英语人>词典>汉英 : 摇摆乐 的英文翻译,例句
摇摆乐 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
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Mainly in solo jazz improvisation and the development of itself, with more and more attention, and increasing the performance of brass instruments and the solo in arranger exploration indicates the arrival of the era of swing.


"Jazz" can mean different kinds of music: swing, bebop or fusion.


Jazzcan mean different kinds of music: swing, bebop or fusion.


"A Little Jazz Mass" is a highly original and effective concert setting of the Latin Missa brevis in which the 5 movements, namely Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Benedictus and Agnus Dei embrace a variety of jazz, swing and blues styles.


The master of this "big band" or "swing" style was Duke Ellington, thought to be one of America's greatest composers in any genre.


The evolution of US "swing" bands like those led by Duke Ellington really arrived during the 1930s.


Most of its songs are built around three chords and a plain melody, but these forms are so basic, they allow for many different styles, from the gritty sounds of honky tonk to the jazzy improvisations of Western Swing.

正因为这些形式如此的基本,它们允许加入其他众多的音乐风格,像从粗糙的honky tonk之声到西部摇摆乐风中爵士乐般的即兴进阶。

It combined the sounds of country, folk, and polka music with the swing of Dixieland jazz.


Documentary about rock n roll pioneer Roger Kynard "Roky" Erickson, whose band the 13th Floor Elevators coined the term "psychedelic rock" in the 60's.

这部记录片是关于摇摆乐先驱者洛奇·埃里克森,他是13th Floor Elevators乐队的吉他手,他们于60年代创造了&迷幻摇摆&这个词儿。

When he stood for a solo, he gyrated and played with a blaring tone, more like hard-core rock and roll than jazz or swing.


更多网络解释与摇摆乐相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Big Band 2:大乐队2

61 大乐队1 Big Band 1 | 62 大乐队2 Big Band 2 | 63 摇摆乐 1 Swing 1

bluet:开蓝花的植物, 矢车菊

bluesy | 布鲁斯乐的(一种摇摆乐) | bluet | 开蓝花的植物, 矢车菊 | bluethroat | (产于北欧和亚洲的)蓝点颏,蓝喉歌鸲

Darcy Farrow:(达茜.菲洛)

when will i be loved(何时有人爱我) | darcy farrow(达茜.菲洛) | minor swing(微型摇摆乐)

heavy metal:硬摇摆、重金属乐

HIGH 高(指声音的音调) | HEAVY METAL 硬摇摆、重金属乐 | INPUT 输入插孔


Jivaro 黑瓦洛人 | jive 摇摆乐 | Jno. 约翰

Let's dance:让我们跳舞

摇摆乐最早起源于1930年前后,但普及却是1935-1946年间,一个标志性事件就是1935年有"摇摆乐之王"之称的班尼.古德曼(Banny Goodman)六重奏乐队在在国家广播电台(NBC)参加的一档节目,即著名的"让我们跳舞"(Let's Dance),持续了整整26周的节目通过电波传遍了美国,

swing music:摇摆乐

相当于美国三十年代特别流行的节奏感强烈的(hot)摇摆乐(swing music)来说,cool jazz则是具有一种松懈的、冷漠的、轻描淡写的风格. 因此,cool这个词便意味着:有品味的(in good state)、潇洒的(smart)、出色的(excellent),

Symphonic Rock:交响摇滚 交响摇滚

Swing 摇摆乐 摇摆乐 | Symphonic Rock 交响摇滚 交响摇滚 | Symphony 交响乐 交响乐

Ten thousand reasons:一万个理由

12 一万个理由(Ten thousand reasons) 迪吧下课,慢摇吧走俏,慢摇音乐以小于90-160BPM同心跳频率的节拍通吃house、R&B以及欧美乡村音乐,没有了爵士摇摆乐的吓人阵仗,慢摇音乐以嗨爽耳朵,摇摆身体为己任,大受身体紧张、脚步机械、微笑专业的现代都市人群的青睐.


bluestoneer || 青石染匠 | bluesy || 布鲁斯乐的(一种摇摆乐) | bluet || 开蓝花的植物, 矢车菊