英语人>词典>汉英 : 搭理 的英文翻译,例句
搭理 的英文翻译、例句


rap to
更多网络例句与搭理相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As an entrepreneur people who aren't going to respond to you and it's your responsibility to politely and assertively stay on people's radar screen.


We're not even going to deal with the bouncer.


We may use "pass away" instead of "die" when some one leave us for ever is one example. It does not mean that we do not know the differences between "pass away" and "die". Why we want to use such kind of euphemism is just do not want that dispiteous word come out of our mouth. The third kind of euphemism has some different functions. They are used to pass some information that may embarrass the speaker if some people around them can hear it. For example, the euphemism for the catamenia is variety. The girls often have them own way to mention it when there are boys around or some strangers around.


And if your inner child is comatose from disuse, midlife is a good time to revive him or her.


He asked his boss a question, but got a curt reply , I have no time for


He asked his boss a question, but got a curt reply , I have no time for you now!


He asked his boss a question, but got a curt reply , I have no time


He asked his boss a question, but got a curt reply , I have no time for you no w!


TopSage.com He asked his boss a question, but got a curt reply , I have no time for you now!


Finally, there is time we had serious disagreements, and no longer Dali each other.


更多网络解释与搭理相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

strike up conversation with, accost:[搭和] vt. 主动地和...说话

[寸劲儿] n. 巧合(的程度) coincidence | [搭和] vt. 主动地和...说话 strike up conversation with, accost | [搭萨] vt. 搭理,理睬 turn the head to


其实,"椰子"(Coco)要力排众议起用这样一个人首先得使自己变成"疯子"(Loco),这次巴西莱赌得比贝尔萨还疯. 里克尔梅自身的压力也很大,在训练营,里克尔梅基本不怎么搭理媒体,关于竞技状态的问题一概不作答,不过他反复强调:"我在西班牙,


材质: 松木[俄罗斯(Russian)进口的特等木材],表面采用无毒环保、无气味、可挥发物极少、不燃、不爆的高安全性,黄变、易清洁搭理的水性油漆

shoot you down:不搭理

leech 寄生虫 | shoot you down 不搭理 | hunch 预感


两人一唱一和地打趣着胡天,许多问题女生,还有凌艺所在班的班主任. 因为他那个班主任是势利眼,把学生的座位安照成绩和家庭来排. "他对家里没钱学习成绩又上不了高档次的同学根本'不搭理'(Snub)是只地地道道的'势利眼'(Snob). "


doubt 生气的怀疑 | sulk 不搭理 | /emote(表情)的使用方法

Zac Efron:柴克艾佛朗

简介:伯尔史缇尔(Burr Steers)执导,柴克艾佛朗(Zac Efron)主演的青春喜剧,欧唐诺是个失败的中年人(简称MADAO),事业遇上瓶颈,老婆两星期后要跟离婚,孩子不搭理他,他也完全不了解孩子...所以他无限缅怀曾经前途一片光明的17岁,


can't ... be bothered:懒得搭理 | quizzed:被询问 | startling:令人吃惊的

sempre dritto:在前方[生贝勒 搭理堂]

recentemente 最近[来青待命的] | sempre dritto 在前方[生贝勒 搭理堂] | lontano 遥远地[龙大闹]