英语人>词典>汉英 : 撞车 的英文翻译,例句
撞车 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

traffic collision
更多网络例句与撞车相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After the crash , an ambulance took the injured man to hospital.


More and more police and traffic experts suspect that "autocide" is an important cause of traffic death.


Duplicates Bardic Music Effects: Absolutely worthless.


The car accident bereaved him of his wife and son.


Esperance, WA "crash" event with DSTI/JIO SECRET "BOLIDE FILE" reference to "special access" channels undertaking a prompt and wide search.

1979年,埃斯佩朗斯,西澳"撞车"事件(与DSTI / JIO秘密"火流星文件"提到的"特殊访问"渠道进行了迅速和广泛的搜索。

He pushed hard on the brake pedal to avoid a collision.


He pushed hard on the brake pedal to avoid a collision .


A Burgomaster who is doing his rounds, crashes his car outside the farm.


I also love the name Ernie Prang -"prang" is old RAF slang for "crash", extended to road traffic, and is associated with a rather insouciant attitude to crashes, as in "pranged the Jag last week - what a bore!".


I also love the name Ernie Prang -"prang" is old RAF slang for "crash", extended to road traffic, and is associated with a rather insouciant attitude to crashes, as in "pranged the Jag last week - what a bore!".


更多网络解释与撞车相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Shelve放书上架 | Autocide撞车自杀 | Suicide自杀

autocide:自我毁灭 撞车自杀

autochthonous | (尤指动植物)本土的, 土著的 | autocide | 自我毁灭 撞车自杀 | autocinesis | 自体动作, 随意运动


5.撞车(Collision):不管汽车因任何原因造成车祸,给付你自己因撞车所引起的损失,至少保个二百五十美元. 6.全包性保险(Comprehensive):不管汽车因任何原因造成损失,皆可获得赔偿. 7.玻璃破损(Glassbreakage):给付你自己汽车的玻璃损伤.


比较喜欢低俗小说和阿甘正传,另外再推荐一个"撞车"(Crash),好像是某一年的奥斯卡最佳影片,不错,值得一看. 顺便说一句,去年的奥斯卡最佳影片"老无所依"(No country for old man)我看了一遍没看懂,不知道到底是想说什么的,

Crash Paul Haggis:撞车

?勇往直前 ( Gegen die Wand Fatih Akin 2004 ) | ?撞车 ( Crash Paul Haggis 2004 ) | ?赛末点 ( Match Point Woody Allen 2005 )

run over 1:在......上驶过,(撞车并)碾过2.把......很快地(或初略地)过一便

revolve around 以......为主要内容 | run over 1.在......上驶过,(撞车并)碾过2.把......很快地(或初略地)过一便 | sell off 廉价出售(存货)

Neck: Whiplash Injury:撞车引致的颈部扭伤

Neck: Osteoarthritis 颈骨性关节炎 | Neck: Whiplash Injury 撞车引致的颈部扭伤 | Neck: Wry Neck 颈部僵硬

Neck: Whiplash Injury:撞车引致的颈部扭伤 Bvg中国英语学习网

Neck: Osteoarthritis 颈骨性关节炎 Bvg中国英语学习网 | Neck: Whiplash Injury 撞车引致的颈部扭伤 Bvg中国英语学习网 | Neck: Wry Neck 颈部僵硬 Bvg中国英语学习网

Road crashes:[道路撞车]

limits [限制] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55,... | road crashes [道路撞车] . . . . . . . 28, 29-31, 32, 44, 115 | Ambulance [救护车]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69, 74, ...

I had an accident... my car...is totaled:我撞车了...我的车...全废了 )

Help! Please! ( 有人吗?帮帮我! ) | I had an accident... my car...is totaled. ( 我撞车了...我的车...全废了 ) | I just need... please... is anyone in there? ( 我只是需要些...求你了...有人吗? )