英语人>词典>汉英 : 撒网 的英文翻译,例句
撒网 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
net  ·  nets

casting net · falling net · cast a net · pay out a net
更多网络例句与撒网相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They cast a wide net, seekingmispriced securities across industries and types andor other criteria.


They cast a wide net, seeking mispriced securities across industries and types andor other criteria.


"We wanted to cast a very wide net," Mr. Bock said. It is not unusual to walk the halls here and bump into dogs.


Register a website, cento a few information, install 9 phones can " net scoops up a fish "; The company that the website place that a few copy risk shows registers the ground to be in A ground, personnel is in B ground, IP address is in C ground however.


Let's boat in the river of history to enjoy the course of the civilization's development, listen to the chanty of Egyptian Nile, smell the aroma of paddy from the two rivers valley in the west Asia, have a holy bath in the Ganges of India in the south Asia, casting net in the Changjiang River and Yellow River of China ,enjoy the democracy lamp of Grecian city-state in aegean sea, taste the free drink of the Mississippi, let's view and admire the great billow hit the shore, the sea and the sky have the same color, so our noble heart would be soul-stirring.


Children at this stage could easily disturb this regard, we the people this is called "noisy nights," Kazakh soil test methods, call your parents dogskin black hung in bed next to, or there is a fisherman casting a net of up In the window, which allows you to do the home test and Kazakhstan, I have a door that some children very effectively.


Now we must look ahead, we must "put out into the deep", trusting in Christ's words: Duc in altum!


He and other experts say Eilat's reefs will soon be wiped out unless the government swiftly closes companies that breed some five million fish a year in cages and are operating without permits.


Days hit fishing two days net you are to do not have method to score a success, do everything same!


Fishnet is wide net, this has said many times.


更多网络解释与撒网相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cast your mind back:回忆过去

*Cast sheep's eyes at 对某人抛媚眼 | Cast your mind back 回忆过去 | Cast your net widely 广撒网

cast sb. into prison:把. . . 送进监狱

pay in cash/by cheque 用现金/支票付款 | cast sb. into prison 把. . . 送进监狱 | cast a net 撒网

cast sb. into prison:把. . . 送进加

pay in cash/by cheque 域熘金/支票付款 | cast sb. into prison 把. . . 送进加 | cast a net 撒网

Nosy Be:贝岛

-诺西贝岛(Nosy Be)及其卫星村毫无疑问地是现代运动捕鱼的最佳之地. 在这里只要是海潮允许的话,可以同一天撒网,打捞收网. 捕到的鱼当中最有意思的是黄色吞拿鱼(4-5月),梭鱼(9-5月,高峰期于10月和2月),松鱼、太阳鱼、剑鱼.

Kamala Beach:卡马拉海滩

卡马拉海滩(Kamala Beach)位于帕通海滩以北,是幻多奇主题乐园所在地. 最早是一个安静的小渔村,现在仍有渔民在此撒网捕鱼,有兴趣的游客可以和当地人聊天,并在日落时分看到满载而归的渔船. 但由于暗流等因素,在这一带游泳要格外小心.

Nursery-web spiders,family Pisauridae ):护育网蛛,盗蛛科

狼蛛,狼蛛科( Wolf spiders,family Lycosidae ) | 护育网蛛,盗蛛科( Nursery-web spiders,family Pisauridae ) | 撒网蛛,巨眼蛛科( Net-casting spiders,family Deinopidae )

Hackled-band orb spiders,family Uloboridae ):栉带球蛛,蟱蛛科

撒网蛛,巨眼蛛科( Net-casting spiders,family Deinopidae ) | 栉带球蛛,蟱蛛科( Hackled-band orb spiders,family Uloboridae ) | 普通球蛛,园蛛科( Common orb spiders,family Araneidae )

casting director:负责挑选演员的人

casting bottle 喷香水的瓶子 | casting director 负责挑选演员的人 | casting net 撒网

Casting Net:撒网

casting director 负责挑选演员的人 | casting net 撒网 | casting vote 决定票

casting vote:决定票, 赞成与反对同票数时主席所投的票

Cast your net widely 广撒网 | Casting vote 决定票, 赞成与反对同票数时主席所投的票 | *Castles in the air 空中楼阁