英语人>词典>汉英 : 描写语言学 的英文翻译,例句
描写语言学 的英文翻译、例句


descriptive linguistics
更多网络例句与描写语言学相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He was as much an anthropologist as a linguist, and his concepts of language were shaped not by Strunk's Elements of Style but by his knowledge of Cree Indian dialects.


In the first chapter , use describer linguistics theory to analyse the feature for having lucid and easy to read , harmonizing pleasing of inside medicine name .


Indian grammarian whose grammatical rules for Sanskrit are the first known example of descriptive linguistics (circa 400 BC).


The paper probes the influence of descriptivists on the study of grammar of Chinese language from four aspects: First, analytical method of morpheme and the usage of the principle for the classification of sentence structure; Second, the prominence of prase structure in the study of syntax for the analysis...


ABSTRACT This dissertation is devoted to a study of some distinctive morphological phenomena, syntactic constructions and functional words in Kunming dialect which belongs to the southwest subdialect in Chinese dialects.


This paper is a study of descriptive linguistics. Based on basic theory of linguistics, according to functional-typological methodology and relying on laboratory phonetical theory and computer data base theory, this paper makes a detail description on phonetic, lexion and grammar of ZhaoZhuang Vernacular, which is southern dialect of Bai language.


Based on the theories of language variation and lexical diffusion, this paper describes and analyzes the variation and change of Xuanhua dialect from various angles. It combines not only the diverse methods of descriptive linguistics, linguistic geography and sociolinguistics, but also the data of apparent time and real time.


At the same time, adopt the method of descriptive linguistics, contrastive linguistics and historical linguistics.


Therefore this article, adopts the research technique is: took the theory of historical linguistics and the descriptive linguistics, carries on as far as possibly description to the auxiliary verbs of Chagatai language.


Descriptive linguistics simply describes language.


更多网络解释与描写语言学相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dessertatio de Libertate Christiana per autorem recog-nita:论基督徒的自由

Descriptive Linguistics,an Introduction 描写语言学引论 | Dessertatio de Libertate Christiana per autorem recog-nita 论基督徒的自由 | Deutsche Geschichte 德意志史Deutsche Grammatik 德语语法


Descriptive Linguistics 描述语言学 [描写语言学] | desiderative 意愿的 | determiner 限定词

diachronic approach:历时角度

该书着重论述了词汇学的研究方法,谈到了三种:(1)历时角度(diachronic approach)即用比较语言学(comparative linguistics)的理论将词汇进行比较研究. (2)共时角度(synchronic approach)即用描写语言学(descriptive linguistics)的理论描写一中语言词汇现象,


例询问的是当前的意愿,例3表达的是对现在或将来的一种主观愿望,却都用的是动词的过去时,显然是一种时间上的错位(misplacement). 然而,传统的描写语言学对此并没有作出解释. 随着认知语言学的兴起和发展,尤其是概念隐喻的提出,

Structural Linguistics:结构主义语言学

描写语言学(descriptive linguistics)或可称为结构主义语言学(structural linguistics),其创始人为瑞士语言学家索绪尔(Saussure),认为语言学可以分为「内部语言学」和「外部语言学」,内部语言学只研究语言系统的内部结构,

synchronic approach:共时角度

(2)共时角度(synchronic approach)即用描写语言学(descriptive linguistics)的理论描写一中语言词汇现象,而不是探究形成现象的原因. (3)统计法. 即运用Zipf法则对词汇的频率作出统计. 另外,王德春先生,张永言先生,张维友先生也对我国词汇学研究作出了贡献.

descriptive linguistics:描写语言学

描写语言学(descriptive linguistics)或可称为结构主义语言学(structural linguistics),其创始人为瑞士语言学家索绪尔(Saussure),认为语言学可以分为「内部语言学」和「外部语言学」,内部语言学只研究语言系统的内部结构,

descriptive linguistics:描述语言学 [描写语言学]

Descriptive Grammar 描述型语法 [描写语法] | Descriptive Linguistics 描述语言学 [描写语言学] | desiderative 意愿的

American descriptive linguistics:美国描写语言学

ambiguous歧义的 | American descriptive linguistics 美国描写语言学 | American English 美式英语

Descriptive Linguistics,an Introduction:描写语言学引论

Deschooling Society 非学校社会 | Descriptive Linguistics,an Introduction 描写语言学引论 | Dessertatio de Libertate Christiana per autorem recog-nita 论基督徒的自由