英语人>词典>汉英 : 接连的 的英文翻译,例句
接连的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
successional  ·  successive

tout de suite
更多网络例句与接连的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There were wrecks and wreckers, the keeper said, who was evidently au fait .


There were wrecks and wrecks , the keeper said , who was evidently au fait


Among them, the most eye-catching is delicate stage lighting and fluctuation two layers of tectonic create successive surprise, but with a pearl, bowknot, huge high-heeled shoes, colourful box is complete the element such as the theme.


Wings long and narrow, following the edge of forewing white yellow corrugated tortuous three times, when closure was两翅three adjacent diamond-shaped plaque.


On the trot 例句:Her new job certainly keeps her on the trot .


Her new job certainly keeps her on the trot .


Attached with two tendons of origin on the scapula and a tendon of insertion on the radius.


They can tell you why they had to crack a safe or be quick on the trigger finger.


The importance of radiology in primary diagnosis and in the follow-up due to typical changes like scoliosis, Morbus Scheuerman, spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis is discussed here as well.

主要的诊断 X 光线学的重要和在那接连的由于典型的变化相似的 scoliosis , Morbus Scheuerman, spondylolysis 和 spondylolisthesis 也在这里被讨论。

Millitary and civil governments in succession are involved in massive violences.


更多网络解释与接连的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

culinary:厨房的, 烹调用的, 厨房用的

twin bill 相同球队接连举行的两场球赛 | culinary 厨房的, 烹调用的, 厨房用的 | stigmatic surface 柱头面

youth hostel:青年旅店

二百公尺外接连的露营区是加拿大少有的大营区,班夫青年旅店(Youth Hostel)也侧身其间. 哥伦比亚地鼠爱在草地上追逐嬉戏,糜鹿及骡耳鹿悠游林间吃草,大角羊偶尔也加入行列;树林则是鸟儿天地,啄木鸟忙碌地啄开树皮捕食,

Someone tosses in a stream:石子所引起的涟漪

or the ripples from a pebble 又或是有谁接连的投掷 | someone tosses in a stream. 石子所引起的涟漪 | like a clock whose hands are sweeping 如同指针摆动着的钟表

in succession:连续地

succession "n.连续,系列;继任,继承; " | in succession 连续地 | successive "a.接连的,连续的; "


oncology 肿瘤学 | oncoming 接近的 | one after another 接连地

persona non grata:不受欢迎的人

安德烈切拉(Andrzej Chyra)无疑是波兰目前最出色的演员之一,因演出「卡罗维法利影展」最佳导演克里斯多夫克罗兹(Krzysztof Krauze)的>(The Debut)而一炮而红的他,接连参与了许多波兰电影以及剧场表演,其中赞努西的>(Persona non Grata)更是令他得到各界的


succession 连续 | successional 接连的 | successive 继承的

twin bill:相同球队接连举行的两场球赛

crankshaft lathe 曲轴车床 | twin bill 相同球队接连举行的两场球赛 | culinary 厨房的, 烹调用的, 厨房用的

More time, more time. Barrages of applause:多些时间,多些时间. 欢呼声接连不住

Save in the tapestries of afterthought. 除却于追思的织锦之中... | More time, more time. Barrages of applause 多些时间,多些时间. 欢呼声接连不住 | Come muffled from a buried radio. 自地下的收音机里隐隐翻飞...

These in turn become food for giant cave centipedes:这些蟑螂也接连成为了 洞穴大蚰蜒的美餐

which spend part of their day resting on cave walls.|它们一天... | These in turn become food for giant cave centipedes,|这些蟑螂也接连成为了 洞穴大蚰蜒的美餐 | some more than 20 centimetres long.|有的蚰...