英语人>词典>汉英 : 据推测 的英文翻译,例句
据推测 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

ex hypothesi
更多网络例句与据推测相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mr Stewart was supposed to log in and authorise the bank's electronic payments.


According to Wikipedia: In the early hours of the morning on that date, a black-clad figure, presumed to be male, with a silver-tipped enters the Westminster Hall and Burying Ground in Baltimore, Maryland.


According to Wikipedia: In the early hours of the morning on that date, a black-clad figure, presumed to be male, with a silver-tipped cane enters the Westminster Hall and Burying Ground in Baltimore, Maryland.


According to Wikipedia: In the early hours of the morning on thatdate, a black-clad figure, presumed to be male, with a silver-tipped cane enters the West minster Hall and Burying Ground in Baltimore, Maryland. The individual


This is the supposedly the master crystal which set up the planetary grids that create our reality.


It is assumed that all code necessary for deserialization of a type is available for the deserializer to load.


Presumably, other divalent ions are also "complexed" by the citrate ion.


This general practitioner from England was charged with murder of 15 people, many elderly women, with a figure of 215 murders speculated.


He saw it as a dangerously loopy Bush prediction about the future behavior of a nuclear Iran — the idea being, presumably, that possessing "the knowledge" to make a nuclear weapon would so empower Iran's repressive leaders that they'll giddily rush out and start World War III.

他认为这是一种危险的循环布什预测未来行为的一个核伊朗-的想法,据推测,认为拥有"知识"与制造核武器将会使授权伊朗的镇压领导人时表示,他们将g iddily冲出并开始第三次世界大战。

Its origins are uncertain, but it is speculated that it represents either a rolled up herdsman's shelter or a papyrus life-preserver used by ancient egyptian boaters.


更多网络解释与据推测相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bus bar:总线

目前据推测是由于费米实验室负责建造的超导体磁铁,在联接两个的连接总线(bus bar)焊接不良,在超导高电流的情况下产生了热量使得超导体脱离超导态,电流经过瞬间的高电阻形成了电弧打穿了冷却设备的液态氦储存槽所造成的.

by a prominent high-street|fashion magnate:据推测已经死亡

...when he fell from the side of a yacht|thought to be owned...|游艇船舷跌落后失踪 | ...by a prominent high-street|fashion magnate."|据推测已经死亡 | Sorry, I don't know what to say.|我很遗憾

hoped that:希 望

? said that据说 | ? hoped that希 望 | ? supposed that据推测

Ise Shrine:伊势神宫

"我探寻日本独特性的最后一站是神道教最神圣之处--伊势神宫(Ise Shrine). 这里从东京乘火车大约需要四个小时,是供奉天照大神(Amaterasu Omikami)之所. 天照大神是太阳女神,据说是日本皇朝的始祖. 据推测,这个地点是公元前4世纪发现的,


optimistically ad. 乐观地 | outwardly表面上,外表上地 | presumably大概可能,据推测

pancreas transplantation:胰腺移植

该世界上第一例胰腺移植(pancreas transplantation)由美国明尼苏达州立大学的Kelly和Lillehei于1966年完成. 该手术的成功使得许多胰岛素依赖型糖尿病(IDDM)患者得到了有效的治疗. 据推测至2010年全球糖尿病患者预计将超过3.5亿,


outwardly表面上,外表上地 | presumably大概可能,据推测 | simultaneously 同时发生地

Presumably as:大概,据推测

Skimpy a. 用料极少的,数量等不足的,大小等不够的 | Presumably as. 大概,据推测 | Suppress v. 抑制,压制


alternate 轮流的,交替的 | prompted 提示 | presumably 据推测,大概,可能

supposed that:据推测说

? hoped that希 望 | ? supposed that据推测说 | ? well known that众所周知