol, I'll skin him alive.


Everyone's going awol, nobody's stopping them.


Even before Mr Levy went AWOL a recall petition had started to circulate.

甚至在 Levy 擅离职守前,一个要求他下台的请愿就开始广为流传。

Are you awol?


The billiard table has to be very smooth.


Desertions would occur, erosion of the troops such that the generals soon find they have left their posts, leaving the defenses vulnerable.


更多网络解释与擅离相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absence without leave:擅离职守

absence without leave 不假而去 | absence without leave 擅离职守 | absence 缺席

absence without leave:不告假而离去擅离职守

absence of stains 没有污染 | absence without leave 不告假而离去擅离职守 | absence without leave 不假而去

absence without leave:擅离职守;未经请假擅自缺勤

absence on leave 休假缺勤 | absence without leave 擅离职守;未经请假擅自缺勤 | absence without reasonable cause 没有合理因由而擅离职守

AWOL:擅离职守, 开小差

Awe inspiring 使人畏惧的 | AWOL 擅离职守, 开小差 | Axe to grind 别有用心;另有所图;有不同意见

go AWOL:开小差,擅离职守

30、save the day扭转败局 | 31、go AWOL开小差,擅离职守 | 32、enjoy the show看好戏


awacs:airbornewarningandcontrolsystem=空中预警与指挥系统 | awol:absentwithoutleave=擅离职守;无故离队;开小差 | b:bomber=轰炸机

AWOL:Absent WithOut Leave:擅离职守;无故离队;开小差

AWACS:Airborne Warning and Control System = 空中预警与指挥系统 | AWOL:Absent WithOut Leave = 擅离职守;无故离队;开小差 | B:Bomber = 轰炸机

AWOL:Absent WithOut Leave:擅离职守的

sofa cushion 沙发垫子 | AWOL absent without leave 擅离职守的 | hide-and-seek n. 捉迷藏

AWOL:Absent WithOut Leave:不假外出,擅离职守 ( 军 )

AWL absent with leave 经准休假 ( 军 ) | AWOL absent without leave 不假外出,擅离职守 ( 军 ) | B&B bed-and-breakfast 附早餐的住宿旅馆 (民宿)

absence without reasonable excuse:没有合理辩解而擅离职守

absence without reasonable cause 没有合理因由而擅离职守 | absence without reasonable excuse 没有合理辩解而擅离职守 | absent with apologies 因事缺席