英语人>词典>汉英 : 指示的人 的英文翻译,例句
指示的人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与指示的人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

AIn the event of loss of time due to(1) deficiency of men or stores;(2) breakdown or damage to hull, machinery or equipment;(3) detention by average accidents to ship or cargo including collision and stranding; drydocking or (4) repairs, Vessels other necessary measures to maintain the efficiency of the certificates, and/or other (5)failure to possess or carry on board valid Vessel's documentation for the cargo service, including valid Panama and Suez Canal admeasurement certificates;(6) strikes, refusal to sail, breach of orders or neglect of duty on the part of the Master, Officers or Crew;(7) detention of or interference with the Vessel by any authorities in consequence of legal action against, or breach of regulations by the Owners, Master, Officers or Crew (unless brought about by the negligent act or omission of Charterers);(8) stoppages resulting from any breach of this Charter by the Owners;(9) deviation, putting back or putting into any port other than that to which she is bound under the instructions of Charterers for any reason or for any purpose of mentioned in this Clause or for the purpose of obtaining medical advice or treatment for or landing any sick or injured ship's personnel;(10) those agreed as off-hire as elsewhere provided herein or any other causes either hindering or preventing the efficient working of the Vessel, or rendering the Vessel unavailable for the Charterers' service, hire to cease from commencement of such loss of time until the Vessel is again in an efficient state to resume her service from a position not less favourable to Charterers than that at which such loss of time commenced.

停租 16.Off-Hire如时间损失是由于(1)人员或船用品不足;(2)船壳,机器或设备损坏;(3)船舶或货物遇到海损事故包括碰撞和搁浅而造成延误;(4)修船,进行干船坞或保持本船效能所采取的其他必要措施;(5)未持有或未随船携带货运需要的有效证件及或其他船舶文件,包括有效的巴拿马和苏伊士运河丈量证件;(6)船长,船员或水手的罢工,拒航,违抗命令或失职;(7)任何当局因船东,船长,船员或水手受到控告或违章对本船实行拘留或干预(但租船人的疏忽行为或不行为所引起者除外);(8)船东违反租约而停工;(9)由于本条所提到的任何原因或任何目的或由于伤病船员上岸治疗而使本船绕航,折返或靠挂非租船人所指示的其他港口;(10)本租约另有规定的停租项目或其他任何原因,以致妨碍或阻止本船有效运行或使本船不能给租船人使用,则从时间损失起至本船重新处于有效状态,在不使租船人比时间损失开始之时的船位吃亏的地点恢复服务止,租金停止。

Should there indeed be congeniality with those majority elements in society which dictate how people should live?


Exp : he plans revenge for those who did not follow his instruction, such as let chandelier crash down.


The " drawee " is the one to whom presentation is to be made in accordance with the collection instruction.


However, the computer must be designed and instructed by man.


If the truster has given special instructions regarding price, the broker may not sell or buy contrary to the said instructions.


Article 26 Where any person or any association alleges that any of the rights granted under this Constitution or any legislation or directives are constitutionally contravened, that person or association may invoke the privilege and benefit of court direction, order or writ, including a judgment of unconstitutionality; and anyone injured by an act of the Government or any person acting under its authority, whether in property, contract, tort or otherwise, shall have the right to bring suit for appropriate redress.


Everyone else walked out on cue, leaving Arafat, Rabin, and me alone for a moment.


The Carrier shall have liberty to carry Goods declared by any belligerent to be contraband and persons belonging to or intending to join the armed forces or governmental service of any belligerent; to sail armed or unarmed and with or without convoy; and to comply with any orders, requests or directionsas to loading, departure, arrival, routes, ports of call, stoppage, discharge, destination, delivery or otherwise, howsoever given by the government of any nation or department thereof or any Person acting or purporting to act with the authority of such government or of any department thereof, or by anycommittee or Person having, under the terms of the war risk insurance on the Vessel, the right to give such orders, requests or directions.


How when we are in a Doubt or Hesitation, whether to go this Way, or that Way, a secret Hint shall direct us this Way, when we intended to go that Way; nay, when Sense, our own Inclination, and perhaps Business has call'd to go the other Way, yet a strange Impression upon the Mind, from we know not what Springs, and by we know not what Power, shall over-rule us to go this Way; and it shall afterwards appear, that had we gone that Way which we should have gone, and even to our Imagination ought to have gone, we should have been ruin'd and lost: Upon these, and many like Reflections, I afterwards made it a certain Rule with me, That whenever I found those secret Hints, or pressings of my Mind, to doing, or not doing any Thing that presented; or to going this Way, or that Way, I never fail'd to obey the secret Dictate; though I knew no other Reason for it, than that such a Pressure, or such a Hint hung upon my Mind: I could give many Examples of the Success of this Conduct in the Course of my Life; but more especially in the latter Part of my inhabiting this unhappy Island; besides many Occasions which it is very likely I might have taken Notice of, if I had seen with the same Eyes then, that I saw with now: But 'tis never too late to be wise; and I cannot but advise all considering Men, whose Lives are attended with such extraordinary Incidents as mine, or even though not so extraordinary, not to slight such secret Intimations of Providence, let them come from what invisible Intelligence they will, that' I shall not discuss, and perhaps cannot account for; but certainly they are a Proof of the Converse of Spirits, and the secret Communication between those embody'd, and those unembody'd; and such a Proof as can never be withstood: Of which I shall have Occasion to give some very remarkable Instances, in the Remainder of my solitary Residence in this dismal Place.


更多网络解释与指示的人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




神学家习惯称耶稣为完全的神和完全的人,但这神学辞句并非圣经的(biblical)启示;初期教会的希伯来基督徒想来会说:他是施恩座和祭坛. 这两种说法,是同一神学信条的不同表达方式. 如果说一个人对摩西的礼仪指示皮毛认识,也可以成为基督徒,


神学家习惯称耶稣为完全的神和完全的人,但这神学辞句并非圣经的(biblical)启示;初期教会的希伯来基督徒想来会说:他是施恩座和祭坛. 这两种说法,是同一神学信条的不同表达方式. 如果说一个人对摩西的礼仪指示皮毛认识,也可以成为基督徒,

cueist:撞球家, 玩撞球的人

cueing | (电视节目中)插入字幕 提示 | cueist | 撞球家, 玩撞球的人 | cuing scale | 指示尺


根本/rock bottom | 根据他人指示行事的人/errand boy | 根深蒂固的/deep-seated



instruct vt.1:指示,命令,通知 2.教育,指导

peer n. 同龄人,同等地位的人 | instruct vt. 1.指示,命令;通知 2.教育,指导 | instructor n. 教师;指导者


指能根据本条例注册;"合资格的人"(qualified person)具有第11(4)条给予该词的含义;"身份证"(identity card)就任何人来说,指根据>(第177章)发给该人的身份证;"指示"(instructions)指处长根据第5条发出的行政指示;

clock watcher:混时间的人;老是看钟等下班的人

position buoy 指示浮标 | clock-watcher 混时间的人;老是看钟等下班的人 | South America 南美洲

cuing scale:指示尺

cueist || 撞球家, 玩撞球的人 | cuing scale || 指示尺 | cuirass || 胸甲, 装甲板, 铁甲