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排除者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与排除者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It. Those left out erupted with some regularity, and on occasion with particular force: China in 1945-48, Vietnam, Algeria, Hungary in 1956, Cuba, southern Africa.


The researchers report they found a significant curvilinear association between BMI and baseline cognition for both black (-0.0014; P =.001) and nonblack (-0.0011; P =.002) participants and a small positive effect of increased BMI on the rate of cognitive decline over the 6-year period for both groups."These associations were substantially reduced and no longer significant in both groups when we dropped those participants with a MMSE score of less than 24, suggesting the observed associations may have been influenced by those participants with preclinical early dementia," the authors write.

研究者报告指出,他们发现,黑人(-0.0014; P =。001)和非黑人(-0.0011; P =。002)两组的BMI,与开始时的认知之间都有显著的曲线关系,且两组在6年追踪期间,BMI增加对认知衰退比率稍有正面效果;作者表示,当我们排除那些分数小於24者,这两组的这些关联都相当程度地降低且不再明显,显示所观察到的关联可能受到那些临床前早发失智症者的影响。

Between July 2003 and April 2005, the investigators randomly selected 2,650 individuals aged 50 to 75 years from the Social Security Register of the Canary Islands for participation in the study. They excluded all those with regular use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or anticoagulants, recent history of screening for colorectal cancer or digestive tract bleeding, and a family or personal history of colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, or coagulopathy. The remaining 2,020 participants, considered to represent a population at average risk for colorectal cancer, were asked to take the GOBT and IOBT and were also invited to undergo a colonoscopy. Of these patients, 1,559 (77%) completed both fecal occult blood tests.

在2003年7月及2005年8月之间,研究人员以随机的方式选定了2,650位50到75岁的患者参与试验,皆来自Canary Island社会安全登录的资料;使用非类固醇抗炎药物或抗凝结药物者皆会被排除,另外会被试验排除的因素,包含大肠直肠癌或消化道出血阳性者,有个人大肠直肠癌病史或家庭病史者、发炎性肠道疾病者及凝血病变者等;剩下的2,020位参与者,被视为足以代表大肠直肠癌的平均风险族群,这些患者被要求测试GOBT及IOBT,而且也进行直肠镜检查;这些患者中,有1559位(77%)完成了两项的粪便潜血试验。

By the introducing the concept of embodied alterity as the original experience of religion, Thomas Csordas asserts that 'outside of horizon' will be the most essential resource of religious experience, that, according the views of French post-structurism, religious feeling pour out involuntarily.

本研究采用宗教现象学的取向,借重Thomas Csordas的引介,将异己性(他者性,alterity)作为圣世界的经验溯源,而以乔治巴塔耶的宗教理论为主要的发展核心,试图从实徵与理论两个层面包抄,发展癌末处境的圣世界之内涵,其中最具关键的问题在於(1)圣世界经验的发生应先排除语言的干预,使圣世界的发生完全在真切经验自然涌出:(2)圣世界经验的源头应为「域外」,那是非领域、非知,因此,研究问题遂在於「域外何以发生」;(3)圣世界的形成,本质上被假设为「异质跳接」,所以圣世界的复合逻辑应是由常人、医疗、宿缘以及无缘他者四者的逻辑平面交叠、挤压而形成多重皱摺,本研究试图通过病房田野,以实徵资料解明复合逻辑的内涵。

Participants and methods 1、All participants were diagnosed with NAFLD byabdominal ultrasonography in lst affiliated hospital of JI NAN University frommay 2006 to march 2007. 2、All participants had no history of viral hepatitis orexcessive drinking(alcohol intake less than 140g per week for male and 70g perweek for female). 3、Detail history, anthropometrical parameters (height,weight,waistline and hipline). A B-mode ultrasonic examination was performed todetermine the liver fat content and participants were divided into the following threegroups based on their liver fat content: mild fatty degeneration group, moderate fattydegeneration group,severe fatty degeneration group.


