英语人>词典>汉英 : 排钩 的英文翻译,例句
排钩 的英文翻译、例句


trawl line
更多网络例句与排钩相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Any of various worms of the phylum Acanthocephala that live parasitically in the intestines of vertebrates and are characterized by a cylindrical , retractile proboscis that bears many rows of hooked spines Also called acanthocephalan


The main products the company has: Hinge 、Casting Container、Locking Gear、Door Locks、Plug、Fitting Hook、Door Seal、Aluminum Profile、 Profile、Meal Hook、Fixation、Track、Cargo Bar、Support Plate、Chuck、Pull Ring、Tache、Buckle、Hook、Pulley、STTMR、Spring catch、Centeral wedge、Buffer block、Rubber lock、Euphroe 、Rope hook、Spiling、Plate、Flashboard、Mudguard、Fender、Military shelter lock、Military step-ladder、Military shelter corner casting、Guardrail、Tarpaulin、Parts for tarpaulin、Electricity Cabinet lock、Air leg、Gas springs、Rubber rolls、Solid tired wheel、Jacks and parts for tow. We also welcome special orders made according to clients' drawings or samples as well.


Nutlets 4, adherent to gynobase by entire adaxial rib or only by rib base, erect, homomorphic or heteromorphic; margin of abaxial surface usually with 1(-3) rows of glochids; bases of glochids separated or contiguous or confluent into a wing, rarely reduced to tubercles.


Nutlets heteromorphic, 2 with leathery wings and 2 with 2 rows of glochids on disc margin.

小坚果异形,有似皮革的翅膀的2 和在光碟边上的有2排钩毛的2。

Methods:Three-dimensional(3D) CT imaging reconstruction was performed in 200case of cervical spine without radicular symptom and injury.C_3-C_7 vertebral body horizontal diameter, sagittal diameter,high.vertebral gap.pedicle vertical diameter and horizontal diameter,coronary high,base long of vertebral uncus,space between vertebral uncus point.highness and width of intervertebral foramenand,transverse foramen,The CT data was transferred to a computer workstation,grouping with age and sex,statistical analysis.


The main products the company has: Hinge 、Casting Container、Locking Gear、Door Locks、Plug、Fitting Hook、Door Seal、Aluminum Profile、 Profile、Meal Hook、Fixation、Track、Cargo Bar、Support Plate、Chuck、Pull Ring、Tache、Buckle、Hook、Pulley、STTMR、Spring catch、Centeral wedge、Buffer block、Rubber lock、Euphroe 、Rope hook、Spiling、Plate、Flashboard、Mudguard、Fender、Military shelter lock、Military step-ladder、Military shelter corner casting、Guardrail、Tarpaulin、Parts for tarpaulin、Electricity Cabinet lock、Air leg、Gas springs、Rubber rolls、Solid tired wheel、Jacks and parts for tow. We also welcome special orders made according to clients' drawings or samples as well.


Corolla white; nutlets with marginal glochids to 0.5 mm, disc with 1 or 2 medial rows of glochids on tubercles

花冠白色小坚果与边缘钩毛在0.5毫米,光碟与1或2一起中间排钩毛在疣上一起 6 Lappula macra 白花鹤虱

Disc margin of nutlets with 2 or 3 rows of glochids.


Disc margin of nutlets with only 1 row of glochids (sometimes a medial row of glochids present).


So-called by-catches, or the incidental taking of non-commercial species in drift nets, trawling operations and long line fishing is responsible for the death of large marine animals and one factor in the threatened extinction of some species.


更多网络解释与排钩相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ajar hook:门挺钩

ajar 半开的;不调和的;微开的 | ajar hook 门挺钩 | ajutage 放水管;排水筒;喷水管


barbule 小羽枝 羽枝 (barb) 的每一边形成的一排微小丝状的结构. 在廓羽 (contour feather) 中相邻小羽枝借钩(羽纤枝)和槽联锁,形成一个坚实的羽片. 下面的羽毛无羽纤枝.


穿颅术(craniotomy)是用器械穿破胎儿头颅,排出颅内组织,使头颅组织缩小,从阴道分娩的手术. 断头术(decapitation)是将死胎切断胎颈部并将其分成胎头及躯干两部分,逐一将其娩出的手术. 用断头钩切断胎颈,操作困难,对母体软产道损伤较多,


血管内压增加,肠蠕动 虫卵随坏死组织落入肠腔 随粪排出.十二指肠钩口线虫(Ancylostoma duodenale)简称十二指肠钩虫;美洲板口线虫(Necator americanus)简称美洲钩虫.● 包囊(cyst)或卵囊(oocyst):原虫生活史中静止不动,

warp beam:经轴

种独属经编针编针织类;其纱线是由经轴( Warp Beam )拉出,经给纱器(导纱器 Yarn Feeders )循经线或直线方向,绕入针钩编织. (2)织物结构 (a)织物密度针织物的一般专用名词,在此应先作以介绍:经圈(Wale):织物中线圈呈直排的,亦为纵式,

copulatory bursa:交合囊

成虫前端具口囊、唇片退化,口囊内具有成对的钩齿,具切割作用,雄虫尾端具交合囊(Copulatory bursa)及刺. 成虫在小肠内交配并产卵,每头雌虫日产卵数万粒,卵随寄主粪便排到体外,当温度适宜时,卵在松软的土壤中1-2天即可孵化为一期杆状幼虫,


其中第10腹节上的足又称臀足(anal leg)s. 长翅目幼虫的腹足5对. 膜翅目叶蜂类幼虫的腹足为6~8对,有时多达10对. 这些腹足的构造简单,由亚基节、基节与趾(planta)组成. 鳞翅目幼虫腹足末端的成排的小钩叫趾钩(crochets),叶蜂类幼虫的腹足无趾钩.


ajar hook 门挺钩 | ajutage 放水管;排水筒;喷水管 | akanthus 阔叶饰