英语人>词典>汉英 : 挂出 的英文翻译,例句
挂出 的英文翻译、例句


hang out
更多网络例句与挂出相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For example, AARP Magazine reported that a company called Gentlepeople charges from $15,000 to $50,000 to hook up you up with the right person.


A clearly confident China has rolled up large section of its bamboo curtain ,declared itself 'open to the outside world' and hung signs on nearly all its cities inviting foreign investors to come and do serious business.


We hung out on the boardwalk in front of the hotel like we were bad-asses looking for a fistfight.


December 14, 2003, the county held the demolition珠泉Trade City to promote the General Assembly, this poster was hanging out.


Wu Sun-fu's partners fired their last shot-they threw one and a half million disbandment on the market, and the quotations began to drop steadily!


She would hang out and disco for the first time in her life.


The ship was flying the flag of truce .


It's where they hang out.


On 16th, hang the banner in the school road and paste the playbill in the cafeteria to carry on the propaganda.


The authors of this book are admen, professional hucksters.


更多网络解释与挂出相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1)买入叫价(bid)及沽出叫价(ask)-- 买入叫价,属即市买入价. 将买入盘挂入该栏后,须待沽家肯以该价格沽货,买卖才成交. 若想实时买入,应以市价买盘扫入,承盘价一般是即市沽出价. 将沽出盘挂出后,须待买家肯以该价承盘,买卖才成交.


退回部箭射出后,弓弹回原处的部分bowback | 弦挂弦处以外的部分bowstring | 挂弦处接弓舎的部分nockingpoint

draw a conclusion from:从.......中总结出

put up 搭建,挂起 | draw a conclusion from...从.......中总结出 | be home to 是......的栖息地

The ship was flying the flag of truce:那船上挂出降旗

他们把船开到滩上去了. They ran the ship aground. | 那船上挂出降旗. The ship was flying the flag of truce. | 下次满潮时船就可以浮起来了. The next tide will float the ship

hang over:挂在

hang out 挂出 | hang over 挂在 | hang the jury 不能决定

hang up:挂断

如果在通话过程中遇到线路繁忙、语音通话不太流畅时,可单击"笔谈"(Chat)按钮弹出输入窗口(图3),通过输入文字形式来进行交流. 当你想要结束通话时,用鼠标在该软件界面上点击"挂断"(Hang Up)按钮即可终止和对方的谈话.


前者是"贴"(stick)在物体上,后者是"挂"(hang)在物体 ......"Plutoed"当选美国2006年流行词汇 21ST 美国方言学会日前评选出美国年度流行词. "Plutoed"一词当选2006年度最流行词语. 该词的当选源于冥王星(Pluto)被"降级".

lateen sail:斜挂大三角帆

穆泰尔,克罗地亚:在一个帆船比赛上,参赛帆船与传统的斜挂大三角帆(lateen sail)帆船一同出现在海平面上. 阿拉哈巴德,印度:在十胜节(Dussehra)的游行队伍中,一个静止舞台造型上的当地人的神情. 柏林,

Market order:市价委托

市价委托(Market Order)是只指定交易数量而不给出具体的交易价格,但要求按该委托进入交易大厅或交易撮合系统时以市场上最好的价格进行交易. 市价委托的好处在于它能保证即时成交市价委托就是按照场内挂出的买入或卖出价格进行交易,

Recess action:啮出

Ratio of roll gears 滚比挂轮 | Recess action 啮出 | Relative displacement 相对位移