英语人>词典>汉英 : 捶胸顿足 的英文翻译,例句
捶胸顿足 的英文翻译、例句


beat one's breast · breast-beating · thump one's chest and stamp one's feet · beat one's breast and stamp one's feet
更多网络例句与捶胸顿足相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I have told thousands of depressed people, Enough of this breast-beating.


Leaders outside the corporate world have also been doing an impressive amount of breast-beating. In the last several years, former U.S.


Even though she wore an Italian brand, she got none of the hysterical breast-beating about a Frenchwoman betraying her country that one might expect.


At events in Prague on the anniversary of the 1968 Soviet-led invasion, and in Budapest on the anniversary of the crushing of the 1956 uprising, Mr Putin managed that, soothing his hosts while not engaging in what many Russians would see as unseemly breast-beating.


In the troubled waters of those cross-currents of intrigue, eddying about the Tsar's headquarters, success could be attained in very many ways that would have been inconceivable at other times.


Run to the big gorilla cage of zoo front of, beat breast and stamp feet, put a voice to lambaste :"You this conscienceless thing!!"


She wanted to beat her breast and scream but fought down the rising wave of hysteria.


Some consciousness very grievance; Some frightening perplexed and alarmed; Some affection erupt, yi Ji is moved, cry greatly even yock, in deep sorrow, hit a wall with the head, roll about on the ground, happy to dance, clothings of tear to shreds, call the dramatic appearance display such as cuss in disorder; Some lethargy; Some excessive take a breath; Some tic break out; Some uses vivid expression, exaggerated movement is mixed with the attention of spectator of try to gain sympathize with, be in the more the person's much circumstance, have a fit of anger is fiercer.


Run to the big gorilla cage of zoo front of, beat breast and stamp feet, put a voice to lambaste :"You this conscienceless thing!!"


更多网络解释与捶胸顿足相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

beat one's breast:捶胸顿足, 表示哀痛

at the breast 吃奶的 | beat one's breast 捶胸顿足, 表示哀痛 | make a clean breast of 完全承认; 全盘托出

Everything will fall into place:一切就会迎刃而解

4. You must have the Midas touch. 你真是太会赚钱了. | 5. Everything will fall into place. 一切就会迎刃而解. | 6. There's no point in beating your chest. 捶胸顿足有什么用?

Yom Kippur:赎罪日

"赎罪日"(Yom Kippur)是犹太人最神圣的节日,他们在这天恳求上帝赦罪. 他们捶胸顿足,为自己的诽谤、傲慢、顽固、做伪证等罪行而忏悔,为一切可能在古老的神殿[2]时期招致掷石、火烧、斩首、勒喉等四种恐怖极刑[3]的过错而忏悔. 他们祈求,