英语人>词典>汉英 : 接受者 的英文翻译,例句
接受者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
acceptor  ·  embracer  ·  receiver  ·  taker  ·  acceptant  ·  receivers

receiving end
更多网络例句与接受者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

D GMP compliance of the contract accepter (initial assessment and continued compliance audited at regular intervals).


But at president, the price hearing policy is just in its early development. There are a lot of problems in it's practice, especially that the consumers are always at the inferior position, they are just the accepter of the price of public utilities.


B Responsibilities of contract accepter.


The essence of a mythology was that art produced evolution in the acceptable process. This is due to logic evolution in west art history,the relationship change between accepter and creator in the painting market,the artists art thoughts' orientation difference of the...


His theory of "the open work" concerned about the openness of the work, paid attention to the importance of the appreciator and the recipient, emphasized the communication of the recipient and the work, which provided insight to later "Center of readers", played an important convergence role of the modern philosophy hermeneutics and reader-response criticism.


Eco early advocated interpretation. His theory of "the open work" concerned about the openness of the work, paid attention to the importance of the appreciator and the recipient, emphasized the communication of the recipient and the work, which provided insight to later "Center of readers", played an important convergence role of the modern philosophy hermeneutics and reader-response criticism.


Writing on the recipients of prophecy, Benedict XIV (Heroic Virtue, III, 144, 150) says: The recipients of prophecy may be angels, devils, men, women, children, heathens, or gentiles; nor is it necessary that a man should be gifted with any particular disposition in order to receive the light of prophecy provided his intellect and senses be adapted for making manifest the things which God reveals to him.

"写作的接受者预言,本笃十四(英雄美德,三, 144 , 150 )说:"接受者的预言可能是天使,魔鬼,男人,妇女,儿童,异教徒,或异教徒,也不是必要的,一个男人天赋应该与任何特定的处置,以收到鉴於他的预言提供了智力和感官相适应的决策体现了上帝的事情暴露给他。

Such a study is no other than one of an ideological criticism, because the decisive mechanism behind this influence is the ideological circumstances in which the receiver of the influence is set. The truth of a influence is a myth, which confirms to Roland Barthes1 myth concept in all aspects. For a influence or a myth, the important thing is not what the influence sender is actually like, but what the receiver needs. The receiver tells and retells this influence as a myth for his own ideological purpose.


Now, your ticket taker pointer points to the second node, and you can again look at the data, and when you're done, you can set the ticket taker to point to the next node.


By the following three breakthroughs. Firstly, translation studies much enhanced its examination in linguistic transfer, with a series of equivalences advanced, such as equivalence in phonetics, syntax, semantics, etc. Secondly, instead of being confined to the translated text, translation studies concernsitself more with the extralinguistic elements: the initiator who proposes or sponsors the translation of a certain work, the translator who produces the target text and the receiver that involves not only the target reader but the target cultural environment as a whole. Thirdly, translation has been surveyed


更多网络解释与接受者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

destined recipient:指定的接受者

convey vt. 运送;表达;传播 | destined recipient 指定的接受者 | harshness n. 严厉,无情;严峻


纽约市圣若望大学法学院指出,这三项资料是房产转让人(grantor)和接受者( grantee)的姓名、房产的详细描述,以及房产权的转移经过. 等上述资料都有了,接下去即是将地契确实送达接受者手中,这道手续通常是於房产过户时,


双及物结构式,典型的是指一个三价谓词支配"接受者"(recipient)和"客体"(theme)两个域内题元的句法语义结构. 这种结构式大概是人类语言中普遍存在的句法语义范畴,因为2005年牛津大学出版社出版的<<...


此功能让找寻新时段的过程自动化. 多年来众多新创公司一直在设法解决这个问题. 目前智能重新排程功能只是Google Calendar Labs的一项实验计划,使用者必须从那个选单中选取它才能使用. 不过,接受者(recipients)不需更改任何设定就能运作

deposit taker:存款接受者

某个存款接受者(deposit taker)同意以与应该对这些专设实体证券支付的利息相同的利率对此种第三者资金支付利息,由该航空公司向该存款接受者补偿此种利率同在该存款上的真实利得之差额.

deposit taker:存款接受者 内容来自

deposit account 押金账项 | deposit taker 存款接受者 内容来自21jrr.com | deposition 处置

price taker:价格接受者

只有"价格接受者"(price taker)才有所谓的需求(或供给)曲线. 需求(供给)曲线反映了当事人对既定价格的最优反应. 如果市场价格对于决策者来说是外生的,而不是决策者所能影响的,这样的决策者就是价格接受者. 价格接受者的行为(买或卖)不会影响市场价格.

price taker:价格接受者、受价人

Price-maker 价格决定者、定价人 | Price-taker价格接受者、受价人 | Principio 原则、原理

The recipe recipient transiently made the conscientious alien client unconscious:烹饪法接受者瞬变使有责任心的外国人客户无意识

713. The Oriental is proficient... | 714. The recipe recipient transiently made the conscientious alien client unconscious. 烹饪法接受者瞬变使有责任心的外国人客户无意识. | 715. The rotary agitator irr...

The recipe recipient transiently made the conscientious alien client unconscious:处方接受者使有良心的外国客人失去短暂的意识

713. The Oriental is proficient i... | 714. The recipe recipient transiently made the conscientious alien client unconscious. 处方接受者使有良心的外国客人失去短暂的意识. | 715. The rotary agitator irr...