英语人>词典>汉英 : 推拿疗法 的英文翻译,例句
推拿疗法 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
massotherapy  ·  naprapathy

更多网络例句与推拿疗法相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Caroline Colby publishes information, tips and resources on Massage Therapy.


In a recent announcement, china has pledged new assistance measures in five areas including taxation, debt relief, concessional loans, public health/hygiene and human resources devilment with view to supporting more rapid growth of developing countries.


Chen's magnetic field-the active weight loss combined with traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture, magnetic therapy, meridian massage, Chinese medicine system of secret recipes, civil slimming remedies of thin soup and modern psychological therapy, and various other's advantages, can be said to set the modern diet of the latest technology Results from the outside of the well-conditioning for all types of obesity, so that customers thin at the same time, access to good health.


Massage is the most ancient therapy form by using hand skill in China, also known as naprapathy, an qiao and so on.


Naprapathy is the way which the doctor treat the patients on the surface of the body by applying techniques of massage according to the particular state of illness.


Sprain ; Acupuncture Method ; Chinese Naprapathy ; Ankle Joint


Objective: To compare therapeutic effects of floating welt and manipulation on tennis elbow.


Objective: To observe the clinical effect of importing the ions of the traditional Chinese medicine and combined with massage in treating scapulohumeral periarthritis, reveal the pathogenesis of scapulohumeral periarthritis and therapeutic .


Our meridian and collateral therapy apparatus products are based on the traditional Chinese medicine theory and together with microcomputer CPU chip, which will lead human body' meridian and collateral system and conduct drug's effectual component into focus by ionization. User can select different therapies, such as magnetism therapy, sole therapy, water therapy, electric therapy and so on, which possess 68 different impulse frequencies. There are functions of assimilating acupuncture, tuina, drug conducting in this apparatus in apparatus, which can treat sick tissues comprehensive and implement the effect of diminishing inflammation, easing pain, relaxing tendon and activating blood circulation, supporting Zhengqi and exorcizing, recovering energy, enhancing immunity, and eventually curing disease temporary and permanent.


Hello! Currently, patients with hydrocephalus, we suggest that you can go through conservative treatment, you may want to consider using our hospital "trinity" of therapy, this method in Chinese medicine huoxuehuayu, dredge the meridians, Kaiqiao Diuresis guided by the principles, through the oral medicine brain Kang Ling powder / capsule, external brain Kang Ling patches, at the same time with acupuncture, massage, physiotherapy, etc. EECP therapy, so as to achieve a congestion of the brain intelligence since the open water since the purpose of the exception.


更多网络解释与推拿疗法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sports Chiropractic:运动脊椎推拿疗法

Engineering工程 | Sports Chiropractic运动脊椎推拿疗法 | Environmental Architecture环境建筑学

Chiropractic Science:脊椎推拿疗法

Chinese Business 中国企业 | Chiropractic Science脊椎推拿疗法 | Climate Change Management 气候变化管理

Based on this history, it's either toxic herbs from the homeopath:根据他的治疗史有可能是 顺势疗法医师给他服用了有毒草药

The E.M.G. was clean.|肌... | Based on this history, it's either toxic herbs from the homeopath,|根据他的治疗史有可能是 顺势疗法医师给他服用了有毒草药 | spinal damage from the chiropractor,|或者中医推拿...

massotherapy:按摩疗法 推拿疗法

chicly 帅地, 潇洒地 | massotherapy 按摩疗法 推拿疗法 | hob-and-nob 亲近的, 亲密的


naprapath 推拿疗病者 | naprapathy 推拿疗病派 | naprapathy 矫正疗法


naprapath 治疗患者 | naprapathy 推拿疗法 | napu 矮麝香鹿

naprapathy:推拿疗病派 矫正疗法

naprapath 推拿疗病者 | naprapathy 推拿疗病派 矫正疗法 | naproller 石印转印墨辊


naprapath 推拿疗病者 | naprapathy 推拿疗病派 | naprapathy 矫正疗法


naprapathy 推拿疗病派 | naprapathy 矫正疗法 | naptalam 抑草生


手法治疗 manipulation | 推拿 Chinese traditional manipulation | 脊柱推拿疗法 chiro