英语人>词典>汉英 : 掐灭 的英文翻译,例句
掐灭 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
snub  ·  snuff  ·  snubbed  ·  snubbing  ·  snuffing  ·  snubs  ·  snuffed  ·  snuffs  ·  dinch

更多网络例句与掐灭相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He stubbed his cigarette out in an ash tray .


He stubbed his cigarette out in an ash tray.


He stub bed his cigarette out in an ash tray.


Father ashed the cigarette end I know.


In Mosul, 320km (200 miles) north of Baghdad up the Tigris river, the governor of Nineveh province, Doraid Kashmoula, furrows his brow, fiddles with his worry-beads in one hand, stubs out yet another cigarette with the other and reels off a litany of woe in his dankly curtained office.

在摩苏尔——位于巴格达以北320公里(200英里)的底格里斯河上——他的阴暗潮湿、挂着窗帘的办公室里,尼尼微省省长Doraid Kashmoula眉头紧皱,一手拨弄着他的念珠,另一只手用力掐灭又一根香烟,然后发出一长串悲叹。

Before the taxi arrive in Segu,I was having an eye upon on her and thinking without cease.


Next, hollowing like a wolf, snuffing out their little lives.


She couldn't bear the thought of herself going from one baby to the next, hollowing like a wolf, snuffing out their little lives.


She couldn't bear the thought of herself going from one baby to the next, hollowing like a wolf, snuffing out their little lives.


She couldn't bear the thought of herself going from one baby to the next, hollowing like a wolf, snuffing out their little lives.


更多网络解释与掐灭相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

condole with sb:安慰

ensconce oneself 依然做. . | condole with sb 安慰. . | snuff it out 掐灭灯心


dinch 掐灭 | dindle 震颤 | dine and wine 吃喝

Electra complex:埃勒克特拉情结

与"俄狄普斯情结"相对应的"埃勒克特拉情结"(Electra complex)显然同样广泛存在,并且自古以来,因此遗留下来的悲剧诸多. 当然,在现实中,并不是像古代悲剧那样惨烈与毫无退路. 安卡和父亲显然都要理智得多,尽管看起来,他们之间差点掐灭了父女关系,

snuff it out:掐灭灯心

condole with sb 安慰. . | snuff it out 掐灭灯心 | rub one's eyes 揉眼睛

he turned back toward the window:他又转向了车窗

And when he finished speaking 当说完话后 | he turned back toward the window 他又转向了车窗 | Crushed out his cigarette 掐灭了香烟