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指臂 的英文翻译、例句


index bar · index arm
更多网络例句与指臂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results In the distal two - thirds of the upper arm, branches of the median nerve constantly formed three fascicular groups. The anterior part of nerve trunk hosted branches to the pronator teres and the flexor carpi radialis. The posterior part of nerve trunk contained the anterior interosseous nerve and branches to the palmaris longus muscle. Branches to the hand and to the flexor digitorum superficialis which was the main trunk of the median nerve at the proximal forearm were grouped to form the middle part.

结果 在臂中、下段,正中神经的分支恒定地组成3个神经束组:旋前圆肌肌支和桡侧腕屈肌肌支束组在神经干的前方,骨间前神经和掌长肌肌支束组在神经干的后方,中间束组是由指浅屈肌肌支和手部分支组成的正中神经前臂主干的近段。

Rotational latency is the additional time waiting forthe disk to rotate the desired sector to the disk head.

磁盘访问时间 1 寻道时间 Ts 这是指把磁臂移动到指定磁道上所经历的时间。

Mr. A was a fifth wheel at the committee meeting..


Background: Sclenus anticus syndrome is a disease caused by scalene anterior muscle edema, proliferation and spasm, lifted the first rib, resulted in scalenus muscle interspaces constriction, crushed the brachial plexus and subclavicalar A.V.


The uncomfortable syndrome in the periods of menses was owing to the pelvic diseases such as pelvic inflammation, adenomyoma, endometriosis, ovarian cyst, poly cystic ovary, pelvic adhesion.


Later, under the untypical parasternal four-chamber view which can thoroughly display the ostium of coronary sinus, the catheter was promoted further to the ostium of coronary venous sinus. Then the echocardiography technician adjusted the transducer of TTE in order to thoroughly confirm the position of the catheter tip. After confirming the position of catheter tip in the coronary venous sinus, the operator inserted the catheter into the coronary venous sinus for 3~4 mm farther. It was noted that if resistance was encountered by operator, the operation must be stopped, which was the same as x-ray fluroscopy as image guiding. TTE guiding His bundle elactric cahteter、high right atrium electric cahteter and right ventricular electric catheter in site: It is difficult using TTE singly since there are too many crossroads in inferior venous.


Set the chain back on the chainring and repeat the same installation procedure on the left side, making sure the crank arm is pointing opposite the right side.


" Hand: End part of the arm, consisting of the wrist joint, palm, thumb, and fingers."


" Hand: End part of the arm, consisting of the wrist joint, palm, thumb, and finger s."


All adjustments( burner height, burner arm length from the pivot point, counterweight positions along the burner arm) are facilitated by the use of knobs or thumbscrews as the set screws.


更多网络解释与指臂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Armwraps of Disdain:驕傲外衣 驕傲裹臂

Weathered Band of the Swamplord 風化的沼澤王之戒 風化的沼澤之王指環 | Armwraps of Disdain 驕傲外衣 驕傲裹臂 | Swampstone Necklace 沼石項鏈 沼石項鍊

feeler arm:探緯臂,探經臂

探纬指,触纬指 feeler | 探纬臂,探经臂 feeler arm | 断经探杆 feeler bar


(第一点):男士左手顺肩线微下斜平伸,前臂(Forearm)折回与上臂(Upper arm)约成115度(探戈约90度以内)但随个人之体型可稍调整,并和地面成45度,手背(较黑之而)向上,四指并拢,腕关节微向外,以虎口迎接女士右手.

straight away course:直线游程(指不转身的,如在大池子或河流中)

906 straight arm stroke 直臂划水 | 907 straight away course 直线游程(指不转身的,如在大池子或河流中) | 908 straight-bent-straight pull 直臂-屈臂-直臂划水


*唱针(stylus) 指装于唱头针臂一端的宝石针形物. *超低音音箱(subwoofer) 指专门用于重放低音的那类音箱. *主观测试评价(subjective testing) 指不用任何仪器设备而对音响或视听器材进行聆听(观看)评价的方法.

trigger finger:板机指手术

指、趾关节脱位徒手复位术Close reduction for dislocation of finger,toe | 板机指手术 Trigger finger | 肌炎手术 -腰肌炎、臂肌炎或大腿肌炎myositis -Myositis of positis , gluteal or femural

Ed Coan:长臂大力士

DAVE Pasanella 和Kirk Karwoski齐名的大力士 | Ed Coan 长臂大力士 | Brent Mikesell 世界上最强壮的教师,九指大力士


54.摔跤:wrestle | 55.同侧的(指臂、腿):ipsilateral | 56.近侧的:near

paracentric inversion:臂内倒位

类型①臂内倒位(paracentric inversion)②臂间倒位(pericentic inversion)30非整倍体(aneuploid)指体细胞核内的染色体不是染色体组的完整倍数,与该物种正常合子(2n)多或少一个以至若干个的现象.

index bar:指臂

index array ==> 变址寄存器组,变址数寄存器组 | index bar ==> 指臂 | index barricade register ==> 变址隔离寄存器