英语人>词典>汉英 : 摇摆的 的英文翻译,例句
摇摆的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pendulous  ·  pensile  ·  rickety  ·  rocking  ·  unsteady  ·  wavering  ·  asway  ·  awag  ·  ricketier  ·  rockiest  ·  tittuppy

更多网络例句与摇摆的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And move in response to a gust of wind are quite familiar to everybody.


Faults: Short, prancing or choppy gait, lumbering or rolling gait; crossing or crabbing.


Members have to send out emissaries and see if they can find out common ground,' he said, but questioned whether a batter of presidential phone calls to fence-sitting members today may have done 'more harm than good.


Yet this does not make CAKE "quirky" or "eclectic"--the band is dead-serious and is likely to inflict grave personal injury upon those who must lazily define anything not huge and lumberingly monolithic as such.


Old-timer: It's simple. When it swings back and forth it windy.


To contend for manner pendulous intermediate constituency, two cost use up idea.


I believe life is a pendulum swing.


Squareness …… Measure squareness against pass center with swing measuring jig, piano wire, plumb bob and scale by swing measuring method.


The zeitgeist is in the midst of a mood swing, and its sway is going to affect everything from simple interactions to tangled webs.


Moreover, there also are some theories that some scholars research from the literary history angle, but are in whole range of Seventeen-Year Literature.


更多网络解释与摇摆的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

off balance:不平稳的,摇摆的

off and on 断断续续地,不时地 | off balance 不平稳的,摇摆的 | off duty 下班


pendant control 控制板 | pendulous 悬垂的,摇摆的 | pendulous gyroscope 摆修正式陀螺仪


penroseite /硒铜镍矿/ | pensile /悬挂的/摇摆的/筑吊巢的/ | pensionable /有资格领退休金的/可领退休金的/


rocking the sextant 左右摆动六分仪左右摇摆六分仪 | rocking 摇摆的 | rocking 摇动

rolling:rolling hills have many long gentle slopes:旋转的, 转动的, 摇摆的, 起伏的

tramping:to walk somewhere slowly and with heavy... | rolling:rolling hills have many long gentle slopes; 旋转的, 转动的, 摇摆的, 起伏的 | freestanding:not fixed to a frame, wall, or other support ;独立...

waddle : duck:摇摆的走:鸭子 正确答案

bask : lizard 晒太阳:蜥蜴 蜥蜴的典型行走特征是爬 | waddle : duck 摇摆的走:鸭子 正确答案 | circle : hawk 环绕 : 猫头鹰 猫头鹰的行走特征是飞

wiggle stick:摇摆的针棒

? Meteor Shower 流星雨 | ? Wiggle stick 摇摆的针棒 | ? Wiggle sticks 2 摇摆得针棒 2

asway:摆动的, 摇摆的 摆动地

aswarm | 充满的,拥挤的 | asway | 摆动的, 摇摆的 摆动地 | aswirl | 旋转的 旋转地


jiggle 轻轻摇摆 | jiggly 摇摆的 | jigsaw 锯曲线机;用锯曲线机锯;使互相交错搭接;竖锯

亦作 vacillatory 摇动的; 摇摆的; 犹豫不决的:vacillate adj

2942 vaccinate v.v. 预防接种 | 2943 vacillate adj. 亦作 vacillatory 摇动的; 摇摆的; 犹豫不决的 | 2944 vacuous adj.发呆的,无意义的,空的,空虚的,心灵空虚的