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搜索过程 的英文翻译、例句


search process
更多网络例句与搜索过程相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Deterministic search process restricts its flexibility, determined on the basis of fixed TS, according to the information of moving, add a probability function to the evaluation function, increase the probability factors , broad the search area, makes a better solution a better chance of being selected.

T S中确定性的搜索过程制约了它的灵活性,所以在禁忌搜索原则确定的基础上,根据搜索中的移动信息,增加概率性因素,在评价函数中增加一个概率函数,把确定性选择过程变为概率性的,从而改进搜索方向,拓宽搜索领域,使得更好的解有更大的被选中的机会。

simultaneous annealing ; golbal optimization ; continuous variable


Since the model is a large scale and NP-hard combinational optimization problem in the real navigation environment, a hybrid simulated annealing algorithm is employed to search the suboptimal solution composed of a lockage timetable and a ship scheduling, The search starts by trimming the existing lockage timetable based on heuristic rules; the result is then used to compute the ship scheduling by the depth-first-search algorithm. The obtained solution is finally updated by the Metropolis rule.


If consider online search, beardless remount copies the network page that searchs engine, the process that should inputting only clicks this label directly, or use a shortcut key, will enter search process directly, search result page can appear automatically immediately.


By combining the one dimensional search procedure in the determinate nonlinear programming problem with the stochastic approximation procedure, a new yield optimization algorithm is proposed and the rate of convergence is increased.


In order to avoid over-searching and under-searching, the size of search window was designed to be adaptively adjusted.


Crown penannular jade ring entrusts lawyer Li Changqing to think, at present Baidu has exceeded 50% far in market share of home, the capacity that its market controls a position already establish, to a few websites ban, it is the behavior that abuses the market to control a position, suggest to execute the law the search technology regulation that the orgnaization uses to Baidu and search process undertake investigating; Establish search technology standard and standard of search market service, aggrandizement leaves the government that props up a service to the search; Instruct Baidu to stop its to abuse the market to control a position to ban the illegal behavior of other website, be in in order to fine.


This paper proposes an Improved Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm.IPSO adopts a new mutation operator and a new method that congregates some neighboring individuals to form multiple sub-populations in order to lead particles to explore new search space.Additionally,this algorithm incorporates a mechanism with a simple and easy penalty function to handle constraint.Thus,this algorithm has strong global exploratory capability and efficiency while being applied to solve nonlinear constrained optimization problems.

提出了一种改进的粒子群算法(Improved Particle Swarm Optimization,IPSO),使用了一种新型的变异策略,并在搜索过程中将部分邻近的个体聚集成核,从而形成多子群引导粒子探测新的搜索区域,采用了简单易行的罚函数约束处理机制,使算法在求解较难的非线性约束优化问题时具有很强的全局搜索能力与效率。

So the course for searching the occluded features is mainly based on the reliable features.


Its main idea is that path planning is divided into two parts: the main path searching based on abstract road layer and the branched path searching on lower layer, which are connected as the complete path.


更多网络解释与搜索过程相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

OMCH Set Manual Account Assignment (GR):手工帐户设置(收货)

OMCG Search Procedures: Batch Determ. MM 搜索过程:批确定.物料管理 | OMCH Set Manual Account Assignment (GR) 手工帐户设置(收货) | OMCJ Screen Layout: Goods Receipt 屏幕格式:收货

adult education:教育

从百度网上搜索的结果可以看出,成人教育(adult education)是由那些具有成人特质的人承受的教育过程. 这是成人教育有别于普通教育的根本所在. 成人教育是终身教育体系的有机组成部分. 它与普通教育是一种相互依存、相互完善的关系.


jdb 调试器(debugger)编译过程中要克服的一个微不足道问题是如何将程序中需要使用而又在程序外定义的类装入源码,这通常是利用引入外部包来实现的. 类路径名(classpath)则用来指明到何外去搜索所引用的包和类.

method of steepest descent:最速下降法

同"贪心类"算法(如最速下降法)(Method of Steepest Descent)比较,基于Metropolis接受准则的模拟退火法可以避免搜索过程陷入局部极小,并最终趋于问题的全局最优解.


用户在搜索过程中产生的数据被证明同样很有价值,这些数据包括他们点击哪些结果、不满意时对关键词的更改、查询关键词与所处地理位置的关系等. 谷歌的同义词系统知道"dog"和"puppy"类似,沸(boiling)水是热的(hot). 但它同时会认为"hot dog"(香肠夹心面包)和"boiling puppy"(煮狗)是

key word:关键字

从此即可面对前述所出现的问题来迎刃而解:上述数位化的影音像资料格式一旦建立之后,本身即可经由后制作业的过程,设计各种不同程度与需求的查询程式系统,或是建立联结(link)与关键字(key word)的搜索条件,日后在检索与查询使用上,


如果你知道你的空白介质仅能够适应较慢的烧制速度时你也可以选择更慢的烧制速度. 另外,如果你在烧制过程中可能出现一些问题,降低一些速度有时会起到帮助. 2、点击"组织"(Organize)按钮,选择"文件夹和搜索选项"(Folder and Search Options).


我们的样本中没有一个人能够把这块代码区看作是一个"广告类型"列表. 对点几乎出现在结果列表的每一个位置,而且前进(progress)速率比北美用户更加的快. 中国搜索用户在最开始的交互过程中观察的是一个页面的更多空

knowledge representation:知识表示

现代AI研究的两个相互联系的核心问题:知识表示(knowledge representation)和搜索(search). 表现力(expressiveness)和效率(efficiency)是评价只是表示语言的主要尺度. 状态空间搜索为我们提供一种形式化问题求解过程的手段,启发(heuristic)使我们可以为这个过程注入智能.

intelligent robot:智能机器人

以搜索"基于agent理论的智能机器人(intelligent robot)技术的资料"为例,表1给出了采用关键词的各种逻辑组合在Google中的搜索结果. 从表1可以清晰看出纯度控制的过程和效果.