The changes of appearance in buccal cancer patient due to disease itself or after remedy always has big impact on patients' body image. This study explored the adaptation process of body image for appearance changes in buccal cancer patients after surgery and examined the relationship among adaptation, social support, and body image. The purposes of this study were to: 1.explore the distribution of essential attribute, healthy behavior, disease condition, body image, body image adaptation, and social support in buccal cancer patients after operation; and 2. examine if the adaptation of body image and social support will affect patients' body image. The study usee a cross-sectional design and recruit post-operative buccal cancer patients from a regional teaching hospital at southern Taiwan.


Furthermore , in given situation , if responsibility should be absolutely ascribed to the person who enkindles the criminal events , the victim who is involved to the events should be released from his afterwards defense

此外, 在特定情境下,犯罪事件的挑起者应承担的责任也能够排除被卷入者事后防卫行为的违法性。

Furthermore, in given situation, if responsibility should be absolutely ascribed to the person who enkindles the criminal events, the victim who is involved to the events should be released from his afterwards def...


In the process of cognitive activity, attention is closely related to other cognitive functions, and it is the controller of psychological activity, the study on the attention features and disorders would help the addiction abstainers and there family members to better eliminate the clues and stimulants related to drugs that can bring addicts adverse effects.


All patients with secondary osteoporosis caused by all endocrine diseases including Cushing's disease, hyperthyrosis, hyperparathyroidism, capsula glandulae thyroideae or thyroid hypofunction and diabetes, and patients whose bone metabolism was interfered by grave diseases were excluded. Three months before the trial, the patients did not receive any drug that could interfere the bone metabolism or affect endothelin, such as estrogenic hormone, calcitionin, nitrogen monoxidum, glucocorticoid. In addition, the patients suffering from bone fracture within 1 year or grave cardio-cerebrovascular disease, which had intimate correlation with endothelin, liver and kidney disfunction were eliminated.


更多网络解释与排除者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

distributive bargaining:零和分配争价(结局)

Distinctive competency 独特专长 | Distributive bargaining 零和分配争价(结局) | Disturbance-handler role 故障排除者角色


从此"正当程序"被等同于一切"合理"的东西,要求政府的活动不得是"恣意的"(arbitrary)、"反复无常的"(capricious)、不得滥用裁量权(an abuse of discretion),排除立法者利用任何与目的之间缺乏(充足)关联的手段,也排除立法者随意地选择各种可能的手段.


射击它身后凋像的胸部,入手文件6、在一个有小电梯的房间的桌上,实在找不到扔个手雷过去好了 档桉名称:关于Billy的过去、Marcus的个人资料、拟态Marcus的资料、排除者(Eliminator)的资料、大蝙蝠的资


短串联重复序列( sTR)-PCR通过对风险女性在相关缺失位点的 sTR杂合性( heterozygosity)或半合性( hem izygosity)分析确定是否为携带者. 所选 sTR位点必须与突变位点紧密连锁,风险女性在相关缺失位点的 sTR呈杂合态时,可基本排除携带者可能性,


年龄锥体有三种类型:下降(declining)、稳定(stable)和增长(increasing)型. 白橡树(Quercus alba)种群的年龄分布内禀增长能力定义:在种群不受限制的条件下,即能够排除不利的天气条件,提供理想的食物条件,排除捕食者和疾病,



exclusive licensee:実施権者

exclusion 排除演算 | exclusive licensee 実施権者 | exclusive line 専用線



Also toxoplasmosis:还排除了弓虫症 脱水 系统性红斑狼疮 及若干个兼具两性特征者会有的失调症状

Because it was wrong.|因为它是错误的 | Also toxoplasmosis, dehydration, sle, various intersex disorders.|还排除了弓虫症 脱水 系统性红斑狼疮 及若干个兼具两性特征者会有的失调症状 | Oh, crap.|哦 糟了


1) 排除(exclusions) 在随机分配前对研究对象进行筛查,凡对干预措施有禁忌者、无法追踪者、可能失访者、拒绝参加实验者,以及不符合标准的研究对象,则应排除.