英语人>词典>汉英 : 撞击坑 的英文翻译,例句
撞击坑 的英文翻译、例句


impact crater
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This is probably what happened to the asteroid Vesta, which has a very large impact crater and no water.

这可能发生在了小行星 Vesta上,因为它就有个非常大的撞击坑,同时没有水。

By applying Baldwin's equation, the depth of such a crater should be about 20km.


Based on the measured depth of smaller lunar crater. Baldwin's equation gives the depth of the zone of brecciation for such a crater as about 75km.


Because Dione is relatively small, an impact causing a 35 kilometer crater could have spun the satellite.


Since there are many craters larger than 35 kilometers, Dione could have been repeatedly spun during its early heavy bombardment.


Diviner was commanded to observe the impact site on eight successive orbits, and obtained a series of thermal maps before and after the impact at approximately two hour intervals at an angle of approximately 48 degrees off nadir.


However, if we accept the hypotheses of formation of some of the mare basins by impact, the maximum lunar impact crater diameter is probably as large as 650km.


In the case of the demise of the dinosaurs, scientists have a smoking gun, an impact crater that suggests dinosaurs were wiped out as the result of a large asteroid crashing into the planet.


On the basis of summarizing scientific goals of lunar exploration and analyzing distribution characteristics of landing sites, the authors chose three craters of Copernicus, Kepler, and Aristarchus in KREEP rock distribution area as candidate landing sites.


The planetoid hit theory, has very quickly obtained many scientists'supports. In 1991, in Mexico's You Katan the peninsula discoveredoccurs in the remote age star the hit pit, this fact furtherconfirmed this viewpoint.


更多网络解释与撞击坑相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alice Springs:艾利斯.斯普林斯

澳大利亚小镇艾利斯.斯普林斯(Alice Springs)附近的戈斯峭壁(Gosses Bluff),是在1亿4千3百万年前由陨石撞击所形成的,是地球表面上约170个陨石撞击坑之一.





immiscibility gap; miscibility gap:溶混度间隙

移填矿脉 immigrant vein | 溶混度间隙 immiscibility gap; miscibility gap | 撞击圆坑 impact crater

impact crater:撞击坑

到了上世纪末年,据说一位地质学家在澳洲的海岸外(off the coast of Australia)发现了一个类似撞击坑(impact crater)的地方. 最近又有一位地球化学家(geochemist)分析说,那个坑确实是2亿5000万年前小行星撞击地球造成(create)的;而且那次撞击可能就是地球发生物种大变故的起因:

meteorite crater:陨石坑

陨石坑(meteorite crater)乃地球表面呈现的外来奇观,是陨石体高速撞击地表或其他天体表面所形成的坑穴. 又称陨石冲击坑. 在月球、水星、火星上,陨石坑是很普遍的现象. 大的陨石坑又称环形山.

lunar impact craters:月球撞击圆坑

"月球史","lunar history" | "月球撞击圆坑","lunar impact craters" | "月球运动","lunar motion"


更下至坑底层,受严重撞击,硬度极大,叫做"质量密集"(mascon). 指那个区域质量特多,重力异常,实为超密区. 现今已测知月面上有许多超密区. 月脸中心以西有一环形山,叫做哥白尼环形山(Coper-nicus Crater),直径长达100公里.


澳大利亚有多座,称做玻陨石(Tektites)撞击坑,玻陨石来自太空,并非来自火山喷发. 美国第二大陨石坑位于得克萨斯州奥德萨,其直径长0.16公里. 欧洲波兰有莫拉斯科陨石坑,直径0.1公里. 日本人及美国人在南极洲冰层以内都找到了陨石,