英语人>词典>汉英 : 探索者 的英文翻译,例句
探索者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与探索者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

All around, there were monuments carved with armorial bearings; and on this simple slab of slate-as the curious investigator may still discern, and perplex himself with the purport-there appeared the semblance of an engraved escutcheon.


In the pre-1967 days, a Scout who gained the Scout Cord must be under 15 years old and hold the First Class Badge with 6 proficiency badges, one of which must be selected from Backwoodsman, Explorer and Pioneer, and one from Camper, Cook, Stalker, Starman, Weatherman and Woodcraftsman.


Mr Bast, you must be a born explorer.


Perhaps the only aspect of Vista that I am not totally happy with is that old beast of burden, Internet Explorer.


The truthfulness, goodness and beautifulness are the triad of the natural being.


He as well as one of the most important explorers and representatives of chinese modern ink and wash painting.


Because they are the constitutor of industry standard, executant not only, also be the searcher of this one burgeoning industry and crusader at the same time.


Successful experience is fast spread in organization, which saves many exploring time and energy. Employees are no longer the passive pieces. They are seekers to the contrary. Failure is not the ignominious and derisive thing, but the tuition fee that must be paid.


Li Dazhao is the earliest disseminator of Marxism in China and the first explorer of Localization of Marxism.


At times you wonder if Rupert Everett would like to knock the old acting lark on the head, jet back 130 years and step into the shoes of maverick Victorian explorer Captain Sir Richard Burton. Either that or kiss him full on the lips, for, as we discover in this tremendous documentary, Everett has fallen in love with the man who was apparently the godfather to the sexual revolution.

C4频道播出的最新纪录片《维多利亚女王时代的性探索者》中主持人Rupert Everett将带大家做一次新颖的揭秘旅行,来到130年前的英国,跟随他最崇拜的偶像之一的脚步来体验那个时代,他的这个偶像就是声名狼藉的维多利亚女王时代的探索者和性冒险者-Richard Francis Burton爵士。

更多网络解释与探索者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


我还经常用"探索者第六版浏览器"(IE6)看各个网页,同时安装了"奥多比"(ADOBE)公司的"照片商店"(Photoshop)软件,还有他们公司的"闪耀"(FLASH)软件. 遇到出差的时候,我会用最新的"第三代移动通信技术"(3G)收看比赛,

allied forces:盟军敢死队

62 SEEKER 探索者 | 63 ALLIED FORCES 盟军敢死队 | 64 PURSUER 趣味追赶


正是基于这一想法,名为"探索者"(Explorer)的机器人才得以诞生. 它看起来就像一串金属香肠,用于检测分段管道. 探索者由卡内基梅隆大学申普夫挂帅的工程小组负责开发,东北部天然气协会、国家航空航天局(NASA)和能源部为该项目提供资金.


"短尾鹰"的概念设计于2003年底出台,目的是替代南非陆军的"探索者"(Seeker)无人机,并且打算能满足中东地区的中空长航时无人机的要求. 2005年期间进行了缩比为10%的风洞模型试验,以验证设计方案. 正式的研制计划还要与南非政府进行商议,

solan:精神探索者 男性

Solan 精神探索者 男性 | Solomon 和平的,安宁的 男性 希伯来 | Solt 男性 匈牙利

Quester's Moon:探索者之月

09. Phases 3: Waxing Moon 阶段3:盈月 | 10. Quester's Moon 探索者之月 | 11. Lovers' Moon 情人之月

Quester's Moon:探索者之月明月、天涯共此时" 你体会过诗人柳永夜泊

09. Phases 3: Waxing Moon 阶段3:盈月 | 10. Quester's Moon 探索者之月明月、天涯共此时" 你体会过诗人柳永夜泊 | 11. Lovers' Moon 情人之月

The Explorers:探索者

The First Eden 最初伊甸园 | The Explorers 探索者 | Zoo Quest 动物园探索

community of inquirers:探索者团体

communication 交流交往 | community of inquirers 探索者团体 | cognate principle 同源原则

Thrill Seeker:刺激的探索者

09 Damage 损伤 | 10 Thrill Seeker 刺激的探索者 | 11 Voices 声音