英语人>词典>汉英 : 撒上粉的 的英文翻译,例句
撒上粉的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与撒上粉的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Add the prefect touch to a double espresso with 20 ml of amaretto liqueur and 70-80 ml of milk and foamed milk. Sprinkle cocoa powder on the top as garnish.


Her griddlecakes done to a goldenbrown hue and queen Ann's pudding of delightful creaminess had won golden opinions from all because she had a lucky hand also for lighting a fire, dredge in the fine selfraising flour and always stir in the same direction, then cream the milk and sugar and whisk well the white of eggs though she didn't like the eating part when there were any people that made her shy and often she wondered why you couldn't eat something poetical like violets or roses and they would have a beautifully appointed drawingroom with pictures and engravings and the photograph of grandpapa Giltrap's lovely dog Garryowen that almost talked it was so human and chintz covers for the chairs and that silver toastrack in Clery's summer jumble sales like they have in rich houses.


After cutting the best pieces from the chicken wings, soak the wings in the cooking wine and sprinkle with curry powder.


Is that the Queen Herodias, she who wears a black mitre sewed with pearls


Spongy confection made of gelatin and sugar and corn syrup and dusted with powdered sugar.


Her clothing was disheveled; powder-smeared and frowzled; a rumpled unmade bed; a bed with tousled sheets; his brown hair was tousled, thick, and curly- Al Spiers.


Unconditional reflex, in infancy is not surprising: It is now to consider the condensate伸舌like to stay still too early, it will be舌上of Carex刮下were observed in the exclusion of thrush, and white study confirmed meningococcal infection, the available 2 % sodium bicarbonate solution cleaning the mouth, and then coated with glycerol or nystatin grams triazole acid powder scattered in the oral cavity. 2, the normal 3-month-old boy physical development value: Height: low value: 57.6, mean: 62.4, high-value: 67.2 height of your baby has been achieved on a good growth and development of the fetus in the womb were shrimp-like, after birth There are bow-shaped legs.


The egg will cook delicately from the heat of the linguine, just enough for it to thicken and not scramble.


Press the cake down with a 22cm rimmed plate , weigh down with somethingheavyuntil cooled . Turn out the cake , dust with cocoa and serve.


Add ice cubes(around 20g) to the fior di latte with one espresso, plus fresh cream, pour with egg flip as topping as well as Piemonte chocolate and cacao as polish off, and placed in a bicchierinino glass of 100cc.


更多网络解释与撒上粉的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在意大利,奶末上加撒些可可粉粒,又称作"卡布吉诺"(Cappuccino). 另外,还有士耳其式的烧炉咖啡,加威士忌的"爱尔兰咖啡",黑咖啡加朗姆酒的"爱斯班拿"(Einspanner)等等....... 圣芳济教会(Capuchin)的修士通常都会穿著褐色道袍,

Know-it-all Turban:有學問的頭巾

12. Sprinkling Flour on the Clothesline 在曬衣繩上撒麵粉 | 13. Know-it-all Turban 有學問的頭巾 | 14. With Cold Cash in Sight, You Can Afford to Laugh 知道可以拿到錢了,就笑得出來了


7.打发鲜奶油, 抹蛋白酥皮(meringue)并抹表层至满,挤奶油 花于表面,撒上巧克力粉,并放巧克力片作装饰即成. 咖啡水晶焦糖蛋糕 原料配方 鸡蛋 4 个糖 125 克 中筋面粉 125 克 熔化的奶油 50 克 辅料配方 软奶油 275 克 糖粉 350 克 速溶咖啡精 30 毫升 沸水 30~60 毫升 咖啡甜酒(Tia Maria)75 毫升糖 150 克水 60 毫升 制作方


将所有配料加冰块后倒入摇杯内摇匀,倒入一个鸡尾酒碟中,并撒上适量的豆蔻粉(Nutmeg)点缀. 首先声明,我不是拿它来凑数的. "那生吃也算一种烹饪方法?"经过一番思想斗争后,我觉得算. 就比如令狐冲的独孤九剑,尽管没有招式,


让炒出来的蔬菜有一股特殊的香味. 溶化奶油加入少许柠檬汁和奥里根香料,可以淋在烧烤的鸡肉和鱼肉上. 在义大利面调味酱汁或沙拉调味酱汁中,撒上少许用手搓揉过的奥里根香料,可以更添料理的风味. 第十瓶: Paprika 红椒粉 (Paprika)

Parmesan Cheese:巴马干酪

可以适量加入肉桂粉,味道很不错. 如果用鲜果的话,搅拌的时候要注意些,尽量不要把果子弄破,那样就不好看了. 如果喜欢吃奶味的,可以在入烤箱前,撒一些巴马干酪(Parmesan cheese)在MUFFIN上. 这个方子大概能做18个MUFFIN.


用开边的蒜均匀地擦一遍, 涂上橄榄油, 撒盐和胡椒粉, 再铺满蕃茄碎. 金黄的面包片衬衫着鲜红的蕃茄, 令人心旷神怡. 假如喜欢, 可以撒一些现磨的奶酪粉(Parmesan Cheese), 和绿色的香料碎, 象罗勒(Basil), 欧芹(Parsley)等等.

Brandy Sangaree:白兰地珊格瑞

白兰地珊格瑞(Brandy Sangaree) 古典杯中加入适量冰块 半茶匙糖粉 1茶匙马德拉酒 1份白兰地酒 适量冰镇苏打水 装饰1条拧绞成螺旋状的橙皮,撒上少许肉豆蔻粉.

Port Sangaree:钵酒珊格瑞

钵酒珊格瑞(Port Sangaree) 坦布勒杯中加入适量冰块 半茶匙糖粉 1份红钵酒 适量冰镇苏打水 将3茶匙白兰地酒轻轻漂在上面,撒上少许肉豆蔻粉. 金酸(Gin Sour) 摇酒壶 1茶匙糖粉 半个柠檬的汁 1份金酒 摇妥,酸酒杯.

Mozzarella Cheese:马苏里拉芝士

煮好的蝴蝶粉淋上肉酱,铺一层"马苏里拉"芝士(Mozzarella cheese),200度,烤15分钟左右,看到芝士快乐的冒泡泡,吱吱作响,颜色略有金黄即可. 取出,撒一点"帕玛森"奶酪粉(Parmesan cheese powder)提味,点缀两片荷兰芹(Parsley)装饰.