英语人>词典>汉英 : 摄影术 的英文翻译,例句
摄影术 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与摄影术相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Contemporary tintypes and ambrotypes contrast modern imagery with the antiquarian process.


That is, photography has two antithetic al ideals: in the first, photography is about the world and the photographer is a mere observer who counts for little; but in the second, photography is the instrument of intrepid, questing subjectivity and the photo


Improvement in printing, photography and particularly color photography offered more opportunities to express creative ideas.


Let's look back on the history of photography, the Frenchman, Louis J. M. Daguerre (1789~1851) created Daguerreotype on August 19, 1893. From then on, photography was always developing with the progress of science and technology, and prosperity of visual arts.


In 1826, Mr. Nicephore Niepce, the French inventor of photography and heliography, obtained the first image in photography. Since then, as an expression of high technique of traditional photographic industry, large-format photography has been considered irreplaceably important in the development of photographic art.


Micro photography should not be confused with photomicrography which is photography through a microscope.


Microphotography should not be confused with photomicrography which is photography through a microscope.


Microphotography should not be confuse d with photomicrography which is photography through a microscope.


Microphotography: The branch of photography concerned with producing very small images, such as are used in the production of "microchips".


Severe acute respiratory syndrome ; tomography ; X-ray computer ; X-ray photography ; TTM ; diagnosis

严重急性呼吸综合症;体层摄影术; X线计算机; X线摄影术;热断层;诊断

更多网络解释与摄影术相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


有限远距离摄影术(Limit-telephotography)与天体摄影术(astrophotography)很相像,后者是天文学家用来拍摄距地球万亿里之遥的天体. CIA为了掩盖这些暗箱操作成立了许多个人名义的挂牌公司,使其行径看起来像是正常的商务. 但即便是挂牌公司,

black-and-white photography:黑白摄影术

black-and-white panchromatic photo-graphy 黑白全色摄影术 | black-and-white photography 黑白摄影术 | black-and-white stereograph 黑白相片立体图


cameratube | 电视摄象管 | camerawork | 摄影(术),摄影技巧摄影(机)操作 | camerist | 摄影师,照相者

newsreel photography:新闻片摄影术

news photography 新闻摄影术 | newsreel photography 新闻片摄影术 | newton 牛顿


photochromography 彩色摄影术 | photochromy 彩色摄影术 | photochronograph 活动物体照相机;照相记时仪


记录在磁带或通过电光转换记录在感光胶片上. 与像片相比,在内容和形式上范围更广. 用"影像"来包括(而不是取代)"像片",是航空摄影侦察发展成为遥感,摄影术(photography)发展成为成像术(imagery)的结果.

News Photography:新闻摄影术

neutron-pumped laser 中子抽运激光器 | news photography 新闻摄影术 | newsreel photography 新闻片摄影术

chest roentgenogram:胸部X 线摄影术

136 chest CT胸部计算机体层摄影术 | 137 chest roentgenogram胸部X线摄影术 | 138 chest ultrasound胸部超声

Computerized Tomography:计算机断层摄影术

computerized axial tomography 计算机轴断层摄影术 | computerized tomography 计算机断层摄影术 | computing interval 计算时距

flash photography:闪光摄影术,闪光照相术,频闪摄影术

flash photo printer ==> 闪光摄影印刷机 | flash photography ==> 闪光摄影术,闪光照相术,频闪摄影术 | flash photolysis ==> 闪光光解