英语人>词典>汉英 : 掷回 的英文翻译,例句
掷回 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
throwback  ·  retroject  ·  throwbacks

更多网络例句与掷回相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Air Sport, Bandy, Billiard Sports, Boules, Bowling, Bridge, Chess, Dancesport, Golf, Karate, Korfball, Life Saving, Motorcycle Racing, Mountaineering and Climbing, Netball, Orienteering, Pelote Basque, Polo, Powerboating, Racquetball, Roller Sports, Rugby, Squash, Surfing, Tug of War, Underwater Sports, Water Skiing and Wushu.


Cesta:a scoop-shaped wicker basket that is worn over the h and and used to catch and throw the ball in jai alai.


Then, after you have flipped and caught the coin, and as you transfer the coin to the back of your other hand in order to reveal which way up it is, sneakily slip a finger under the coin and give it a stroke.


Astronaut Takao Doi "threw a boomerang and saw it come back" during his free time on March 18 at the International Space Station .


Cesta:a scoop-shaped wicker basket that is worn over the hand and used to catch and throw the ball in jai alai.


Riley threw back his head and cackled long insane laughter.


So the little impudent fellow would waste many an ear in a forenoon; till at last, seizing some longer and plumper one,considerably bigger than himself, and skilfully balancing it, he would set out with it to the woods, like a tiger with a buffalo, by the same zig-zag course and frequent pauses, scratching along with it as if it were too heavy for him and falling all the while, making its fall a diagonal between a perpendicular and horizontal, being determined to put it through at any rate;—— a singularly frivolous and whimsical fellow;—— and so he would get off with it to where he lived, perhaps carry it to the top of a pine tree forty or fifty rods distant, and I would afterwards find the cobs strewn about the woods in various directions.


更多网络解释与掷回相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


使用例外状况产生器 (Builder) 方法. 类别在它的实作中从不同的地方掷回相同的例外状况是很常见的. 若要避免过多的程式码,请使用 Helper 方法,以建立例外状况并将它传回. 例如:


农场内有野牛、鸸 (emu)、鹿、袋鼠和马. 另外,这里还展出大量的西澳产品,并有土著人文化表演,包括corroboree传统舞蹈与掷回力镖. 农场表演节目还有:剪羊毛、召回羊群、鞭术表演、挤牛奶、乘稻草车、享用澳大利亚传统的比利茶(billy tea)与丹波面包(damper).


1.冰球(Hockey) 双人游戏(或团体对抗). 双方通过掷硬币或争红心确定谁先投. 先投者要去投红心,投中红心(单倍红心、双倍红心均可),就获得了球权,即可以去投一个任意的双倍区,投中一个双倍区加1分. 对手必须也去投红心去争回球权.

class initializer:类别初始设定式

因为当做类别初始设定式 (Class Initializer) 所掷回例外状况的包装函式,所掷回的例外状况. 这个类别无法被继承.


throw-over 转换 | throwaway 散单 | throwback 掷回


throwaway 散单 | throwback 掷回 | thrown 投掷

retroject:向后抛; 掷回 (动)

retrogressive 后退的; 退化的; 逆行的 (形) | retroject 向后抛; 掷回 (动) | retrojection 后投 (名)

retrojection:后投 (名)

retroject 向后抛; 掷回 (动) | retrojection 后投 (名) | retrolental 眼晶状体后面的 (形)


巧固球(Tchoukball)又称君子球,因为在比赛过程中攻守两方不能妨碍彼此. 在攻方球员将球掷向弹性网并弹回3公尺外的有效区后,若守方球员无法在球落地前接到,则攻方得1分;若守方接到,则换守方进攻. 巧固球运动中并无攻击区和防守区的分别,