英语人>词典>汉英 : 持续一星期的 的英文翻译,例句
持续一星期的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与持续一星期的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As an ongoing garden pest control, blood meal can be added to the soil every two weeks.


But it's not until the self-possessed Mars arrives in late July, for a five-week stay, that you know what you really want, and are prepared to say so.


When his career as an author progressed slowly, Verne turned to stockbroking, an occupation which he held until his successful tale Five Weeks in a Balloon.


My son's TV Turn-off lasted only one week.


"I kept saying,'No, it won't happen,'" Zimmer said this past week in a telephone interview. told me,'It's done.


In a study called the Ruth Stricker Mind/Body Study, researchers divided 135 people into five groups of walkers for 16 weeks.

在一份名为& Ruth Stricker Mind/Body Study &的研究里,研究者将135个步行者分为五组,持续16个星期。

"I kept saying,'No, it won't happen,'" Zimmer said this past week in a telephone interview. told me,'It's done.


Since I have four weeks of vacation plus paid shut-down from Christmas to New Year day and July 4th week forced shut-down, if I really want to travel, I have six weeks a year. In the next few years, I may return to Taiwan or China to teach English to support my travel heart.


My daughter is still a week for four months on the whole, it is exclusive breastfeeding, but the diarrhea has been going on for about two months, eating a lot of drugs are not improved, is still 4-5 times a day pull water samples will be asked paediatricians said that breast-fed a normal reaction, but children as early as the 40-day-old is one morning when a stool, I do not know how to do later became now such a situation can give her plus-assisted food?


The Tzu Chi-Philippines' Zamboanga Ophthalmology Charity Center is one year old this week.


更多网络解释与持续一星期的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

torpedo davit:鱼雷吊杆

sequential television equipment programmer 顺序电视设备节目控制器(程序控制器) | torpedo davit 鱼雷吊杆 | weeklong 为时一周的,持续一星期的


torpedo davit 鱼雷吊杆 | weeklong 为时一周的,持续一星期的 | gozzan [矿]铁帽