英语人>词典>汉英 : 摄影侦察 的英文翻译,例句
摄影侦察 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与摄影侦察相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Reconnaissance aerial photography has been widely used because it is the current trend is good, informative, realistic strong.


Using special aerial photography and reconnaissance, to expose the enemy camouflage more rigorous goals.


The same procedure can be used to remove the graininess of highly enlarged photographs, which is of value e.g.


The same procedure can be used to remove the graininess of highly enlarged photo graphs, which is of value e.g.


The same procedure can be used to remove the graininess of highly enlarged photographs, which is of value e.g. in aerial photo reconnaissance


Cheetah R: reconnaissance fighter version; retains the recce configurations from the Mirage III-RZ and R2Z.


The level of AFP was not paralleled with the tumor size. Ultrasound, computed tomogram and angiogram were available for all patients.


The same procedure can be used to remove the gra in in ess of highly enlarged photographs, which is of value e.g.


更多网络解释与摄影侦察相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


记录在磁带或通过电光转换记录在感光胶片上. 与像片相比,在内容和形式上范围更广. 用"影像"来包括(而不是取代)"像片",是航空摄影侦察发展成为遥感,摄影术(photography)发展成为成像术(imagery)的结果.

space reconnaissance:太空侦察

space photography 太空摄影 | space reconnaissance 太空侦察 | space remote sensing 空间遥感

aerial photomapping:航空测绘,航空摄影制图

aerial photography ==> 航测,航空摄影 | aerial photomapping ==> 航空测绘,航空摄影制图 | aerial photoreconnaissance ==> 空中摄影侦察


photorecombination laser 光复合激光器 | photoreconnaissance 摄影侦察 | photoreconversion 光致再转换

photoreconnaissance:摄影侦察 照相侦察

photoreconequipment 摄影侦察设备 | photoreconnaissance 摄影侦察 照相侦察 | photoreconnaissancesatellite 摄影侦察卫星

Aerial Photoreconnaissance:空中摄影侦察

aerial photomapping ==> 航空测绘,航空摄影制图 | aerial photoreconnaissance ==> 空中摄影侦察 | aerial plant ==> 气生植物=>気生植物

photoreconnaissance satellite:摄影侦察卫星

photorecon equipment ==> 摄影侦察设备 | photoreconnaissance satellite ==> 摄影侦察卫星 | photoredox reaction ==> 光氧化还原反应

photoreconnaissance satellite:侦察卫星

photoreconnaissance 空中摄影侦察 | photoreconnaissance satellite 侦察卫星 | photorectifier 光电二极管,光电检波器